Chapter 4

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An hour and a half later the reception had finished and we were saying goodbye to our families. Though I had been away from my family before, this time was going to be different. I would be leaving them as a married woman. I would no longer be at the side of the man who courted me but the man who married me. "Call us as soon as you land so we know you got there safely." My mother said as she brought me into her arms and held me. I wrapped my arms around her tightly and nuzzled against her chest. "You don't need to worry mom, the Volturi are gone." She kissed my forehead and then held me at arm length. "I know, it's just force of habit." she said to me before passing me to my father. "It feels like just yesterday that your mother and I were in your position." "What position?" I asked. "Newly married and setting out on an entirely new journey." he replied. "It's definitely going to be a journey. I don't know what to do next. I mean, when we get to wherever we are going, what is supposed to happen?" My father kissed my cheek gently. "Just follow your emotions, listen to your heart. More importantly, don't let yourself be afraid." My father brought my into his arms and held me. Then a wind began blowing, bringing with it the sound of a helicopter. I looked up and sure enough one was landing in the meadow out by the lake. "Are we expecting someone?" "No, but they are expecting us. They will be taking us to our honey moon destination." Nic said as he came up behind me. "I hate to cut your time with your daughter short but we need to get going if we want to keep to our schedule." My mother and father embraced me once more before they released me. All of our friends and family gathered around us and wished us fairwell. Soon we were on the helicopter and soaring towards Seattle. From the sky the city was beautiful. The lights that shown below reminded me of my first Christmas at Charlie's. The tree was so beautiful with all its lights. "So where are you taking me?" I asked Nic as I leaned back in the seat of the helicopter. "Well, I can't exactly tell you because we aren't going to just one place imperticular." He replied, placing his arm around me. "What is that supposed to mean?" "You'll see very soon." He replied as the helicopter turned and headed west towards the Pacific Ocean. Thirty minutes into the flight we were over the Pacific Ocean. We continued to fly in the darkness, just silence between us. I was nervous, curious and anxious all at once as so many questions ran through my mind. Where were we going? What would we do when we got there? How would our honeymoon be? Where we going to do it tonight? I took a deep breath to relax my nerves and stared out the window. There, in the middle of the ocean was a light just sitting there. The helicopter turned slighty and then we began decreasing in altitute. "What is that?" I asked as I pressed my face to the window like a child looking into a toy store. "It could be one of many things Renesmee, but its true form is a yacht." "A yacht?" Nic nodded his head. "This is just the beginning." In the next five minutes we were landing on a helipad located on the yacht itself. Once the helicopter shut off the doors were opened and we stepped down. I looked around and was in awe at the massiveness of the boat. "It is so big." I breathed. "I know, it's more for comfort than for show though." As he wrapped his arm around my waist and led me towards what I assumed to be one of many entrances to get inside. Just before he reached the door, Nic stooped down and lifted me into his arms. I wondered how he was going to open the door with me in his arms but that curiosity was quickly silenced as the door opened on its own. "Sensors?" I questioned. "On all the doors. Same with the lights. They only come on when there is movement in a room." When we were past the threshold he set me to my feet and took my hand into his. "Would you like a tour?" I bit my lip in a nervous manner. "If you want to. I mean it is your boat so whenever it is convienent for you." Nic stopped and turned to face me. He cradled my face in his hands and kissed me. "Renesmee, this is no longer my boat, its our boat. Everything I own is now yours too." He turned to face the room. "This is the pool room." He began. I looked around the room but saw no pool. Nic walked over to a key pad by the door and pressed a button. Immeadiately the center of the room began to sink a few inches before it was retracted under the floor. In its place was a pool, and seperated by a short wall was a jacuzzi. "Oh look, I found the pool." I smirked. "This also turns into an outdoor pool room by touching this button right here." He pointed but didn't press it. "This button retracts the sun roof." He pressed the button and the pool disappeared once again. Then we were on to the next room. The rest of the walk through consisted of a butlers kitchen, sitting room ,tea room, gym, sauna, library, office, sunroom, three guest rooms , eight bathrooms and the mastersuite. This was all the inside of the boat. The outside had a area for fishing, a garage that held a vehicle, water toys and barrels of gas for them. At the back of the boat was a small area where you could sit and stick your feet in the water. I wasn't too fond of that because of my fear of falling into the water and being left in the middle of the ocean. Before we turned into the bedroom Nic introduced me to our crew. We had a maid, butler, chef, captain, pilot and our day planner. "So this is our bedroom." I said as we