Chapter 53

2020 Words
            She awoke when the flight attendant shook her slightly by the shoulder.   -       Please fasten your seat belts. – She said with a smile. -       Why? What’s happening? – She asked in a sleepy voice. -       We’ll be approaching the landing. – The woman explained. -       But… - She broke off as the flight attendant had already stepped forward to the next passenger.               ‘What the hell?!’ She thought. ‘I slept the entire flight?!’ She turned on her phone. It was almost midnight, which should be the right time. She had several missed calls from Mel and Christian. She was not even surprised that Bryan was trying to call her as well. They also inundated her with text messages. They were worried. And she? Did she worry that she was sleeping like a baby? That she hardly remembered the take-off of the plane, that she unbuckled her seat belts and made herself comfortable on the soft chair?             It was weird, but she did not care at all. She was refreshed and relaxed. For the first time in a very long time. So she decided to give herself a little more time and she hid her phone. She will write back later.             She went through the check-in and thanked herself silently for her practicality and minimalism, thanks to which she did not have to wait for her baggage. Her father was already waiting for her.   -       How was the flight? – He asked. -       I slept like a gopher. – She smiled at him. -       You could have sent for the plane. It’s at your disposal. – He noticed. -       When I really didn’t mind the charter. How are grandparents? – She changed the topic. -       They decided to stay in New York for a while. You’ll have more time to each other before they embark on the journey of their life again. – His joy was contagious. -       Maybe you should do a party repeat? The autumn one was very successful. Now you could organize a carnival ball. – She suggested. -       Why not?! – He picked up on the idea -       What about a party with a theme or a costume party? – She added. -       I’ll ask mum to organize everything. -       She’ll be delighted! – She agreed with him. -       I’m glad you’ll stay. – He said when they parked in front of his house. – Even if only for a day. -       Should I miss a breakfast made by Mrs. M? Never! She’ll make pancakes and mango smoothie. -       Sounds delicious.               They got out of the car and headed for the door. It was freezing cold but nice. Totally different than in Los Angeles. The house was already dark, but there was light on the porch. ‘Mrs. Morgan must’ve left it.’ She thought. They stepped inside and were immediately enveloped in pleasant warmth.   -       Thanks for a lift. – She kissed Jon on the cheek. -       You’re welcome! – He gave her a warm smile. -       Goodnight dad. -       Goodnight baby girl! – He brushed her cheek gently.               ‘When did my little girl become a woman?’ He pondered. He had lost so much. Time, shared memories, important moments. Jay gave him a chance to catch up, if only a little, for the backlog. And he was grateful to her for that.   -       Jaysabel! – He called after her when she reached the top of the stairs. – Maybe I’ll take a day off tomorrow? – He asked when she stopped. – We could spend the day together. – He suggested. – Only the two of us. What do you think? -       I’d like that. – She answered honestly. – Goodnight.   ***             She could not say that a day spent with her father had not brought her pleasure. They drove to the mall right after breakfast. Jay helped John find a present for Cadence for her upcoming birthday. Then they went to the stud, took two horses and went on a long ride. At the end they had dinner at an Italian restaurant. They had a lot of time for each other, which they spent talking and remembering.             In the evening she returned to her flat and then decided it was about time to read the messages and check the voice mail. She waited long enough, and when she turned on the phone she only got stronger in this belief, because she had more missed calls and more text messages. First, she decided on her brother, who asked why she left without saying goodbye.   -       Hello? – She heard his sleepy voice in the receiver. -       Hi! Sorry, I didn’t know I’d wake you up. -       No, that’s okay! – He replied, and his voice was oddly hoarse. – Why didn’t you pick up? What happened? -       Nothing. I just had to get out of there. – She explained. -       Did Bry do or tell you something? – Christian inquired. -       Nothing that I can’t handle. – She assured. – But I felt that if I stayed with him longer it might end badly. Do you follow me? -       I guess. Are you okay? -       Yeah. I’m fine. And how did it go with Mel? – She asked. -       I apologized to her. And begged for forgiveness. – He admitted. – But I guess I missed my chance. I f****d it up, Jay! -       Yes! – She agreed. – But Mel loves you, i***t! Just give her some time! You hurt her a lot! -       I know, damn it! I’ve made the biggest mistake in my entire life! How do I get her back?! – She heard the despair in his voice. – How am I to appease her?! -       Fight for her! Show her how much she means to you! That there’s no other in the world even half as good as her! -       She IS special! – He said. – I love her and I’ll do anything to get her back! -       I know you can make it! I believe in you! Good luck! – She added. -       Thanks, I might need it. – He chuckled. – And Jay! -       Yeah? -       I love you! -       I love you too! – She replied. – Bye handsome!               