Chapter 17

2209 Words
            Jay must have admitted that she had a really great time. She met so many interesting people last night, she danced with charming and polite men and discussed important topics with high-ranking politicians. And she managed to overhear Captain Patterson talking to one of the guests about the recent events in the city. And even if she learned nothing new, at least she confirmed the information she already had.             The party lasted till the late night hours, or rather till the early morning, because the last guests had left only few minutes past four. They almost had to force some of them out. Cadence and her sons stayed for the rest of the night. Apparently, they had to spend the night here often, because each of them went to their own room.             Jay was not tired so she took a long relaxing shower and at five she was already outside, ready for jogging. She put on headphones and turned on her favorite playlist. The crispy air was refreshing. She took a deep breath and made a few exercises to warm her muscles up. Then she headed towards the near park.             After fifteen miles she was back at home in the gym. She spent there more than two hours, thinking about the murders again, but nothing new came to her mind. Then she went to her room to take another shower and get dressed. She chose her favorite jeans and turquoise T-shirt. At eleven she was ready for brunch, as Mrs. Morgan would not even want to hear that she is not hungry or not in the mood. So she went to the kitchen first to help the housekeeper a bit.   -       Hey Mrs. M! – She greeted the old lady while opening the kitchen door. She was surprised that Holt was already there, drinking coffee and nibbling blubbery muffin. -       Good morning, sunshine! – Mrs. M. was definitely in a good mood. – Did you sleep well? -       I haven’t slept, you perfectly know that. – She murmured. -       Did you hear that boy? – She said to Holt. – This girl will lead me to my grave! She doesn’t care about herself and her health! – She whined. – I asked you not to go out alone! Especially at night! -       It was already morning. – Jay pointed out. -       Was it dark outside when you left? – The housekeeper asked. -       Yeah, it was still dark. – Jay replied a bit annoyed. -       Then it was still the middle of the night! – Mrs. M. stated.               Jay just snorted, took her favorite cup and poured herself some coffee. She should feel tired, but in fact she had a lot of energy after hard training. ‘I’ll rest later.’ She thought carelessly. She added a generous portion of cream to her coffee and smiled to herself.   -       Don’t you even think about it! – Mrs. Morgan threatened Jay with her finger. – Drink some juice! – She handed her a glass of fresh orange juice. -       I ran for two hours and then spent another two in the gym. – She said. – I already drunk two glasses of juice and a bottle of water. I need coffee! – She groaned loudly and rolled her eyes. -       I saw it! – The housekeeper said angrily. -       I hope so! – Jay replied. -       Did you hear that?! – Mrs. M. raised her eyes to heaven. – This girl is a real devil! I need to bring more muffins! – She said suddenly and left. -       You run? – Holt asked. -       Yeah. – She confirmed. – What? Is it so weird? – She snarled when he lifted his eyebrow. -       Yeah. I mean, no. – He looked puzzled. – You’re in good shape. – He added gazing at her from head to toe. -       Thanks. – This time she lifted her eyebrow. – You like what you see?  - She asked provocatively. -       It’s nice to look at you. – He smirked. – You’ve got well-shaped muscles. How you achieve it? – He asked curiously. -       Years of exercises. – She looked him up and down. – You look good too. As for a lawyer. – She smiled at him. -       Here you are! – Cadence entered the kitchen before Holt could reply. – John and Reeve are already in the dining room. Holt! Don’t eat sweets before a real meal! – She scolded her son, which made Jay smile even wilder. – Don’t! – She slapped his hand as he tried to take another muffin.               Jay burst out laughing. Holt gave her a thunderous look, which made her try to behave seriously, but with poor result. She shook her head quickly, took last plates and went to the dining room. Cadence and Holt followed her. They ate together in a friendly atmosphere, joking and laughing.   -       How do you feel in New York? – Cadence asked. -       Very well! – She replied. – I love this house! And it seems that together with dad we’ve found common language. – She smiled at John. -       Good to hear that! – Cadence said. – Your father missed you so much. I’m glad that you decided to come over. -       I’m happy too! – Jay said honestly. – It was the best decision I’ve made in a long time. – She smiled sadly at the memory of all the bad choices she made lately. -       And the city itself? – Cadence changed the topic seeing her reaction. – How do you like it? -       It’s beautiful and so vivid! Full of life. I visit it slowly, when I have some free time. – Jay admitted. -       Maybe you need a guide? – She asked suddenly. – Reeve may show you the most interesting places! – She offered and her son almost choked. – He knows New York inside out! -       That’s nice. – Jay said slowly. – But I don’t want to take his time. – She tried to mix out of it somehow. – I’m sure he’s very busy. -       It’s not a problem for him! – She was convincing. – Right honey? – She turned to her son. – Will you take Jay sightseeing? -       I think I can find some spare time. – A sudden grimace ran through his face, but Reeve did not want to oppose his mother. -       I can take her! – Holt cut in. -       Oh, wonderful! – Cadence was delighted. -       It’s not necessary! Really! – Jay was still polite, but she was losing her patience slowly. -       It’s not a problem for me! – He assured. She saw a spark of amusement in his eyes. – I just need to know your timetable. -       Okay! – She agreed, already thinking how to get rid of him. – I’ll check it and let you know. -       Brilliant! – Cadence was satisfied.               