Chapter 13

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            Stillness of last few days was on one hand soothing, but on the other hand, it was also annoying. Jay was pleased with the fact, that there were no other murders, and by no means had it meant, that she was afraid to feel the same, overwhelming fear again. It was rather the fact, that it might have been a murder of passion. Completely accidental and unwitting. But she could not get rid of the unpleasant feeling, that it was only calm before the storm.             After all she had to return to reality, and at present it was the first day at new college. Jay parked among the rows of countless exclusive cars, at which her jeep looked like a clumsy colossus, but she did not care about it. Marshall College was one of the few universities in the world, where they openly spoke about supernatural beings, and many of its students had paranormal abilities and powers. As it was a fairly prestigious college, there was also quite a few elite, which considered themselves better than others.             It was still warm outside. Summer fiercely fought with the approaching autumn. Jay allowed herself to wear cropped jeans, turquoise T-shirt and light sneakers in the same color. She grabbed her bag and walked through the crowded courtyard. As she had good memory, Jay had no problems to find the right classroom, where a group of young people had already gathered. On her eye – snobs of so-called good families. Or simply assholes sleeping on money.   -       I’ve heard we have some new guy. – Said some tall, handsome lad. – Jay, or something like that. -       From Montana, I guess. – Added the second one.               He as well was tall and well-built. Jay assessed, that they both had to be college football team players. ‘Another little stars!’ She thought contemptuously. Her brothers belonged to high school basketball team and Bryan played rugby, but they never showed off.   -       Montana?! – A blonde, nonchalantly leaning against the wall, snorted. – Probably a son of some cattle farmers decided to experience the metropolitan life. – She laughed mischievously. -       Or some cowman! – Added a brunette standing beside. It was clear that she wanted to impress her friend. -       It’s just another easy conquest for me, who will stare at my ass all the time. – The blonde chuckled. – And drool like a toothless baby. – This time all four burst into laugh.               Jay involuntarily clenched her fists. She felt unspeakable rage. She was standing at a side, when the rest insulted decent people from her homeland. Finally, she could not stand it. Yet, she was never humble, and silence in such situations was not one of her virtues.   -       The claim that the people of the state of Montana deal only with breeding and herding cattle testifies to ignorance and illiteracy. – She turned on her mentoring tone. – I’ll bet that you love well cooked steak, but you don’t have the foggiest idea, that it’s a part of a cow, bred by hardworking people, for whom you have no respect. – As always, when she was angry, Jay said a scornful tone with British accent. – I hope, that your brain, or whatever blowup dolls have under perfect hairstyle, won’t overheat because of excess of difficult vocab. – She reviled. – And just for your information. There are cities in Montana too. Big and beautiful.               The girl stood as in-built. Everyone stared silently at Jay while the crowd around them thickened. Although she already humiliated the blonde, she was too flustered to stop. Therefore, she carefully used the girl’s surprise and continued her monologue. And she damn enjoyed the moment.   -       By the way. – She smiled scathingly and looked at the girl with scornful eyes. – I’m not going to stare at your butt, nor the more to drool at the sight of you. Primarily because I’m not lesbian. And even if I was, for sure shallow inflatable dolls and airbricks wouldn’t be in my type. – Her last words were accompanied by many telling sighs and whispers. -       You… - The blonde was clearly chocking on her wrath. -       What’s going on here again? – Their teacher came and gave the girl no possibility to counterattack.                 Jay would not even give her a chance to defend herself. In such cases it was enough to turn back and leave, showing disregard and lack of respect. Which she often did.   -       Miss Callahan, I suppose. – He bugged her. -       Yes. Jay Callahan. – She introduced herself, calling a polite smile to her face. -       Nate Ferguson. I teach criminology and forensics. – He smiled her back. – I think you signed up for both classes, didn’t you? -       I did. -       I hope you’ll feel good with us. – He went past her and entered the class. -       I surely will. – She said to herself, following him with her eyes.               