8: Raelynn

2013 Words
Chapter eight: the most incredible dad.  *** I have had enough. The tears kept rolling down my cheeks, and I was on the floor, feeling broken and hurt. I closed my eyes and thought of the pain Theo had caused. I wanted to yell at him, and I wanted to put all my anger on him. The madness he gave me, and the pain he put me through. Theodore loved you. Something in my head told me. I didn't believe it, and as much as I wanted to believe it, I couldn't. Because I knew that he didn't, or he wouldn't have hurt me. I wouldn't have been here if he loved me. One thing I knew for sure was I loved him. I knew it was my fault, and it was me to blame when Theo hit me. I should've been more grateful and happy with him, and I knew if I went against him, he'd hurt me even more. I stood up after a couple of minutes lying on the floor and forced myself to go to the bathroom. I filled the bathtub with warm water, and I stripped and waited until the bathtub reached the middle of the bathtub. I felt broken and bruised, and it was all because of love. I knew better than this, but I didn't want to let go of Theo. Theo meant a lot to me, and I could not give up on him just because he hurt me a couple of times. I guess love hurt. * "Rae, are you okay?" The door swung open, walking in was my dad. He knocked multiple times, but I didn't answer, so he entered the room. "Theodore told me that you broke up with him," dad sat on my bed. "It's okay, you will meet other boys, and boys will break your heart whether you like it or not." "I don't want to love anymore," I grumbled, burying my head into the pillow. "Oh, come on," dad laughed. "Love is more than Theodore. Rae, I am glad that you broke it off with him because he wasn't showing you the world." "I loved him, dad," I sniffled. I felt stupid that I loved such a man. "You will love again," dad played with my hair. "So what if you do not find a boy, I will never stop loving you, and I know that you know that I will never leave you." I smiled. "You're the best." "I know," he nodded. "That's why you don't need another man. As long as I am here with you, boys don't matter." "Don't be jealous. You're always going to be number one," I reminded Dad. "I love you, dad." Oh, how I was lucky to get a dad like mine. * "When are you fixing things with Gracie?" Dad asked when I got into his car. "When she apologizes," I replied. "It was a stupid reason, but she started it." "I forgot what was the reason you two fought," dad chuckled. "Teenage drama is what I needed in my life, am I right?" I smiled slightly. "I'm sorry, dad." "Why are you apologizing?" He asked, driving away from the house. "Because you already have too much on your plate," I answered. "I'm just adding more stupid unreasonable problems in yours to think about." "Trust me, Rae, when you tell me your problems, even if it's stupid and unreasonable, it still brings a smile on my face," he told me. "You have no idea how happy I am when you put your worries on me, and it makes me feel like I am a dad, not just a father." "You're great," I kissed his cheek. "I know," he smirked. * When we arrived at the school, I waved goodbye to Aiden and dad and got out of the car. My eyes caught Theo, who stood near the door with his friends. He moved his eyes from me to the car and turned his head to the door. I sighed, trying not to break down in front of the whole school. As I walked into the school, I noticed Gracie and Audrey surrounded by the girls from yesterday. I looked at them and waited for them to notice me. All the girls did, but they didn't do anything. They did not ask if I could join them or sent a couple of smiles towards me. I tended in my place and walked into the school all alone. Before I opened the door, I checked if my dad was still there, and thanks to God, he wasn't there. I proceeded to head to my locker, which was next to Gracie's. I knew she was overreacting all of this, and so was I. But I wasn't going to let it go until she apologized like an ordinary human being. I breathed out and opened the locker. I heard footsteps behind me, but I didn't bother to see who. I did not know why I hoped to be Theo, but I knew Gracie when I heard a girly voice. "Aren't you going to apologize?" I stopped cleaning my locker, and I slowly turned around to come face to face with her. "Apologize for what exactly?" "If I were Theo, you would apologize in a second," Grace scowled, crossing her arms on her chest. "We broke up," I told her. Grace's eyes widened, and her arms fell into her sides. "I didn't know that." "So, tell me, why would I apologize?" I asked, leaning against the locker next to mine. "I'm waiting for your answer." "You instantly put the scholarship first," she said. "You forgot about our friendship." "Scholarship is going to give me a degree. Friendship won't," I reminded Grace. "I want to be able to pay my parents' bill, and I want to sleep assured that we have something to eat the next day. I want to live, and if I put friendship first, I won't fulfill what I want for myself and my family. I am done watching people succeed in their lives, and I am watching them. I want to do