John stayed silent. Reeve looked relieved. Cadence was chirping like a sweet little bird. And Holt was already focused on his favorite blueberry muffin. Just as if nothing happened. Jay felt safe again. ‘He just played his role and saved his brother from entertaining a country girl.’ She thought with amusement. But yet she thought that it was completely unnecessary. She could deal with it on her own, so she decided to speak with Holt Miller later and ask him to mind his own business. ***             She caught him in the kitchen an hour later. He was flirting with Mrs. Morgan, which softened Jay’s heart. But just a bit. She was still furious with him for mixing up. ‘Why did he actually do that?’ She wondered. Even if she thought at first that he wanted to do his brother a favor, she quickly abandoned this idea. He rather looked like someone who would push his best friend into a lion’s mouth just for fun.   -       You’re impossible, young man! – Mrs. M. was trying to be harsh, but she was giggling like a teenage girl. – I have to go shopping! Be nice! – She warned him, making gestures towards Jay who was standing by the door. -       I promise I’ll behave myself! – He gave the old lady a charming smile. -       That was sweet. – Jay said when the housekeeper left. -       I love that woman! – He said it so honesty, that Jay had no doubts it was truth. -       Yeah, she’s amazing! – She agreed. – I was looking for you. -       You were? – He looked at her with a sly smile. -       Yes. – She tried not to get disturbed. – I want to talk to you. -       So you found me. – He stated. – How can I help you? -       Coming back to sightseeing. – She quickly got to the point. – You saved your brother from oppression. That was something! – She said admiringly. -       What time do you finish on Fridays? – He cut in. -       Sorry, what? – She asked confused. -       I have Friday night off, we can go somewhere. – He continued undaunted. – You like Chinese food? -       What? – She was confused. – Wait a second! -       You prefer Italian cuisine? – It seemed that he was having fun. – Or maybe Mexican? -       Okay, listen! – She stopped him and sighed. – It’s really not necessary! Besides, your mother’s not here, so we can stop playing this silly game.               He was just looking at her with his deep blue eyes, with a gentle smile on his lips. The silence was irritating. He was irritating! ‘What the f**k is his point?’ It crossed her mind. She had no time for stupid games and pointless conversations. And he was just sitting there, having fun at her expense! ‘Over my dead body!’ She thought angrily.             -       Stop it! – She lost her temper. -       Stop what? – He asked with a sweet, innocent voice. -       Fine! Keep that stupid smile on your face! Maybe someone will be pleased with it! – She turned back and left without goodbye.               She went straight to her bedroom where she packed all her stuff. She was glad that she has her own place where she could go right now. If she had to put up with that self-righteous asshole for another few hours she would have to slit her wrist. Which, considering her self-healing abilities, would be completely useless!             Jay left her room and went downstairs to look for her father. She found him in the parlor. He was together with Cadence. They were talking about interior decoration over their coffee. Reeve was there too, standing by the window, looking at the winter world outside. Then she saw Holt as well. ‘f**k!’ She thought furiously. He had to sense her mood because he smiled widely. ‘Go to hell!’ She sent him a hateful thought.   -       Here you are! – John gave her a warm smile. – Come on, join us. – He patted the sofa next to him. -       I’d love to, but I have to go now. – She faked sadness -       So early? – He was disappointed. -       I have a lot of learning. – She lied. – I’ll come over soon. – She promised. -       Hope so. – John shook his finger at her. -       You won’t have time to miss me, you’ll see. – She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. – See you. Goodbye Cadence, thank you for such a nice evening. -       It was nice meeting you again. – She said. – Hope I’ll see you again soon. -       For sure. – Jay said. – Reeve, Holt. – She said to Cadence’s sons. – Thank you too. -       Take care! – Reeve said. -       I’ll walk you to the door. – Holt offered suddenly. – I insist. – He added before Jay could protest.               She left the room quickly and headed toward the front door. Holt quickly caught up with her.   -       Could you just stop for a moment? – He asked. -       What? – She growled at him, but she stopped abruptly and turned towards him. -       Where are you going? -       I’m going back to my place. - She almost spat these words out. -       But you live here. – He pointed out. -       No, I don’t. – She snapped back. – I didn’t come here to get money from my rich daddy! – Her eyes cast a lightning. -       You’ve heard that? – He asked embarrassed. -       I did. – She admitted. – Is that all? -       Why? – He asked. -       I value privacy and independence. – She replied sharply. – And now, excuse me. -       I didn’t mean to offend you. – He added. -       You didn’t . – She said, turned around and headed towards the door. – See you!               He watched her leaving. He felt embarrassed for what he and his brother said last evening. It seemed that they were all wrong. The real Jaysabel Tyler was completely different to their imagination.
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