III - Terrible Nightmare

4441 Words
Lisha Stanford often found herself alone in their mansion, patiently waiting for her parents to return home. This particular month, her parents were away on a business trip in Milan. However, one day, in the middle of July, an unexpected visitor appeared at their doorstep, bringing with him some dreadful news. The unforeseen visitor was a police officer, delivering heart-wrenching news that would permanently alter her life. He disclosed to her that her parents had been involved in a catastrophic accident. Their car had collided with a delivery truck. Her father succumbed to his injuries at the accident site, while her mother, although initially surviving the crash, tragically passed away after being rushed to the hospital. She found it incredibly difficult to process the devastating news she had just heard. At that moment, she was at a loss for how to react. Despite the overwhelming emotions coursing through her, she was determined not to reveal her vulnerability to anyone. As the sole daughter and the future owner of the Stanford Enterprise, she knew she had to be strong and rise above the situation. She reassured herself that she could handle this, convincing herself that it was just another obstacle to overcome. "Thank you for delivering the news. Good night, officer," she managed to utter, but the words felt hollow and insincere. Deep inside, she was grappling with a whirlwind of emotions, but she chose to shield her true feelings and put on a facade of composure. She closed the door and slowly ascended the stairs to her room. Unaware of her body's physical response, she felt her trembling intensify as she fumbled to lock the door behind her. Overwhelmed with emotions, she collapsed onto the floor in a state of utter helplessness. Tears streamed down her cheeks as her gaze fixated on the family picture adorning her wall. In that moment, she cried uncontrollably, feeling an overwhelming sense of vulnerability and sorrow, as if she were a child once again. "MOM! DAD!" She called out, her voice filled with desperation and longing, as she buried her face in the palms of her hands, seeking comfort that she could no longer find. The weight of her loss and the realization of being left alone in the world weighed heavily on her heart, and the echoes of her voice seemed to carry the weight of her emotions into the emptiness of her surroundings. "Why?!" she wept and screamed endlessly that night, the anguish in her voice piercing through the darkness. She called out for her parents, hoping against hope that they would miraculously return. However, the morning light brought the harsh reality, and the funeral proceedings began. Her days, once filled with laughter, now felt alien and unfamiliar. The weight of grief and loss was uncharted territory for her. Uncertain of how to cope, she found herself torn between letting her tears flow freely and maintaining a composed demeanor. In the midst of this profound sorrow, she grappled with the conflicting emotions, trying to find her way through a world that had suddenly changed beyond recognition. ~ During the funeral, distant relatives and unknown family members emerged from the shadows to offer their condolences. Their presence was unfamiliar, and she struggled to recall any prior interactions with them. In truth, she had little interest in memorizing the names of these individuals who seemed to appear solely for her parents' fame and wealth, rather than out of genuine care or connection. Their motives felt hollow and opportunistic, adding an extra layer of discomfort to an already painful and overwhelming situation. “Their daughter seems to be cold-hearted to never even shed a tear for her parents. How shameless!” Overhearing whispers and judgmental comments, she couldn't help but feel hurt and angered by the harsh criticism directed at her. People labeled her as cold-hearted for not shedding tears for her parents, assuming she was shamelessly indifferent to their passing. Little did they know the depth of her grief and the inner struggle she faced in keeping a composed front amidst the pain. The weight of their words only added to her burden, making her feel more isolated in her grief and misunderstood by those around her. Amidst the judgment and criticism, she reached a point where she no longer cared about the opinions of others. The weight of her grief, the burden of responsibilities, and the feeling of isolation became unbearable. All she wanted was for this overwhelming pain to come to an end. The emotional turmoil had taken its toll, leaving her feeling emotionally exhausted and longing for some respite from the suffocating darkness surrounding her. After the funeral concluded, the families convened in their mansion to discuss who would take her in as their adopted child. Despite her strong opposition, she was only thirteen years old and had no authority to refuse their decision. Feeling powerless, she retreated to a corner, staying quiet as they debated her future. Deep down, she harbored a strong aversion to the idea of being adopted by any of these distant relatives. She sensed their true intentions, recognizing that they were only interested in her family's wealth and assets. Their desire to care for her seemed insincere, driven