something for me, and that school will provide it for me." "I understand that Rae, but we care about you, and we don't want you to be someone you're not," Grace sighed. "This scholarship is driving you insane, and I don't know if it was the scholarship or Theo, but you've been pushing us a lot lately." "I'm sorry that you feel like that, I will try my hardest not to push you away, but lately, it's been only me and my thoughts in one room," I apologized. "I'm sorry for forcing our friendship; I know how hard it must be for you to get high grades to please your family," she smiled, hugging me. "You can do it, though." I didn't hug her back and stood there like a statue. What did she say? "You don't think I can do it?" I asked, pushing her arms away. "It's too late," she shrugged. "Today is the second day of school, and we are seniors." "Gracie, do not talk to me until you learn how to talk," I scowled at her, then made my way to the class. Grace did not believe in me, and I wondered why because I always saw something in her that I didn't see in anyone else. I always believed in her and always motivated her, but she wasn't doing the same. I didn't know what had changed her. * "You told them that we broke up?" Theo asked on the other side of the phone. "Why did you tell them that we broke up? Where are we going to be a couple?" "You know that someone in school might see us together, and there will be a chance for him to know about us," I explained. "You're right," he mumbled. "Anyways, I told my parents that we broke up for good, so they won't tell your parents that we are still together." "You told my dad that I broke up with you in front of your family too," I rolled my eyes. "I don't need your smart mouth today," Theo yawned. "What happened between you and Gracie today?" "I always believed in her and was there for her, and that's the only thing she had to do," I frowned. "Gracie said-" "Ayo, Cody is calling me, and he's probably going to ask about the game," he cut me off. "See you in school, Rae." He pressed the red button. I wasn't surprised, but I was downhearted. He never listened to me and heard my problems. I listened to him when he ranted about his football. I listened to him when he complained about his parents. It was finally getting to me that nobody ever listened to me. I closed my eyes, and I began to feel the sadness in my heart. I didn't cry, and I didn't sob. I wanted to sleep, so I placed my phone in my drawer and closed it. * As I walked into school the next day, my phone vibrated, and I answered without seeing the ID caller. "Hello?" I responded. "It's been too long since I talked to you," my brother's voice appeared. "How are you?" "I'm fine," a smile formed on my face. "How are you?" "I'm great," he replied. "You're busy, right?" "I'm at school," I said. "Lucky for you, I have fifteen minutes left for class." "Why? Where is Theo?" Eddie asked. "We broke up," I told him. "Woohoo!" He cheered. "I'm sorry, but you know that I didn't like him, and now that I won't get to see him in two weeks." "What?! You're coming in two weeks?!" I exclaimed happily. "Yes," he said. "I am coming for a week. I can't wait to see you again." "Me too," I frowned. "I can't wait to hit you because you took my charger!" "Listen, I lost mine, and so I had to take yours. I was moving to another state, and you don't want me to live anymore?" "You could've bought a new charger," I stated. "Whose charger are you using now?" He asked. "If your phone is still charged-" "Gracie's," I cut him off when I remembered that it belonged to Grace. I frowned when I realized that she had given it to me because she had a spare charger. "Then you don't have to hit me."  "I am returning it, Eddie," I said. Soon enough, I realized that half of Gracie's belongings were with me, which meant we had a lot of memories together, so it would be stupid for us to ruin it for a dumb reason.  "Hey, Ed, I'll talk to you later," I told him, so he said goodbye, and I hit the red button.  I walked to my locker, hoping to see Gracie there, but she wasn't anywhere near her locker.  I sighed when I took what I needed from my locker and made my way to the class.  * Class after class, I was looking for Gracie, but I couldn't find her anymore. I stopped when I saw Audrey, and my heart dropped.  She was standing with Theo, but she had a sad expression on her face, which made me wonder about their conversation.  I walked to them and tried to eavesdrop, but Audrey's eyes moved to mine, and she stopped. "Hey, Rae."  Theodore turned around to face me, and he had a blank face. "Raelynn." "Theodore," I said. I felt my hands jiggle, and my mouth dried. "Audrey, where is Grace?"  "I don't know," She shrugged. "I didn't see her today."  "Okay," I looked down.  "You pushed all of your friends away too?" Theo chuckled coldly. "You're a psycho, Raelynn."  I wanted to speak up, but I couldn't for some reason. I breathed out, not looking at Theo, and I turned around. I made my way out of the cafeteria with my head down low.  I didn't know why Audrey stopped talking to me. Now I felt alone.  ***
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