He was tall, well-build guy, with chestnut hair and piercing green eyes. Under surprisingly casual clothes – he looked damn sexy in worn-off jeans, white T-shirt and black sports jacket – you could notice working muscles of his athletic body. Jay rated him for some thirty-five, maybe thirty-eight.             Yeah. Nate Ferguson for sure was an interesting person.   ***             She was pissed, so she stubbornly refused to appear in front of groups and introduce herself. The Blonde had only forensic classes with her, which Jay accepted with faint relief, but the news that the ‘new one’ threw the gauntlet to the most popular girl in school spread quickly. Heiress of the great fortune, a salon goer, a beautiful girl from upper classes versus an ill-mannered girl from some godforsaken hole in Montana. At least, that was what she heard.             And she did not care at all! She was not going to make friends with brain-limited snobs. She sat alone at the end of the class and did not react on stealthy glances, whispers and teasing. During breaks between classes she put on headphones, turned on the music and ignored everyone.             That was her first week.             She could not name any student by name. She was not interested in their lives and problems. Teachers did not interest her either. She wanted to finish the college, get the paper and do what was most important to her. And for now it has nothing to do with studying.             She spent Saturday on activities that were to help her to relax after the whole week: jogging, gym, swimming pool. In the afternoon she went to the equestrian club of which her father was a member and spent several hours with horses. She had to admit that she missed galloping among the green hills and forests very much. Here she had to settle for designed routes. But still it comforted her and that was what she needed the most.             After returning home, she ate dinner with her father. She knew he had a tough week. Everybody wanted something from him, and he, as always, was everywhere he was needed. As if he did not have a host of qualified employees.   -       I hate getting the details done by phone. – He talked while sitting over a glass of whiskey, and Jay bustled around the kitchen. -       Why couldn’t Kurt take care of it? – She asked. – He’s good at it. In details I mean. -       He’s the best. – John admitted. – But Randy fell into some amok and insisted on me taking care of everything personally. – He took a small sip from his glass. – Did you know there’s such a thing as guava and pomegranate soap? -       Did he want something like that?! – She could not hide her smile. -       Apparently it relaxes and nourishes well. It’s good for skin. – He spoke in an expert tone. -       Good one! -       Stop it! -       Okay! – She smiled innocently at him. – I’m not asking you to do anything today! I promise! -       Do you have any problems? – He became vigilant. -       No. – She assured him. -       And how was your first week in new college? Did you meet anyone interesting? -       It was okay. I acclimatize. But I’ll refrain from making new friends for a while. -       Maybe you’ll meet some nice boy? -       Dad! -       Too soon? -       Definitely! -       You know I’ll always listen to you. And I know! You’d rather talk about these matters with your mother or Maria. -       What matters?! -       You know… -       No! I don’t know. Can you explain it to me somehow? – She was egging him on. -       Oh! Okay! – He blushed. He took another sip of his drink to give himself a blast. He took a deep breath. – You see, s*x… -       Dad! – She interrupted him, taking pity for him and herself. – Probably it would be better if I inform you that this stage is already behind me. -       Oh! – He did not know whether to feel relief or start worrying. -       And anticipating the question that comes to your mind, it was Bryan Weakfield. -       Ah! – He felt awkward talking to his daughter about it, but somewhere deep inside, he felt anger with Brad for not looking after his son. -       Don’t start! – She sensed what was going on. – I knew what I was doing! -       Fine! – It was better to end this topic. – Will we go to the dining room? -       Let’s stay in the kitchen. It’s nicer here. – Jay smiled at him. -       Do you have plans for the first day of autumn? – He asked. -       I’m not making any plans for now. Why? – She asked intrigued. -       Then book this day for your old man. - -       What are we going to do? -       Cadence Miller talked me into having a party. – He winced slightly. – You remember her? -       Of course I remember her. A party you say? Small starters, champagne and formal clothes? – A shiver of disgust ran through her spine. -       Exactly. – He saw her aversion. ‘That’s so unlike Isabo.’ It crossed his mind. -       I don’t know? – She replied uncertainly. -       You’re my daughter that I’m proud of. I’d like to show off to my friends. – He gave her his charming smile. -       I don’t know anyone. – She tried to escape. -       You know Cadence. And there’ll be her sons, Holt and Reeve. You remember them too, right? – He was trying to convince her. -       Like through the fog. – Jay defended herself. -       Don’t ask me to beg. -       Okay then. – She finally agreed. – But when I choke, I run away! – She warned him. – What am I going to wear? -       I bet you have a little black dress among your clothes. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy. – John assured her -       Phew. I’m relieved. – She smiled at him.   ***             On Monday, absorbed in her own thoughts, she came to the university and, going to her group, she was accosted by some guy. He said his name was Drake or something like that. He was chattering about the first day incident, and Jay tried to remember how she knew him. With poor results, unfortunately. She noticed the small digital camera he was holding and suddenly got revelation. Criminology and psychology.   -       Listen, Daryl! – She interrupted him. – What do you want from me?! -       Darren. – He corrected her. – You’re new. – He stated. – I can show you around the city if you like. -       Thanks, but no! – She passed him by, but he was stubborn and quickly caught up with her. -       I’ll always be happy to help! – He offered up. -       Which part of my so ornate speech you didn’t understand? – She asked with sarcasm. -       I don’t understand. – He was confused. -       I can see that! – She snorted resigned. – Listen! I’m not looking for pals, buddies or friends. Or boyfriend. Are we clear?! -       Okay! -       Excellent! Goodbye! – She spun on her heel and walked away.               Around the corner she came across an unpleasant scene. A boy from the college rugby team was teasing some girl. ‘Occultism!’ She remembered herself. ‘Why do I care?’ She wanted to leave but then she felt it. A gentle stream of power. Like a wind brush. ‘The girl is a witch.’ Jay felt clearly that the redhead was holding her power.             ‘Why? She doesn’t want to hurt him? Or maybe she hides who she really is?’ She wondered. Whatever were her reasons, Jay realized that she could not just walk past and pretend she did not see anything. ‘Why do I have to have the weakness for vulnerable and tormented ones?’ She thought angrily.   -       Hey jerk! – She called to the bully. – Haven’t you heard? She told you to leave her! -       And you what? – He gave her a wacky look. – Jealous? Don’t worry, it’s enough for you too! – He made a few unequivocal gestures and again focused on his victim. His buddies laughed. -       I don’t like waiting! – She said sharply. – And I hate being second in line! – She provoked. -       How horny! – He said to his pals. He walked over to Jay. – We’ll have a lot of fun. -       Don’t you dare! – She warned. -       What is it? – He chortled. – Suddenly I got embarrassed? You’ll relax soon! – He grabbed her breast. -       Play with this! – She kicked him in the crotch so hard that he was out of breath. -       You b***h! – He croaked. He tried to catch her by her throat, but she grabbed his hand and turned, twisting his hand painfully. – Do you still want to play rugby? – She asked and cast a warning look at his buddies who wanted to come to his aid. – When a girl says no, it means no! And if by some strange coincidence she’ll say yes, consider it a momentary insanity! Is that clear?! -       Yes! – He gasped. She released him, pushing him towards the waiting buddies. – You’ll pay me for that, slut! -       Yeah, yeah! – She murmured. – Queue up. – She waved her hand and went her way. -       Thanks! – The redhead caught up with her around the corner. -       You’re welcome. -       I’m Ashley. – She introduced herself. -       Jay. Why are they harassing you? -       Darren or Hank is usually with me, but they got me alone today. -       Why didn’t you use your power? – She asked directly. -       How do you know I have it? – She asked surprised. -       Such a gift. – She cast evasively. – So? -       I’m not in control of it yet. I don’t want to hurt anyone. – She said. -       Take care! – Jay added and moved on. -       Wait! – Ashley grabbed her arm, but seeing Jay’s look she quickly withdrew her hand. -       What? – She stopped herself from snarling. -       Maybe we’ll meet after school? To talk? – She proposed shyly. -       I don’t… - She started, but she saw in the eyes of the girl that making friendship is not easy for her. ‘Oh what the hell!’ She thought. – Okay! I finish at three. -       Me too! – She answered joyful. – We’ll meet in the parking lot! -       See you! – Jay watched her curls bounce happily as she walked to her group.
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