solely by greed. Feeling like a mere pawn in their plans, she couldn't help but resent their motives and long for a life beyond their grasp. On that day, her father's best friend and the CEO of their company, Mr. William, paid a visit to their house. He offered to take her in, stating that it was what her father would have desired. Having known Mr. William since she was seven years old, she recognized him as a kind and caring individual, which made her receptive to the idea. Despite the difficult circumstances, she found some comfort in the thought of living with someone she trusted and who had a deep connection to her family. The prospect of being under his care brought a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness of her current situation. In the end, her relatives had no choice but to agree with Mr. William's decision, and she began living with his family. The experience felt surreal, almost like a dream, and it was a stark contrast to the nightmarish situation she had been in. She felt as if she had been awakened from a terrible ordeal she never wanted to relive. The love and attention she received provided a sense of security and comfort she hadn't felt since her parents' passing. Yet, in the back of her mind, doubts and uncertainties began to emerge, questioning the sincerity of their affection. As time passed, she couldn't help but wonder if their kindness was truly genuine or if there might be hidden intentions behind their actions. Living with Mr. William's family seemed like a blessing at first. They showed immense care and attended to her needs with genuine affection—or so she believed. ~ As she turned fifteen, time continued to march forward. One chilly evening, after arriving home late from school, she unintentionally overheard her foster parents engaged in a conversation with each other. The muffled voices floated through the house, catching her attention and piquing her curiosity. While she didn't intend to eavesdrop, she couldn't help but listen to what they were saying. The hushed tones and secretive exchange left her feeling unsettled, sparking a nagging sense of unease within her. Uncertain of whether she should confront them or keep her discoveries to herself, she grappled with the implications of what she had inadvertently overheard. "How long do we have to wait?" Mrs. William's voice echoed through the house, a high-pitched scream that cut through the quiet of the night. Hearing Mrs. William's outburst, she froze outside their room. The force and intensity of her foster mother's scream startled her, and she hesitated to proceed any further. Eavesdropping on such an emotional and private moment left her feeling like an intruder, but she couldn't ignore the intensity of Mrs. William's emotions. Unsure of what she should do next, she grappled with conflicting feelings of concern for her foster parents and a sense of guilt for overhearing their argument. It was clear that something was amiss, and she couldn't shake the feeling that there were underlying tensions within the family that she had not been aware of until now. The weight of this newfound knowledge added to her uncertainty about how to handle "After she turns eighteen, we will finally get the money. Just have patience; only a few more years and this will all be over," she heard Mr. William's cold, calculating voice reply. As she stood frozen outside the room, her heart sank. The revelation cut through her like a knife. The realization that they were seemingly counting down the days until she turned eighteen, just to gain access to her family's wealth, left her feeling betrayed and furious. A mix of emotions surged within her—anger, hurt, and a desire for justice. She wanted to burst into the room, confront them, and unleash her anger, but she resisted the urge. She knew that revealing her knowledge prematurely might only benefit them and jeopardize her chances of safeguarding her family's fortune. In that moment, she made a silent vow to herself. She would play along, appear compliant, and let them believe they had succeeded in their deceit. However, deep down, she was determined not to let them have even a penny of her family's hard-earned wealth. She knew that her own patience and strength would be her greatest weapons in ensuring that justice was served and that their deceitful plans would eventually backfire. As she began rebelling, her anger and frustration found an outlet in the form of bullying. She targeted classmates and others who had bothered her in the past, those who exhibited a know-it-all attitude or had conflicts with her. However, she was careful not to harm innocent people, reserving her actions for those who had genuinely provoked her. Her intention was to make life difficult for her so-called parents, to show them that she would not be manipulated or deceived. But her plans took an unexpected turn when her stepsister, confronted her about her behavior. Her name is Melissa and she is their real daughter that started to show her true colors. "I know you heard them," Melissa said, a smirk playing on her lips as she raised a knowing eyebrow at her stepsister. The revelation and her casual demeanor left her momentarily taken aback. It was clear from her expression that Melissa was fully aware of her