7. Raelynn

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"One of the happiest moments in life is when you find the courage to let go of what you can't change." Chapter seven: broken and bruised *** One year later. "I can't believe that this is going to be our last first day!" Grace squealed as we entered the school. "I know right," Audrey sighed in relief, linking her arm with Grace's. "Can you believe how everything had changed?" Grace grinned at us. "We aren't freshmen anymore; we are seniors, which means we rule the school!" What Grace said was true. Everything had changed. I hadn't seen Eddie in a year, and even though he was my brother, we drifted away and stopped talking to each other every day. I rarely opened my phone to contact him because he was always busy with parties and studying. I licked my lips, and I focused on my friends. "I'm sorry for what I am about to say, but I'm glad you didn't get the scholar." I looked at Grace in shock. "What do you mean?" I requested a scholarship in one of the most expensive schools in the states, and I cried my eyes out almost every night that I wasn't accepted and for her to stand next to me to tell me that she's glad I didn't get it broke me. "Look at you and Eddie, ever since he went to California, you lost touch and hardly ever spoke to each other," Grace elaborated. "You two are siblings, and it's hard for you to stay in touch, so what about us?" "What about us? Gracie, you know that whatever happens, Eddie will always be my brother," I said. "If I got the scholarship, you would still be my best friend even if we don't talk every day. As long as we know we have each other, then nothing matters." "Well, I am upset, okay? The school knows that we are the three inseparable best friends," Grace sighed. "Our reputation will be ruined when people only see two people walking together." "That's what you care about? Our reputation in school? What about my future?" I stopped walking and looked at her with furrowed eyebrows. "My future matters more than a reputation that won't matter next year." She opened her mouth to say something, but I immediately walked away from them. I couldn't believe what I heard from Grace, and I couldn't believe that she put something worthless on top of the future. I was a senior now, and I wouldn't allow some reputation to come in between my education and my future. I had impoverished parents, and if I wanted to help them out, I had to work my butt off until I helped them out in every way possible. I cursed under my breath when I saw the teacher walk in before me because the teacher always hated it when students entered the class after him. It isn't delightful, but he was the teacher, and we had to respect him. I followed him into the class and looked up at the boy waving at me. I smiled at him and walked towards the empty seat next to him. One thing that didn't change for sure is my love for him. I looked at Theo with awe, even though everyone warned me about him, and they all told me to break up with him. I couldn't. I didn't want to because I knew I couldn't live without Theo. He had been physical with me, but he always apologized. I felt trapped with him, and I didn't know a way out, so I stayed with him. "Babe," he kissed my cheek as soon as I took a seat next to him. "Are you excited for this year? I bet that you are ready for the finals." I rolled my eyes. "Not funny, Theo, and I am." "Alright," he chuckled. "Listen, do you want to meet up after school so we can go to my place?" I understood what he meant by the look he gave me, so I shook my head. "I can't." I was lying. I wasn't in the mood to do anything today because I was still hooked on the scholarship I couldn't get. It was an opportunity that I could get, but I couldn't have. If I graduated from that school, I would make it in the future in any college I wanted, and every job would accept me without thinking. That's why the school was pretty expensive, and even if I sold both of my kidneys, I wouldn't get in. Since the school was expensive, they only chose one student from each school to have the chance to attend that school. "Why not?" He asked, face turning red in anger. "I have to be home because I'm babysitting Aiden," I lied. "He is twelve. Can't he take care of himself?" He scoffed. "No, he can't," I shook my head. "Good morning, everyone!" The teacher greeted us. "I am Mr. Bark, and do not laugh at my last name, and I was bullied enough about it." * Surprisingly, the day ended quicker than I thought. Grace and Audrey hadn't glanced my way ever since the morning, which was kind of annoying because if they put themselves in my place, they would agree with me. Grace picked me up in the morning, and now I had no one to take me back. So, when I went out of the school, I glanced at Grace's car and saw that she already had two girls and one boy in it, so there wouldn't be space for me. I sighed and went in the direction of my house, which was twenty minutes away if I was walking. I turned my head when I saw Theo in his car, and he was looking at me. His car was behind me, and I had to turn my head to the right to see him. He placed his phone in his ear and called me because my phone vibrated in my hands. "What are you doing?" "Walking home," I mumbled, looking straight ahead of me. "Wasn't Gracie supposed to take you back home?" Theo asked. I hated it when he called her 'Gracie,' her name was Grace because she wasn't his friend. "We fought," I