Chapter 4

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*kriiiiiiiiiiiiing…  *kriiiiiiiiiiing… I woke up to the sound of the alarm. I don’t remember setting it up. Oh, well. Better get ready for school. I am getting ready for school, aren’t i? Aunt Crystal didn’t tell me anything about school though. ‘Just get ready Sera. I’m already hungry.’ ‘Why are you always hungry?’ I took a shower, changed into skinny jeans and a fitted shirt. Wore my knee-high, high-heeled boots and went downstairs to eat breakfast. I was surprised to see that there were a few people eating breakfast. Seems that they eat earlier than me or they eat at a later time. I went into the kitchen and asked what’s for breakfast. An older woman came and told me that we can have whatever we want. Just tell them what we wanted to eat. At the sound of that, Solana perked up and shouted in my head, ‘BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACON!!!’ “Okay, okay. Sheeesh. We’d like bacon please. Lots and lots of it.” ”Lots of bacon, coming right up. My name is Trisha, Belladonna’s mother.” “Did you happen to cook the food we ate last night? I was wondering if I can have a copy of your recipes. I really liked cooking, and my wolf also loved it. Can I?” “Sure. I’ll give you a copy later.” I nodded happily and waited for the food. Mira, Annie, and Bella arrived and made a beeline for the kitchen and sat at my table. “Looks like someone is happy this morning.” Bella “We’re having lots and lots of bacon, that’s why.” I just gave them a grin that can melt even the coldest of hearts. I also added an extra ounce of charm. I’m just feeling happy today. “You’re pretty. But please don’t use your charm on any of us. We just might turn into guys and our mates would faint at the sight of it.” Annie “I’m so jealous of you guys. Did you found them when you first shifted?” “Yes. And since they were older than us, they already knew that we were their mates. They kept it secret until our first shift. Been with them ever since.” Mira “I was alone when I first shifted. That was the day may parent’s died. That was five months ago.” “Oh my, Goddess. Cheer up, doll. You now have a new family. I know it will not replace your own but it is still family. And we’re sisters.” Annie “By the way, are you attending school?” “Don’t know. My Aunt hasn’t mentioned anything about that.” Speak of the devil, they arrived just in time. They first went to the kitchen and ordered their breakfast and stopped by our table to tell me that start school today. She gave me instructions on what to do and they went to their own table. Breakfast arrived after they left and I ate and ate until I was bursting at the seams. I accidentally burped and all the girl just laughed at me. I went upstairs to get my bag after that. before i left my room, i put on light make-up because i looked a bit pale in the mirror. i went down and saw that the girls were already waiting at the bottom of the stair. i jumped when i was on the fourth stair to the bottom. i cant wait to start school. We walked for about ten minutes because the school is just a block away from the pack house. It is the usual high school with bricks for the outer wall with ivy crawling all over it. The girls pointed out where the administrations office is and told me to go and get my schedule while they wait outside. I went inside, asked the person behind the desk for my schedule and went outside to where they were waiting. They took me to my first class and told me to meet up with them at lunch. Time went by so fast. By the time I realized, it was already lunch time. I couldn't find the girls anywhere so I went on ahead to the cafeteria and went in line. I ordered two cheeseburgers, a bag of chips, a can of cherry coke and a bottle of water. Need to be hydrated or I'll wrinkle. I went to find a table to and i found one that was unoccupied. Wonder why nobody was sitting, such a good spot. I sat and started to eat my food when someone suddenly yanked me from my seat and grabbed my neck. I just looked at the guy who grabbed my neck. "The f**k you're playing at? This is our table."  "You could have just told me that instead of grabbing on the neck. Please, let go of my neck before I get pissed off." It's a shame, really. The guy is handsome as hell. He also has the attitude of the devil himself. Bright green eyes, strong jaw, straight nose, nice body. Even if don't look at his aura, I know he's strong. I think he has Beta blood in him. "You're the one who is pissing me, b*tch." That did it. I grabbed his arm and tighten my grip until everybody in the whole cafeteria could hear his bones breaking. He still isn't letting my neck go, stubborn bastard. You asked for it. I let my claws out and dug it in his arm. This time he let me go. "You b*tch." A fight on my very first day. What thrill. I already saw his bright green eyes turning black. He's letting his wolf take over. "Coward. Letting your wolf finish your fights." "I can kill you even in my human form." "Let see you try. You couldn't even choke me properly." I teased him more. I wanna see how cutthroat he is. I wanna know if he's worth that color for his aura. He needs to be to more powerful than me to kill me. 'Sera, you really like to fight, huh?' 'As if you don't enjoy it. Let's check him out.' And when things were just starting to get interested, Mira, Annie and Bella arrived at the cafeteria and pushed the other's out of the way to see what was the commotion. "Excuse me. Let us through, please." Bella "What the hell is going on, anyway? Is there a fight?" Mira "I just hope it isn't Blaze picking a fight." Annie When they finally got through the crowd, they were dumb-founded. I really wanted to laugh at their faces right now. "Sera, what is the meaning of this?" Mira "Well, this bastard grabbed me on the neck because i sat on his table. He could have just told me and I would have left with no qualms. And when I asked him to let me go, he didn't listen to me. So, I grabbed his arm to alleviate the pressure, still he tried to choke me. As a last resort, I sunk my claws in his arm so that he will let me go. And now, you see the result of that." "Annie, do you know this b*tch?" "Yes, Blaze. I know her, she's my friend. I remembered telling you last time to stop picking fights on whoever you set your eyes upon, right? THEN WHAT THE F*CKING HELL IS THIS, D*****S?" It seems that Blaze is Annie's mate. He looks like a pup trying to rebel from the way he acts.He saw me looking at him with an amused look. "What are you looking at?" Blaze "Nothing. You just look like someone has dunked you into a drum full of tar." His face is priceless. He really wants to fight me right now. If he isn't Annie's mate, I would have gladly fought him. But, alas. It is not meant to be. "You owe me a cheeseburger, just so you know." i pointed to him the cheeseburger that I was supposed to eat on the ground. He was fuming, and was as red as a tomato. And as red as his aura. "Sera, stop goading him. Please, he might just kill you." Mira. "He can't kill me. He couldn't even choke me properly earlier." I picked up the rest of my food and went out of the cafeteria. I looked for a place to eat my food. So much for a peaceful first day. 'At least we met a strong wolf.' 'True, he still can't do a thing to us though.' 'I wonder if our mate is as strong as him.' 'Wish he's stronger. Yet gentle in ways that matter.' While eating, I was daydreaming of meeting my perfect mate. **Somebody** When I arrived on the school grounds, I heard that Blaze started a fight again. Who would piss off Blaze? Everybody knew that Blaze can easily kill them. No use wondering, better to ask him directly. I went to where the fight was supposed to be, but it was already done when I arrived. Everybody was whispering about the fight so much that I was itching to know the specifics. I arrived at our table and saw a cheeseburger on the ground. Now who would waste such a good cheeseburger? "Who's cheeseburger is that and who did you pick a fight with this time Blaze?" "Why are you so nosy, Alpha?" Annie "Everybody is already gossiping it that I couldn't help wondering who the guy is." "Girl. My stupid mate picked a fight with a girl. We were working hard to befriend her since she lost her parents when she was introduced to the pack." "A girl? Dude, you could've picked a fight with any of the guys here but a girl? What's wrong with you?" "She was not just any girl. I had her neck in my hand, with my death grip no less. And she was not even choking. I couldn't squeeze her neck, no matter how much pressure I put. And her aura is the weirdest of all. It kept increasing until she overwhelmed me." Interesting. I think I want to meet her.
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