eavesdropping on their parents' conversation. Melissa's confrontational yet seemingly relaxed approach added a new dimension to the already complex dynamics at play, leaving her stepsister to grapple with the implications of this newfound knowledge. As it turned out, Melissa was well aware of their parents' ulterior motives in adopting her. She chose not to respond to Melissa's accusation, knowing that it would likely escalate into a quarrel. Furthermore, she didn't want to inflict harm on Melissa, especially not her lovely face. When she was about to walk away, avoiding the confrontation, Melissa unexpectedly seized her by the hair, preventing her from leaving the scene. The sudden move shocked her and further escalated the tense situation, forcing her to face the confrontation she had been trying to avoid. "Really?" she questioned, taken aback by Melissa's aggressive behavior. But Melissa remained silent, intensifying her grip on her hair. Left with no other option, she retaliated by kicking Melissa in the stomach. The unexpected blow forced Melissa to release her grip and caused her to crumple to the ground. The situation had escalated into a physical altercation, a twist that neither of them had anticipated. "What are you doing?!" Mrs. William's unexpected arrival caught them both off-guard. She rushed to help Melissa stand up, giving her a stern glare before turning her attention to Lisha. The disapproving looks in Mrs. William's eyes was evident, and Lisha could feel the weight of her foster mother's disappointment and frustration. Feeling cornered and conflicted, Lisha struggled to find the right words to explain herself. She knew her actions weren't justified, but she was also grappling with the sense of betrayal and anger over her parents' deceptive plans. The situation had spiraled out of control, leaving her with a sense of helplessness and a growing rift between her and her foster family. "Is this how you'll repay us? Have we been too kind to you, is that why you have been acting out like this? You are an ungrateful wretch!" Mrs. William yelled, spitting venomously in her direction. Her loud outburst drew the attention of bystanders who began whispering among themselves, their curious eyes focused on the unfolding drama. Caught in this heated confrontation, Lisha could only scoff dismissively at Mrs. William's accusations. The resentment and hurt in her heart bubbled up as she was publicly berated and called ungrateful. Yet, she kept her emotions in check, not wanting to give Mrs. William the satisfaction of seeing her break down under her harsh words. Even though she was hurting, Lisha resolved to stand her ground, reminding herself of the deceit she had uncovered and the reasons for her rebellion. "Isn't it fascinating that many people take advantage of the trust they have been given?" she said, meeting their gaze with unwavering resolve. Her words carried a profound sense of disappointment and frustration as she addressed the betrayal she had experienced. The pain of being deceived and taken advantage of weighed heavily on her heart, and in that moment, she found the strength to confront them directly. The intensity of her statement resonated in the place, causing an uneasy silence to settle among the onlookers. She refused to back down, making it clear that she wouldn't allow herself to be manipulated any longer. Despite the tumultuous emotions swirling inside her, she spoke with a poise that demanded respect, determined to stand up for herself and reclaim the trust that had been shattered. Upon hearing her strong and unyielding response, Mrs. William's anger intensified, causing her to lash out with a derogatory insult. "W-what?! This awful b***h!" she exclaimed, further fueling the tension in the room. The hurtful remark didn't go unnoticed by the spectators, and whispers of disapproval and shock spread among them. The situation had escalated to a point where emotions ran high, revealing the fractures within the family dynamic. Despite the hurtful comment, Lisha stood her ground, refusing to let their words break her resolve. The confrontation had unveiled the truth, and she was determined to face the consequences of her rebellion, no matter how difficult the path ahead might be. "Oh, do you think that I was completely unaware?" she retorted with biting sarcasm. "Even if you won't be seeing a penny from my inheritance, don't worry. I will make sure to pay you back for all those years you took me in." She added. However, her defiant response was met with a harsh physical reaction. To her surprise, she was slapped, a clear indication of the anger her words had incited. This sudden act of violence only amplified the already escalated situation, further fueling the tension and conflict within the family. The sting of the slap was not just physical, but also emotional, underscoring the betrayal and deceit she had uncovered. "Isn't that what you want? Money?" Lisha's voice trembled with anger as she gritted her teeth, trying her best to maintain her composure. The overwhelming frustration and hurt were pushing her to the edge, but she refused to let them see her break down. She had endured enough deception and manipulation, and now it was time for her to speak her truth. The tense confrontation