Since she was already stuck in her brother's confusing love affair, she decided to call her friend right away to find out more. There was no concern at all in her last message. She wrote briefly: “Call me when you can!” So she did.   -       Finally! – Jay heard Melanie’s energetic voice. – I already thought someone kidnapped you! -       He would’ve no chance! You know it well! – She chuckled. – I’ve heard someone was crouching in front of you! But you, the Ice Queen, remained adamant! -       I do not…! – She broke off suddenly and sighed, resigned. – He apologized, that’s true. – She admitted finally. – And begged for forgiveness. But I don’t know what to do! – She started to panic. -       I’ll tell you what I told Christian! Give yourself some time. You love each other, but what he did hurt you very much. It was stupid and unnecessary. So you have the right to be mad! And you can keep him in suspense as long as you like! -       And that’s why you’re the best friend in the world! And now seriously! – Mel suddenly changed the topic. – I’m not stupid and I know that my brother, whom I love very much, can be an i***t as well! -       I won’t deny! – Jay agreed. -       Has he done anything I should kick his balls for? – She asked seriously and Jay had no doubts that Mel would do that. Although only metaphorically. -       There’s no need! – She assured. – Bry and I know where we stand. -       Do you? – Mel asked doubtfully. – When we entered the kitchen he was standing there, staring out the window. And when we asked if everything was alright, he said: “She’s wrong! She belongs to me and cannot escape!” – She quoted her brother. – He didn’t even move! -       I don’t know what I should tell you! He’s convinced that he’ll find a way to remove the spell so that my beast would remain asleep. -       And is it possible at all? – Mel asked. -       As far as I know, no. – Jay said honestly. – I know my responsibility, Mel! I won’t risk his life! Neither yours nor your sisters’. -       I know! But I suffer with you! – She explained. – I wish you could be together so much! -       You can change the destiny! – Jay replied dryly. – Let me know if you’d like to talk. -       You too! – Mel ordered. -       Sure!  Take care! And don’t let go that easily! – She demanded. -       I promise! – Mel laughed joyfully and hung up.             She checked the messages with some hesitation. Only one SMS.               “Listen off!”               That was it. She had one missed call and one voice message. Why did he call? What else he wanted to tell her? Why cannot he leave her alone? Why could he not come to terms with the fact that they would never be together again? That it was over! Why could he not just move on? Did he have to make everything so difficult and cause her even more pain?             And was she able to forget about him? Could she pass by what unites them indifferently? Could she stop loving him? The answer was too simple. Terrifying and irritating at the same time. But Jay knew she could not put Bryan’s life at risk. So she was prepared to live the rest of her life away from him, as long as he was safe.             Besides, she already proved herself that her world does not end at Bryan Weakfield. And she did not regret what she did. However, she was a bit ashamed. But only because she was rejected right after they spent the night together. She was much more furious with herself for getting caught in Cole Sullivan’s web. Even if she did not expect anything. ‘Just leave it behind!’ She scolded herself. She really hoped that Cole still could be her friend.             She took a deep breath and dialed the voicemail to get the message.               “Jaysabel!” The timbre of his voice made her shiver. “I know you don’t want to put us in danger. But it doesn’t mean we should give up happiness!” Every nerve in her body vibrated from Bryan’s suppressed anger, making her realize one thing, and his next words spoke her thoughts aloud: “We belong to each other! And I’m going to fight for us! No one will ever be able to give you what I do! Understand this! Accept it and stop fighting!”             The phone slipped out from her hand and fell to the floor with a crash. The screen became a cobweb of tiny cracks. She was shaky. His voice was not sensitive and convincing. But harsh and sure. And she felt that everything he said was true. That she would never be able to free herself from Bryan and how she felt about him. She will always be a prisoner of her own heart. And sooner or later, she will surrender to him and lead to a tragic end.
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