Chapter 26

2606 Words
            She heard the sound of the phone, but she was too tired to open her eye and pick it up. The last night was a complete madness! Jay spent the whole day at the college and then she went to Cadence, who insisted they undergo cosmetic treatment together. Of course all the relaxing baths, massages and other treatments were a fantastic way to spend the evening in the company of such a nice person as Holt’s mother.             But then the nightmare began. Jay always thought that Mel was the master of tortures! But Cadence was much worse. Manicure, pedicure, wax, hairdresser. To dull her senses a bit, Jay drank gallons of margarita. And now she had a terrible headache. ‘My first fuckin hangover! How lovely!’ She thought with sarcasm and covered her head with a pillow to drown out the persistent melody.             She came back home at three in the morning. For about five minutes she considered going to the gym, but she finally decided that she was too drunk. She did not bother showering or changing into her pajamas. She lay down as she was standing and fell asleep exhausted. And now she was not able to say if her phone rang several times or it was just a dream.             When she heard the annoying melody again she groaned loudly. Someone would not give up, so Jay threw down the sheets abruptly, grabbed the phone and answered it.   -       What!? – She growled. She did not care who was on the other side, she did not know the number anyway. -       How happy and joyful you are! – She heard a male voice. -       Listen! I’m in no mood for stupid jokes! So kiss my ass! – She said rudely. -       That sounds like an invitation! – The guy purred like a wild cat. -       p*****t! – Jay hissed. – Where did you get my number, asshole? – She was getting mad. -       You gave it to me, sunshine. – The man replied. He was genuinely amused by the whole situation. -       I do not recall. I avoid idiots! – She said. -       Ouch! – He seemed offended. – Are you okay? – He asked, worried. -       Who is this? – She asked confused. -       I thought you were kidding! It’s me! Cole! – Now his voice became familiar. -       Cole?! – She was surprised. – Oh God! I’m so sorry! – She felt embarrassed. -       Unnecessarily. – He assured her. – Did I wake you up? – He asked. -       I came back in the morning and just fell asleep. – She explained. – I don’t even know what time it is. – She sighed. -       It’s almost three. – He answered. -       What?! – She was shocked. She slept almost ten hours. -       Are you sure you’re okay? – He asked with concern. -       Yeah, I’m fine. Something happened? -       Why? Because I’m calling you? – He chuckled. – I gave you a whole week. You didn’t call. – He pointed out. -       I just… - She started but did not know what to say. – I wanted to, but… - ‘f**k!’ She growled at herself. -       You were busy? – He prompted. – Jay, what’s going on? -       Can we just meet and talk? – She asked. – Maybe today? – She wanted to go through this as soon as possible. -       There’s party at Holt’s place today, you forgot ‘bout that? – He reminded her. -       How could I? I went through a veritable torture while preparing myself for this event. – She said with sarcasm. -       We can talk when I see you there. – He suggested. -       I’d prefer in privet, but we can talk in the evening anyway. – She said. -       In privet you say? – He asked intrigued. – I’ll see what I can do. – He promised. - You want me to pick you up? – He asked. -       No, thanks. I can handle it. – She assured. -       If you change your mind, just call me. -       Okay. – She had to smile. – See you later. – She said and hung up.   ***             After the phone call, Jay took a long hot bath. God knows she needed it. Essential oils and three aspirins eased the excruciating headache a bit, but she had to use a little spell anyway. Relaxed and a bit more lucid, she wrapped herself in a soft towel and went to the kitchen to make herself some fresh coffee. Te first sip almost made her cry with happiness.             Around six she started getting dressed. She promised Cadence she would be there earlier to help her with the finishing touches. She quickly put on makeup, putting on a lot of eyeliner and mascara. Her costume was already at the Millers’ house. First she wanted to dress up as Cleopatra, but then she came across gorgeous 80s style dress. High-heeled booties, leather biker jacket and a wide headband completed the outfit.             