drew the attention of onlookers, causing a crowd to form around them. The two people in front of her were left speechless, unable to respond to her accusation. As the situation became increasingly public, Lisha decided to remove herself from the scene, choosing not to entertain their manipulations any longer. Walking away from the tumultuous situation, she couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions - anger, hurt, and a sense of liberation. She knew that she deserved better than the deception they had subjected her to, and she was determined to break free from their grasp. ~ After the confrontational encounter, she decided not to return home immediately. Instead, she sought refuge at her parents' graves, a place where she felt a deep sense of connection and solace. She poured out her heart to them, sharing the bitter events that had transpired. Her parents' graves had become her sanctuary, a quiet place where she could express her deepest feelings and frustrations without judgment. Each visit allowed her to unburden herself and find the strength to face her struggles. It was a painful, yet cathartic, ritual that helped her navigate the challenges she faced in her life. "Mom, Dad, your daughter will turn eighteen tomorrow, and... I just wish that someone would love me the way you did. I wish that someone would stay by my side and never leave me, unlike how you were taken from me." Overwhelmed by her own words, she broke down in tears. The weight of her emotions was too much to bear. The pain of her parents' absence was made even more poignant by her upcoming birthday - a day that should have been filled with joy and celebration, but was instead a stark reminder of her loneliness and the betrayal she had experienced. As she let the tears flow freely, she found some measure of relief in the act of sharing her deepest fears and desires with her departed parents. ~ As she arrived back at the house in the late hours of the night, she noticed that the entire place was engulfed in darkness, except for a faint glimmer of light emanating from Melissa's room. Intrigued and curious, she paused for a moment, her attention drawn to the source of the unexpected illumination. As she stood outside Melissa's closed door, she couldn't help but overhear hushed voices inside. Her heart skipped a beat as she realized she was inadvertently eavesdropping once again. The hushed conversation she heard was unexpected and left her feeling uncertain about what to do next. She debated whether to intervene or to give Melissa the privacy she deserved, torn between her curiosity and the desire to respect her stepsister's boundaries. "You can't kill her! My conscience will haunt me," Mr. William's voice echoed from within Melissa's room. Hearing these chilling words, her heart pounded rapidly in her chest. Quietly, she retreated from Melissa's door, making her way to her room with a sense of dread washing over her. As she delicately closed her door, trying to make as little noise as possible, she felt the enormity of the situation weigh heavily on her. She moved to her bed, pulling her blanket over herself and curling up as if seeking some form of protection. She felt vulnerable, akin to a helpless lamb exposed to the cold. Her mind reeled from the sinister implications of Mr. William's words, her fear and anxiety amplifying the chilling loneliness of the night. The revelation that they had contemplated such a dark and sinister act left her stunned. It was a chilling realization that the people she had been living with, those who were supposed to care for her, had harbored such nefarious intentions. She didn't shed tears, her emotions seemingly numbed by the weight of the betrayal. Despite the shock and fear, she somehow managed to find a sense of calm that allowed her to sleep soundly that night. The events of the previous day had taken a toll on her, yet she found some measure of respite in slumber. ~ When morning arrived, she awoke to find her eighteenth birthday had arrived. This milestone day brought with it a mix of emotions, both sadness and relief that she had survived the night. The events of the past twenty-four hours had changed her perception of those around her and reinforced her determination to navigate her life with caution and resilience. As she woke up a bit later on the Saturday morning, she found the house eerily quiet. Everyone seemed to be absent, leaving her alone downstairs. Curiosity got the better of her when she noticed a letter and an envelope placed on the table. With a sense of trepidation, she approached the table and picked up the letter first. The handwriting looked familiar. Her heart pounded in her chest as she unfolded the letter and began to read its contents. Happy Birthday! We hope not to see you anymore in this house. As she opened the envelope, her eyes fell upon her confiscated passport and credit card. The physical evidence of their deceit sent a shiver down her spine. The documents that should have been under her control all along had been taken from her, leaving her at their mercy. The weight of the situation sunk in as she realized the extent of their manipulation and control over her life. They had used her vulnerability and trust to their advantage, leaving her feeling betrayed and