V - Good News and Bad News

2428 Words
Upon returning to my chambers, I was taken aback to find an uninvited guest seated inside, nonchalantly sipping from a teacup as if he owned the place. "What are you doing here?" I inquired as I entered. "I am here to pay a visit," Samuel replied, placing his cup down and looking up at me. Feeling a mixture of exasperation and weariness, I walked over to my bed, tossed my bonnet on it, and then glanced back at him. "Leave immediately," I commanded as I moved towards the couch, noticing the two guards who had followed me to my room. "Or do you want the guards to escort you out?" I added, making it clear that I had no patience for his antics. "Such coldness," he remarked with a smirk, rising from the couch and approaching me. "You have changed," he said, and I couldn't help but flinch. Samuel had known Melantha since she was young, so any shift in demeanor could arouse his suspicions. I realized I needed to be more cautious from now on. "Who wouldn't have?" I replied, trying to deflect his observation. It was a fitting response considering the ordeals I had endured back in the Ythen Empire. Anyone would likely change after such experiences. "You have a point," he acknowledged, leaning in closer. "I will pay you another visit," he whispered in my ear as he passed by me, leaving with a self-satisfied grin. It was evident that he took pleasure in teasing me. In the novel, Melantha first met Samuel at her twelfth birthday party, and ever since that day, he has been following her around. Enchanted by her beauty, he had fallen deeply in love with her. However, when he finally confessed his feelings, he faced rejection and became the subject of ridicule. A few noble ladies had overheard the confession, and they found it amusing that an unknown noble with no power or wealth had the audacity to confess to the beauty of the empire, the royal princess. Sinking into the couch, I directed my gaze towards the ceiling, pondering whether he derived any amusement from our meeting. In the novel, it was clear that Melantha never had any intention to mock him. The weight of the situation left me feeling overwhelmed, and I instinctively shielded my eyes with my hands. It was at that moment that Penelope, ever attentive, materialized by my side. “The bath is ready, your highness," she informed me. I took a moment to sigh heavily, then I got up from my seat. "Is your brother in town?" I inquired, knowing she understood the true meaning behind my question. She nodded in response. "We will be heading out tomorrow. I will be searching for things needed for the crown prince's birthday party," I explained as she approached me. With her assistance, I removed my dress, followed by the heavy petticoat and confining corset, finally allowing me to breathe freely once more. "You may leave now. I can manage from here," I said to her as I walked into the bathroom. Once inside, I untied my hair and carefully removed my chamise and drawers, placing them in a basket tucked in the corner. Taking a deep breath, I stepped into the inviting white bathtub, filled with a delightful combination of milk and roses. It was a novel experience for me, and as I submerged myself in the warm and fragrant water, I felt a sense of relief wash over me, soothing my tired body and mind. "What a tiresome day," I murmured to myself, observing the floating roses in the tub. As I relaxed in the warm water, I couldn't help but whisper, "It's warm," while curling up for a moment of sheer comfort. After thoroughly enjoying my bath, I stepped out of the bathroom, now draped in a luxurious red velvet robe. Penelope's considerate touch was evident as she had laid out my undergarments and a white satin nightgown on the bed before departing. Despite the tempting spread of food on the table, my appetite eluded me, and I concluded that retiring early was the wisest choice, considering the demanding day that awaited me tomorrow. So, I settled into bed, ready to rest and gather strength for the challenges that lay ahead. ~ As morning arrived, I found Penelope already in my room, attentively arranging my breakfast on the table. I seated myself and patiently waited for her to finish her task. Upon realizing that I was awake, she approached me with a gentle smile. "A pleasant morning, your highness," she greeted me with respect, inclining her head slightly. "My brother awaits your presence at the Three Brothers' Pub," she whispered discreetly, being cautious of any potential eavesdroppers. With a nod of acknowledgment, I rose from the bed, mindful of the need for caution, as we were uncertain if there were spies lurking around. I made my way to the basin of water and refreshed my face, relieved to find the water pleasantly warm. It seemed that Penelope had just arrived. Afterward, I moved to the couch and began to have my breakfast, appreciating the moment of nourishment before the day's affairs began. "What do you want to wear, your highness?" Penelope inquired, pulling two elegantly dressed mannequins from the closet. Despite being relatively new to her role, Penelope had already prepared a plethora of options. She proved to be a highly competent lady-in-waiting, though I couldn't shake the nagging suspicion of her being a potential spy. Even though I had managed to draw her close, I couldn't help but wonder if she would eventually betray me. On her left side, a mannequin showcased a stunning blue and purple half-sleeve dress adorned with three ribbons gracefully cascading from the chest to the abdomen. The dress boasted delicate flower patterns on the shoulder and side, but I knew the large, heavy skirt would hinder my movements. On her right side, the other mannequin exhibited a simpler yet more practical outfit—a white lotus-ruffled long-sleeve shirt paired with a black high-waisted faux suede walking skirt. This choice would allow for greater mobility and help me blend in as a commoner. I decided on the latter option and pointed to it, signaling my choice. With my meal finished, I wiped my mouth with a cloth from the table and approached Penelope. She expertly dressed me, as I still struggled to handle such attire on my own. I changed into my chamise and drawers, then reluctantly allowed her to lace me into the confining corset. I hadn't anticipated wearing it again, but it seemed inevitable for the disguise. "Take a deep breath, your highness," she requested as she tightened the strings, and I complied. I felt the constriction, and I couldn't help but express my discomfort. "Wait," I gasped, trying to catch my breath. "Okay, let's move on," I said once I regained some composure. Penelope then helped me into the petticoat and, eventually, the chosen dress. The process took a whole hour, and I leaned against the wall to recover. I still hadn't acclimated to the weight of such clothing, but thankfully, this dress was lighter than the one I wore in the garden. "Now, let me attend to your hair, your highness," Penelope