Last night she asked the hairdresser for tiny curls. The fact that she used a spell to keep her hairstyle did not matter. Now she just stopped in front of the mirror to check if it was okay and left. The cab was already waiting for her. She had to go by taxi, because last night she was too drunk to drive. Cadence wanted to wake up Reeve or Holt to give her a lift, but Jay managed to talk it out of her mind.             When she got to the mansion she had to take few deep breaths before she was ready to go inside. She still hated such parties, nothing has changed. But still, she promised, and she was a person who kept her word. The door opened the same moment she pushed the doorbell. ‘That’s creepy!’ She thought but smiled widely to the maid. She was led to the ballroom where Cadence was conducting the waiters.   -       Put that down young man! – She said irritated. -       Wow! – Jay said to gain the hostess’ attention. – That looks amazing! -       Jay, sweetheart! – Cadence’s face brightened instantly! – Thank God you’re here! -       I’ll go upstairs to change and then I’ll help you. – She offered. -       I’d be grateful! Catering drives me crazy! – She said desperately. -       Like everything, mum! – Reeve appeared suddenly behind Jays back. -       Hi Reeve! – She turned to face him and smiled widely. – How are you? -       I’m good, and you? – He asked a bit confused. -       I’m just great! – She replied. – Give me few minutes and I’ll be back! – She quickly headed to one of the guest rooms.               When she came back downstairs she heard voices in the hall. She easily recognized Rod’s hollow laughter. Jay hurried in that direction to say hello. Her little black dress clung to her body so tight that she had to make small steps. But she was pretty satisfied with her look. The wide neckline allowed her to reveal the shoulders. The pendant Bryan had given her glittered just above the groove of her breast.   -       Hi guys! – She greeted them joyfully. – What?! – She asked a bit worried when they did not respond. -       Hi, gorgeous! – Byron was the first to meet her eyes. – You look fabulous, girl! – He came closer, grabbed her hand and turned her around. – A real Sandra with wasp waist! -       Charming as always! – She kissed him on the cheek. – Where are the girls? – She asked. -       Holt will bring them. – Rod answered. – How many hearts have you already broken today? – He smiled at her widely. -       I only broke my fingernail. – She pouted. -       Somehow I don’t feel like believing it. – Craig cut in. – Hey sweetie. – He kissed her on the cheek. -       Come inside! – She urged them. – Cadence will be delighted! -       Hello, sunshine! – Cole waited for his friends to walk away a little, then he leaned in and kissed her lightly on the lips. – You look beautiful! – He moved his lips to her earlobe and sucked it for a while. – And damn sexy. – He whispered straight into her ear. -       Cole! – She said warningly. -       And you smell amazingly! – He brushed his lips against her neck. – Maybe we’ll talk in privet now? – He said in a tempting voice. -       Jay, sweetheart! – They heard Cadence voice. -       I’m here! – She shouted back and smiled as Cole grimaced. – Come! We’ll find some time to talk later. – She added conciliatory and winked at him.   ***             There were many guests at the party that she had already met at her father’s, but there were also many people who she met for the first time. And even if she did not like such parties, Jay still had a great time. Mainly thanks to the company of Holt and his friends. The only unpleasant touch was the presence of Samantha Lorenzo and Craig Henderson. With all the sympathy she felt for the boy’s father, his son was still an asshole.             As for the girl, after meeting her parents, Jay began to understand why Sam was like that. Her father, a financier, was convinced of his own infallibility. Anyone who did not do as well as he was a failure or him. Samantha’s mother, in turn, an heiress to a great fortune, was carrying only about arranging parties for the New York’s elite and organizing charity events. Neither of them gave their daughter enough time or attention. Therefore the girl cared only for herself and ignored others and their feelings.             