vulnerable. Holding her passport and credit card in her hands, she knew that she needed to take charge of her life and reclaim her independence. This moment served as a stark reminder that she couldn't allow herself to be at the mercy of their deceit any longer. With a newfound determination, she decided to confront them and take back what was rightfully hers. It was time to break free from their web of lies and regain control of her life and her future. The path ahead was uncertain, but she was determined to face whatever challenges lay ahead with strength and resilience. However, did they change their mind about killing me? Or did I just mishear it? Does this mean that I am finally free? Just then, she heard a door close from upstairs; it was Melissa. She descended the stairs and headed towards the wine cellar in the basement. Shortly after, Melissa emerged, holding two glasses of wine. Watching Melissa carefully navigate her way back with the filled glasses, a myriad of emotions swirled within her. The sight of her stepsister, whom she had grown to care for despite the circumstances, brought a complexity of feelings to the surface. As she contemplated their relationship and the recent revelations, she found herself at a crossroads, torn between her loyalty to Melissa and her own self-preservation. "Happy birthday. I'm sorry for yesterday," Melissa said, offering her the other glass of wine. The sincerity in Melissa's voice was evident, and it was clear that she regretted her actions during their confrontation. As she accepted the glass, Lisha felt a mix of emotions welling up inside her. While she appreciated Melissa's apology, the wounds from their previous encounter were still fresh. She was torn between forgiving her stepsister and holding on to the pain caused by the revelation of their parents' intentions. The wine in hand served as a symbol of their complicated relationship. Lisha understood that forgiving and trusting again would not be an easy process, but perhaps this moment marked a small step towards healing the rift between them. She knew that moving forward, she would need to tread carefully, guarding her heart while also being open to the possibility of reconciliation. "Isn't it too early for this?" Lisha questioned, eyeing the glass of wine with a hint of hesitation. Despite her skepticism, her question also hinted at a possible willingness to engage with Melissa, suggesting that she was considering the possibility of forgiveness or at least a conversation about their complicated situation. “It’s your birthday. We won’t be able to celebrate it anyway. My parents and I don’t want to see you anymore. Besides, your flight is at eleven in the morning,” As Melissa spoke, the reality of her situation hit Lisha like a punch to the gut. The words stung, confirming her fears that her relationship with her foster family had irreparably fractured. The news that they no longer wanted to see her and that her flight was scheduled for that morning left her feeling both hurt and abandoned. Despite her initial willingness to consider reconciliation, Melissa's words made it clear that the divide between them was too deep to bridge. The reminder of her impending departure, combined with the ticking clock, added to the weight of the moment. Time was slipping away, and she had to face the reality of her situation head-on. With a heavy heart, she picked up the envelope that held her passport and credit card, a symbol of her newfound independence. As she looked at the clock, she realized that her flight was mere hours away. "I'll get ready now," she responded, raising the glass of wine to her lips for a sip. Despite the bitter reality of her situation, she remained composed. The wine, a symbol of her adulthood and the challenges she'd encountered, seemed to lend her the strength she needed. Her statement reflected a sense of acceptance and determination. She knew that she couldn't alter the past or the actions of her foster parents, but she could take control of her future. Her resolve hardened, she prepared herself for the imminent journey and the uncertain road that lay ahead. As she ascended the stairs, the taste of wine lingering on her lips, her heart was heavy with a myriad of emotions. Regret for the broken trust and betrayal she had experienced; determination to forge her path forward; and anticipation for the new beginning that awaited her. The pain and hurt were still fresh, but she had made up her mind - she was ready to take on the world on her own terms. In the rush to depart, she didn't bother saying goodbye to anyone in the house, including Melissa, who seemed to have disappeared by the time she reached downstairs. She knew that waiting for another chance to leave that toxic environment would be futile. This was her only opportunity, and she wasn't going to let it slip away. Hurriedly making her way to the airport, she carried her passport, credit card, and the weight of her past with her. It was time to escape that hellish place, embrace the unknown, and create a future free from the manipulation and deception that had haunted her for so long. The journey ahead was uncertain, but she was resolute in facing whatever lay beyond the departure gate.
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