said, leading me to sit in front of the mirror. "You have such beautiful silver hair, your highness," she complimented as she began tying it up for me. "I agree," I replied, my thoughts briefly drifting to the woman I had encountered in that dark abyss. Melantha's hair had been tangled and unkempt during her captivity, and it brought back painful memories of her suffering. "Hide it under the hat," I instructed Penelope, and she nodded, diligently carrying out the task. Once she had completed my hair, hidden safely beneath the hat, I gazed at my reflection in the mirror. Melantha in the novel never let her hair down, always maintaining a neat bun and concealing it with a bonnet or hat. Though I didn't know her exact reasons, I decided to emulate her choice to preserve my disguise and maintain my secret identity. ~ After the long hour of preparation, we left the palace in haste, my mind preoccupied with the upcoming meeting with Penelope's brother at the Three Brothers' Pub. Unfortunately, in my distraction, I forgot to shake off the two palace guards assigned to watch over me. They accompanied us as we made our way towards the capital, making it impossible for me to meet Penelope's brother discreetly. Our first stop was dress boutiques, followed by shoe and jewelry stores. I selected the most exquisite and expensive items, using the money that had arrived the previous night while I was in the bathroom. It had been delivered by the King's attendant while Penelope was still in my room, arranging my dinner and dress. It was frustrating to see a portion of it being spent so hastily. Amidst our shopping, Penelope approached me quietly, offering a cloak. We were in a beauty product shop at the time. "Wear this and leave through the back door, your highness. Wait for me there. The owner is already aware," she instructed in hushed tones. I glanced at the owner, who nodded in confirmation. It appeared that Penelope was acquainted with her. Following her advice, I donned the cloak and discreetly exited through the back door. Penelope joined me a few minutes later, and together, we managed to lose the guards who had been following us. Since we had left them outside the beauty shop, they were likely still waiting there, unaware that we had already slipped away. In a rush, we made our way to the pub, determined not to waste a single moment. If we stayed in that shop for too long, it would surely raise suspicions, and our absence from the guards' watchful eyes would be noticed. As we entered the pub, chaos greeted us. Men were shouting, arguing, and some were even brawling while others lay drunkenly asleep on the floor. Penelope confidently approached the man behind the counter, who she addressed as "Eros." With a deft motion, she wiped his cap with a cloth, catching his attention. Leaning closer to him, she whispered something, though I couldn't make out her words. "Follow me," the burly man instructed, and so we obediently trailed behind him. Descending into the depths of the pub, we entered a concealed passage. As we reached the end, a door stood before us. The massive man knocked, alerting those on the other side to our presence. "They are here," the man announced, and the door creaked open, revealing three individuals within the room. One was seated at a table, while the other two were casually lounging on a couch. "Customer?" the man at the table inquired, exuding an air of mystery. It was evident that he was Penelope's brother, as their brown hair color gave them away. "Brother," Penelope greeted, pulling back the hood of her cloak to reveal her identity. "So, you must be your royal highness," he addressed me, rising from his seat and offering a respectful curtsy. His companions followed suit. "Pleasure to meet you. My name is Philip. What can we do for you, your highness?" he inquired, casting a glance in my direction. Not wanting anyone to see my face, I chose to keep my cloak on. "I need information about the last people of the Ythen Empire," I stated plainly, getting straight to the point. "I have that," he replied, searching through his desk for the desired information. "In return, what could I gain?" he asked, pausing in his search. I looked to Penelope, who handed him all the jewelry we had purchased that day. "This won't be enough, your highness," he remarked with a smirk, chuckling lightly. "What do you want, then?" I inquired with a frown. I had hoped this transaction would conclude swiftly, as Melantha never encountered this man in the story. He was merely mentioned during the novel's introduction of Penelope. "Your body," he abruptly answered, causing me to freeze. The room fell into an eerie silence, thick with tension. "Are you crazy?" I asked, my right eyebrow arched in disbelief. "Just kidding, your highness," he replied with a smirk before returning to the papers on his desk. He then approached me, explaining, "Protection, your highness, for my sister, that is what I need." "You want someone like me to protect your sister, who has no power?" I questioned, trying to understand his motives. "You will gain one," he assured me, grinning. Curious, I inquired, "What do you want to tell me first, the good news or the bad news?" "The good news, of course," I replied. "I know who knows where they are," he disclosed, a triumphant smile stretching across his face. "And the bad news?" I asked, anticipating a catch. "You will need to ask the person who knows," he said, handing me a piece of paper with a single word written on it: "Arenthal." Perplexed, I inquired, "What does this mean?" "That is the place where they are gathered. They are in a city built by the King himself to protect them. Besides him, no one knows about it since those who created and are aware of the place are already buried under its secrets," he explained. "The King of Arenthal is protecting your people, your highness. If you wish to find them, you must ask him yourself," he added. "The King?" I repeated, realizing the potential significance of this revelation. The second male lead in the novel is Cassius Azov Arenthal, a ruthless and cold-blooded ruler. The story never delved into his physical appearance, leaving me uncertain about how he looks. The only recurring description of him was that he was cold, ruthless, and a madman. “Cassius Azov Arenthal.” I murmured, remembering him. "Yes, that man," he confirmed, bringing me back to my senses. "Then, thank you for the information. I will get back to you," I replied absentmindedly, taking my leave with Penelope. As we walked back to the shop, Penelope inquired, "What are you going to do now, your highness?" "I need to think about this first," I replied, contemplating a plan. If I wish to find my people, meeting with the king appears to be the initial step, but I'm unsure if he will be forthcoming with the answers I seek. "For now, let us head back," I decided, and we made our way back to the shop.
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