entered. "Yeah, this is... it." The room was beautiful, simple, elegant. A four-post bed sat against the back wall. The bedding was in a beautiful brown color and the curtains that hung at the four corners were a shimmering gold. On either side of the bed were nightstands in a brown color that was a little lighter than the sheets. Both had small lamps. At the foot of the bed was a french chaise lounge sofa and across from it, hanging on the wall was a massive screen. "You get television on this boat?" He shook his head. "It's an electronic fireplace." He chuckled. "I haven't watched a television screen in ten years." I turned to the far left side of the room and saw a pair of doors. "That's the doors to the balcony." He expressed. "That is nice. Waking up and walking outside to views of the ocean." "It was one of seven add-ons to the yacht that I had built for you. The one that I knew you'd like the most were these." He walked over to the doors that led into the bathoom and pointed to a small square in the wall. "What is it?" "It's an iPort-" He reached into his suit pocket and took out his ipod before placing it into the port. Then he clicked a button and music began playing in the room. "-It plays your music through speakers in the ceiling around the room. Every room on this yacht has them." "You did this for me?" I looked at him, eyes wide. "I'd do anything for you Renesmee." he murmered to me. Very slowly he inclined his head and then his lips were on mine. He kissed my lips and leaned away to look into my eyes. I felt my face flush and heard my heart beat speed up. Then I brought my lips back to his. Gently our lips moved together, building the heat inside my body. I parted my lips, a breath coming in quick as butterflies and sparks went off inside my body. Then I was in his arms and he was laying me down on our bed. I couldn't believe this, that we were about to make love. So many emotions ran through my mind, the last one fear. I closed my eyes as he began the process of removing my dress from my body. I couldn't let fear take over, not now. Breathing deeply I counted to five and then opened my eyes again. Nic's beautiful blues were looking back at me. "Are you alright?" I nodded my head. "We don't have to do anything if you are not ready. I will understand." "This is our wedding night, we are supposed to finish it by becoming one." Nic sat up and brought my hands to his lips, kissing each finger. "Renesmee, just being able to call you my wife is enough for now. I will wait as long as it takes, we have forever so there is no rush at all." "Are you sure?" I asked, in a tiny voice. Nic kissed my lips. "I'm one hundred perfect positive." I smiled as I looked into his eyes. This man truly did love me in every way possible and he was willing to give me everything and expect nothing in return. I knew that if I didn't give myself to him the way a wife and husband did I would never do it. Don't do it Renesmee, you will end up dying. You know what almost happened to your mother, you were the cause. You can't afford to die, especially now when you are married. Imagine the pain you would cause your husband for the rest of his life. My conscience rambled on and on and I couldn't bare it. It was my biggest fear on repeat. "I'm sorry." I gasped, jumping to my feet. "I can't." I went into the bathroom and closed the door behind myself. I turned on the shower and slipped out of my dress. I folded it carefully and set it on the counter before I turned to look at my reflection in the mirror. I looked so mature with the lace lingerie on my body. I looked married... My eyes dropped down to the ring on my finger. I held out my hand, spreading my fingers and gazed. I turned it left and right watching the light reflect off the gems. I removed my ring and set it on the counter before I stripped out of my lingerie. Then I went into the shower and sat on the bench, letting the water cascade over my body. Five minutes into the shower my mind began going off again. What a terrible wife, how could you do that to your husband. He gave you everything, he loves you. He risked his life to save yours and you can't even make love to him. What are you afraid of? You are afraid of getting pregnant and dying? Your mother was a human and she survived, you are half vampire. Give yourself to your husband, let him love you. GIVE YOURSELF TO HIM! I clutched my head, trying to rid the thoughts from my mind. But they continued to shout, their voices echoing around in my skull. My head began pounding and it was getting unbearable. "STOP! JUST STOP IT! SHUT UP!" I screamed. I wrapped my arms around my self and began rocking back and forth. "Just stop.... stop...." The shower door opened and Nic entered, going on his knee infront of me. He tilted my head back and looked at me. "What is wrong? Who were you screaming at?" he asked me. I looked at him and shook my head. "I was screaming at myself." "Why?" I shook my head. "It doesn't matter. You need to get out before you completely ruin your suit." "Renesmee, it's just a suit. You are whats important right now." He took my face between his hands and kissed me, passionately. I leaned away from him, rising to my feet with Nic. Very slowly I reached out and began undoing the buttons of his suit. I undressed him, slowly, the entire time I looked into his eyes. "What are you doing?" Nic asked once he was standing before me bare bodied. "Shhh." I whispered before bringing his lips to meet mine. "Don't think." AUTHORS NOTE: Slide show to the right is the Cromwell Yacht
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