bit my tongue. "I don't have anyone to take me home unless-" "Oh, then don't forget to call me when you reach," he said, hanging up the phone. My heart ached, then my heart broke into pieces when I watched his car drive away past me. I frowned, and I continued walking to the house. Feeling nothing but heartbreak, it killed me, but I was still not giving up on Theo. Maybe I could change him. * Maybe I had high expectations when it came to Theo. Perhaps I imagined him to be the bad boy, and I would be the one who could change him. I was still holding on to that hope. "Dinner is ready," mom called me. I got out of bed and rushed out of the room. I hopped my way out to the kitchen, only to see the family I didn't expect to be over at this time. Theo's family. I seemed to forget how close our families were together, and I groaned mentally at mom, who failed to tell me that they were coming over. "Rae," Theo looked at me strangely. "Your parents told me that you weren't babysitting your brother today." I knew they would tell him. Why would they tell him? "We changed our minds last minute," dad grumbled. "Raelynn, go to your room." I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "Sure, dad." "Theodore, I want to see you outside now," my dad demands. Theodore tensed up, and he nodded after a few seconds. "Yeah." They both walked outside together, and I made my way to the room. I closed the door, and I sat on my bed because I was confused and scared. I groaned when he took so long, and now that I had time to think. I thought back to what happened earlier with Gracie, and I could hear my heart shutter at the look she gave me as I walked away from them. I exhaled because I didn't understand whose fault it was that we had the small fight. I cared about my future, and Gracie cared about our friendship. What's more important? I have no idea. A knock interrupted my thoughts, and I looked up at the door, waiting for my dad to open it. He sent me a small smile, and he closed the door after he entered. "I am not going to sit back and watch my daughter get hurt in front of me," he said as he sat next to me. "Listen to me very well, Raelynn. It would be best if you broke it off with him, Rae." "H-he doesn't hurt me, dad, I am alright," I stuttered, looking down at the floor. "I love him, and he loves me." "He doesn't love you because he pushes you around," dad scowled at me. "You know you will find someone better, and you know that Theo doesn't treat you like the queen you are. So, the reason why you are still with him confuses me. I thought you were better than this, Rae. You can't always listen to your heart. Give your head a little bit of time to shine." "I don't want to break up with him," I shook my head. "Rae, he's not treating you good at all, and even though we didn't witness him hurt you, but the way you look at him says it all," dad sighed. "Your eyes speak louder than you think. For example, when we told him that you weren't babysitting Aiden, his eyes widened, and something like anger appeared in his eyes. Then, when he told you, you shivered, and I saw your chest racing." I looked down. "Dad, I-" "Don't be stupid, Rae. I raised you better than this," dad stood up, and he looked down at me. "If you do not break up with him, I will call the cops on him, or better? I will destroy him." I nodded slowly. "You're right." "You don't need a man when you have me, Eddie, and Aiden," he shuffled my hair. "Trust me when I say that we don't consider Theo, a man." I chuckled slightly. "Thank you, dad." "No need, Rae," he hugged me when I stood up. "Break up with him after dinner, alright?" I nodded. "Alright." Dad walked out of the room, and I stayed for a couple of minutes, trying to collect my thoughts. Did I want to break up with Theodore? No, because he wasn't that bad. He had control of me, and I couldn't find it in my heart to leave him. It felt like the world was against us now, and I didn't know what to do. My dad wanted me to break with Theo so bad, and I knew he was my dad. But he had to understand that my feelings towards Theo were strong enough for me to hold on to him, no matter how many times Theo had pushed me away. I felt lost in my head that I didn't notice who had entered my bedroom. "You told your parents?!" "I-I didn't," I shook my head. "I don't know how they knew, but I didn't tell them anything, I swear!" "You're a liar!" He whispered in my ear, pulling my hair. Tears rolled down my cheeks, but I bit my lips, trying not to cause a scene. "You wipe those tears, and do not make me mad." "Get off of me," I sniffed. "Please, let go of me." "You want me to let you go?" He chuckled. "You told your parents, and you want me to let go? Listen to me very well, Rae, I love you, and I will never leave you alone, do you understand?!" I nodded. "Yes, yes!" "Good job," he chuckles coldly. "Now, I am going to let you go, but do not forget what I said." I swallowed a lump, and out of nowhere, Theo threw a punch at me, and I could feel the blood dripping out of my nose. "Oh, your dad wants me to break up with you," Theo said, pushing me down onto the floor. "So, in front of him, we are no longer together, but I am not letting you go just yet." He walked out of the room, leaving me alone in my bedroom. Broken and bruised, I sat on the floor, wishing I was dead instead. Wishing I had listened to Eddie in the first place because he knew better. ***
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