Chapter 45

2325 Words
            The last day in Vermont past very quickly. Jay tried hard to avoid being alone with Cole. She did not want to talk with him. In her opinion, he said it all and there was nothing else to add. She knew what kind of guy he was, but she still hoped they could be friends after all. She did not want to settle him down! Hell no! She was counting on few hot, passionate nights with no expectations. She did not think that he would treat her like that. And despite she did not want it, she still felt hurt.             She stayed closed to Ashley or Holt or Byron. When she had them near her, she felt safe and relaxed, and Cole did not dare to come closer. They played games, watched movies and went outside to have a snowball fight. In the evening they ate dinner together and played puns. Jay planned to spend the last night with Ashley and Stephanie, so they could get to know each other better. But in the end, also Shane, Patricia, Emily and Coleen joined them and they and they had girls’ night with wine, beauty treatments and confessions.   -       I like Byron. – Patricia suddenly said. – He’s a nice guy. And even if he’s filthy rich, he doesn’t show it off. -       You’re right. – Shane agreed. – You should try to flirt with him. -       Never! – Pat shook her head. -       Why? – Steph asked intrigued. -       Because I think he’s interested in someone else. – She said sadly. -       You kidding me? – Jay jumped up. – Who is she? -       You stupid! – Patricia snorted. -       What?! – Jay choked on her wine. – That’s not true! – She opposed. -       You spend a lot of time together. – Emily pointed out. -       Yeah! – Jay agreed. – But because he’s so like my brothers! I can talk with him about everything! We can talk seriously and joke. And above all, we love to tease each other! – She explained. – I miss my brothers and Byron’s presence helps me survive somehow.  – She shrugged. -       Oh! – That was the only one word Patricia could utter. -       I thought that it’s Holt who’s more like a brother to you. – Coleen cut in. -       Well, to some degree. – Jay admitted. – But his care and overprotection get on my nerves. – She snorted. – Even my brothers aren’t that annoying! – She chuckled. -       He really likes you. – Shane pointed out. -       And I like him! But hey! There should be some limits! – She rolled her eyes. -       I like Cain. – Shane confessed. – He’s quiet and composed, but there’s something about him that keeps me awake at night! – She fanned herself with her hand. -       Okay! That’s something! – Stephanie said seriously. -       You need to get him! – Coleen said. -       What?! – Shane was surprised. -       She’s right! – Jay said. – What?! – She asked surprised when they looked at her shocked. – Such emotions cannot be suppressed! It’s unhealthy! – She added in a mentoring tone. -       Holy s**t! – Ashley said. – I didn’t expect that! -       I know what I’m saying! So stop laughing and do something about Hank or you’ll be dam frustrated! – Jay advised. -       I don’t know what you’re talking about! – Ash said indignant. -       There’re definitely sparks between you two! – Pat agreed. -       And a lot of s****l tension! – Shane added and took another bottle o wine. – Just as between Jay and Cole. – She grinned. -       That’s something different. – Jay replied. -       Why’s that? – Stephanie asked intrigued. -       Because the interest is one-sided. – Jay grimaced and poured herself another glass o wine. -       I don’t think so! – Emily stated. – I’ve never seen him like this! -       Like what? Sick and tired? – She snorted. -       What did he do? – Shane asked. Jay noticed a dangerous flash in her eyes. -       Why do you assume that he did something?! – She asked. -       So he didn’t do anything!? – Emily laughed. – Moron! -       Okay! That’s it! – Jay said. – He’s damn f*****g hot, I admit. But he’s out of my league. -       Seriously?! – Stephanie exclaimed. – You look good together. -       Agreed! – Ashley cut in. -       Thanks, but I’m not interested! – Jay was getting pissed. – Can we just change the topic? – She asked. – Let’s talk about plans for the New Year’s Eve! -       Great idea! – They said almost simultaneously.               Jay breathed a sigh of relief when she managed to divert the conversation. She had not thought that her interest in Cole was so obvious! She was so embarrassed that she wanted to disappear. Fall under the ground. ‘Thank goddess I’ll be back home tomorrow!’ She thought and focused on the ongoing conversation. ***             She did not allow herself to feel sorry for what had happened and immediately reassumed her routine activities. She did not regret anything. Well, maybe except it was all over before it really started. But on the other hand, she could finally leave it behind her and focus on the most important things.             The first one was the murders. She analyzed all the cases one more time. She was looking for some way to get the vampire’s attention. That would give her an advantage and perhaps prevent further victims among innocent girls. It was more than certain that they would meet eventually, and Jay wished it had happened sooner. But the truth was, he dictated the terms here. He and his witch, because she was damn sure that some bloody witch was helping him.             Another major problem she had to deal with was the upcoming Christmas. She was planning to go home. She missed her brothers, Maria, Sean and others. She wanted to see her home town in the middle of winter. But most of all she wanted John to go with her. Jay thought it was about time for family reunion. Now she only had to convince him to go.             Fortunately, her grandparents were planning to come to New York soon. If she plays it right, her grandparents will also go to Purple Creek with them. ‘I’ll need to find some time for them.’ She thought. But now she was already late for her classes, so she quickly grabbed her bag and an apple on her way to the door. She ran down the stairs and almost collided with Dominic.   -       Slow down! – He chuckled. -       I can’t! – She replied. – I’m already damn fuckin late! – She almost spat, but she stopped. – You need something? -       Just wanted to ask if you’re okay. – He asked, watching her carefully. -       Yeah! Why? -       You seemed tired. – Dom pointed out. – And stressed. -       Because I am. – She said. – Christmas is coming! It’s a bit of a hectic time. – She shrugged. -       The world won’t collapse if you take one day off. – He smirked. -       Probably not, but for now I prefer not to risk it! – She said and he chuckled. – Have a nice day! -       You too! – He watched her getting into the car and driving away. – Crazy girl! – He summed up and went upstairs to his apartment.               Jay broke several traffic rules, but thanks to it she was only ten minutes late. She ran into the class, apologized for being late and sat at the very end of the class. All she had to do now was to get through the whole day. ‘And in the evening I’ll go to the “Double Bottom”!’ She thought and smiled to herself. It has been a long time since she last fought in the pub and she was looking forward to it.             During the lunch break she met with Ashley, Hank and Darren. Since they came back from the Green Mountain National Forest they had no chance to meet and talk. They were planning some huge party for New Year’s Eve and Jay really wished she could be here, but she already planned to stay in Purple Creek till January. She wanted to spend some time with her family.             Then they went back to their classes. She still had parapsychology and occultism awaiting her, but since she really liked those subjects it was not such a torture. And when the classes were finally over she sighed with relief. She quickly grabbed her stuff and headed towards the exit. The parking lot was still full, but more and more cars were disappearing in a hurry. ‘The party night!’ She thought with sarcasm.             She headed slowly towards the car, wading in the wet snow. When a tall SUV left the parking lot, she noticed a red Corvette parked nearby. She looked that direction. He was leaning freely against the bonnet. It was clear that he was waiting for someone. ‘And for sure it’s not me!’ She thought and went to her car. She reached to the pocket, but could not find her keys. She checked the other pocket and her bag.   -       f**k! – She swore under her breath. -       Jay?               She almost jumped up at the sound of his voice. ‘What the hell does he want?!’ She thought angrily, but composed herself quickly and turned around to face him. She put a polite smile on her face.   -       Cole… -       Can we talk? – He asked and put his hands into his pockets. He was damn nervous. -       Sure! – She shrugged. – What do you need? -       So that’s how it’s going to look like now? – He asked bitterly. -       What do you mean? – She frowned. -       You’ll talk to me like this? As if nothing happened? Like I’m some complete stranger?! – He hissed. -       Okay! What do you want Sullivan? – She got pissed. – Just make it quick! -       You didn’t give me chance to explain. – He said a bit calmer. -       You could’ve called. – She pointed out. – Or write. – She shrugged. -       I wanted to talk to you face to face. – He said. -       So you’re seeing me now! – She snorted. – Say what you have to say. -       First of all, - he paused for a second. – You’re not a one-night-stand girl! Don’t cut in! – He said when she wanted to say something. – You got me wrong. Yes, I chickened out. I should have told Holt what happened between us, but I didn’t. At that moment I wanted to hide it. – He combed his hair nervously. – But that doesn’t mean you were a toy for me for one night! -       Listen Cole! – She interrupted him. – I’m a bit tired of it. Of that constant hide and seek! Can’t we just get over it? – She suggested. -       Get over it?! – He almost growled. -       I really don’t regret what happened. And I was ready for another few nights like this. But I’m okay with the fact that you have enough. I’ve got what I wanted anyway, so I guess we’re even. – She said indifferently. -       You’ve got what you wanted! – He said irritated. – So I guess, I’m right! -       About what? – She asked intrigued. -       How did you do that?! – He asked demandingly. – You’ve added something to my drink?! Put some amulet under my pillow?! Prepared some woo-doo doll?! Or maybe you simply cast some fuckin spell?! – He asked in a raised voice. -       What?! – She asked shocked. She felt cold. -       Don’t pretend to be so surprised! – He scoffed. – I saw what you did! – He said and snapped his fingers. – You wanted me to see that! -       Perhaps! – She admitted. – But you’re wrong! I haven’t cast any spell! – She hissed. -       Don’t lie to me! – He growled. -       How dare you?! – She spat and using her power she located the car keys. – I’m a witch! – She said proudly. – But I don’t use power to hurt people, nor to gain benefits for myself! It’s against the rules and my nature! – She turned around, opened the car and got in. -       Jay! – He had doubts again. – I’ve f****d up! I admit that! Just let me fix it! – He begged. ‘What the hell did she do to me?!’ He thought panicked. -       f**k you Sullivan! – She hissed.               Jay shut the door, started the engine and drove off, leaving shocked Cole at the empty parking lot. He had no idea what happened. It was not what he planned. He wanted to apologize and then learn more about her. And now she hated him.
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