Luckily among Cadence’s friends there were also parents of Hank, Darren and Ashley, who were also at the party. They talk a lot to each other, and Jay felt guilty about neglecting her friends lately. She promised herself she will spend more time with them. She thought that she would arrange a meeting of the whole pack so they could catch up.   -       Could I borrow my daughter for a while? – Jay’s daughter appeared next to them suddenly. -       Of course, Mr. Tyler. – Darren replied. -       Please call me John. – He said. – I’ll give her back in a moment. – He promised and led Jay to the dance floor. -       Is your partner busy? – She asked her father. -       I don’t know what you are talking about. – John pretended to be indignant. -       You really like her! – Jay noticed surprised. -       Cadence? – He asked. – Of course I like her! We’ve been friends for so many years! – He explained himself. -       You know that I’m not talking about friendship! – She snorted. – And don’t try to deny it! I’m not blind! – She warned him. -       Okay! You caught me! – He admitted finally. – I don’t know how it happened. – He added helplessly. – I know I shouldn’t! -       What?! – She was shocked. – Dad! Cadence is a wonderful woman! -       She is. – John agreed. – But Isabo… -       Stop it! – Jay cut in. – Mum died a long time ago. And I’m sure she would like you to be happy! – She convinced. -       I don’t know. – He said uncertainly. -       But I know! Promise me you’ll ask her out! – She insisted. – I won’t let that easily! You know me well enough! -       I will, happy?! – He cut off. -       Oh yeah!               She threw herself in his arms and kissed him on the cheek. Over his shoulder she saw Sam Lorenzo with her indulgent smirk on her face. ‘That stupid goose still thinks I’m is mistress!’ Jay thought pityingly. She smiled maliciously. ‘Choke on that b***h!’ She hugged her father even tighter. Sam looked away, and Jay felt a rush of satisfaction.   -       May I? – At the sound of Cole’s voice she freed herself from her father’s embrace. -       Of course! – John kissed her hand. – Thank you for dancing with your old man! Keep an eye on her, Cole! – He asked. -       I will! – Cole promised. – Did you miss me? – He asked when they started to dance. -       Not really! – She pouted. – There are so many interesting people around and I was so busy! – She teased him. -       Really?! – He lifted his eyebrow and then leaned in. – Liar! – He whispered straight into her ear and Jay felt a thrill of excitement. -       You’re very confident. – She whispered back. – How can you know I’m not telling the truth? – She asked intrigued. -       I can feel you tremble when I touch you. – He lightly nibbled at her earlobe. – And you lick your lips when you see me. – He moved away a bit to look at her. -       What?! – She asked shocked and he smirked. – I do not! – She said indignantly and licked her lips denying her own words.               He laughed and pulled her closer.   -       I don’t mind, sunshine! – He assured her. – You flatter me. -       Do I? – She lifted her eyebrow. – I didn’t know you needed it. -       Because I don’t. But still… - He did not finish. -       What? – She asked intrigued. -       You’re different. – He stated finally, looking into her eyes. – See you soon.               The music suddenly ended. Cole disappeared into the crowd and she was left alone. ***             The last guests left after four in the morning. Jay and her father stayed, just as Holt’s friends. They talked for a while longer, then retried to the guest rooms, leaving Cadence and John alone. ‘They look like a couple of teenagers!’ Jay thought climbing the wide stairs.             She closed the door behind her and went to the bathroom. She was tired, but not enough to lie down in her clothes. She took off her costume and all the jewelry and stepped under the shower. She allowed hot water to relax her muscles. She washed her hair and washed off her makeup. Later she used wonderfully fragrant oils and put on silk nightdress she bought lately. She left her hair dry naturally.             She walked into the bedroom and froze.             He settled himself comfortably on the large bed. He was wearing soft sweatpants and a navy blue tee. He was barefoot. His hair was still wet after the shower. And he was looking at her with his deep blue eyes. ‘f**k!’ She swallowed hard.   -       What are you doing here?! – She asked uncertainly. -       Waiting for you, sunshine! – Cole smiled charmingly.
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