Chapter 19

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            September turned into October so suddenly that she even did not noticed it. The weather was still wonderful, warm and sunny.  If it were not for the blaze of autumn feast of colors, you might think it was spring. It remembered her about Montana and made her miss home even more. The hills bathed in the rays of setting sun, trees sparkling with the whole range of colors, so vivid. She would have given a lot to go for a horseback ride in her beloved forest. But she knew it was impossible. Not now.             But it was Friday and she was thinking about visiting Christian in Baltimore. She could surprise him and come over for the weekend. She has not seen her brother for quite a long time and it would be the perfect occasion. If she could not meet all of her brothers, then at least she could spend some time with one of them. ‘Maybe I could reason with him?’ She thought. His breakup with Mel hurt her greatly and she could not understand Christian’s decision.             Focused on her own thoughts, Jay did not notice that her female schoolmates were very excited. Pieces of sentences were running through her brain – coming in with one ear and out with the other. But as usually, she did not care. Their problems were oddly mundane, as if they did not go to a school where every other student was a supernatural, and there was no serial killer in the city.   -       He’s so handsome! – Some girl said. -       And rich! – Noticed another one.               ‘Just as I thought! Shallow snobs!’ She thought contemptuously. She collected her stuff quickly and headed towards the exit. General excitement about some filthy rich hunk did not pertain to her. ‘Or maybe I should persuade Christian to visit New York?’ She considered. ‘Dad would be pleased.’ It crossed her mind.   -       He seems to be waiting for someone. – Jay heard some other girl. -       Or maybe he’s looking for a girlfriend? – Sam Lorenzo’s voice brought Jay to reality. She looked at the girl with some kind of interest. – What?! – She barked. – You don’t have any chance to catch such a guy! – She assessed Jay from top to bottom. -       What? – Jay was angry that she allowed Sam to throw her out off balance. -       You don’t even have any idea who he is! – She snorted contemptuously. -       You can kiss my ass! – Jay did not want to waste her time, so she turned on her heel and walked away. -       Ms. Callahan! – Nate Ferguson stopped her before she managed to leave the school. -       Mr. Ferguson? – She said politely. -       You left this on your desk. – He handed her a book about Celtic magic. -       Oh! Thanks! – He was still waiting. – Anything else? – She asked. -       I guess. – He hesitated. – If you’d like to talk, you know where to find me. – He said finally. -       To talk? – Jay was confused. -       About criminology, forensics, etc. – He explained abashed. -       Okay! Thanks one more time! – She waved with the book. – See you on Monday! – She turned around and left.               ‘That was weird.’ Jay thought. She could swear that Nate Ferguson was not talking about the classes, but about something different. The way he looked at her when he handed her the book. E looked a bit worried but also intrigued. But still Jay was not going to share her problems with him or talk about her abilities.             Leaving the school she almost walked on Darren. Most of the students were still in front of the building. Some went to the parked cars, but only few drove home. Jay would say that they were planning parties for the weekend, but she felt their emotions. Impatience, excitement. ‘What the hell?’ She thought. ‘Whatever! I don’t have time for this s**t!’ She started for her car and heard Sam Lorenzo flirting with another victim. ‘Poor guy!’ It crossed her mind.   -       Hey, wait! – Jay smiled to herself hearing Sam being frustrated and disappointed when the guy managed to run away. – Call me! – ‘Was it desperation?’ She laughed inside.               She finally reached her car when somebody grabbed her arm. She was ready to defend herself straight away. She broke her arm free, clenched her fist and turned to punch the intruder. But she stopped inches before his face. He looked at her clenched fist with wide eyes. He gulped loudly.   -       Wow! – Holt seemed to be as surprised as Jay was. – You beat every guy who wants to take you for a trip? -       What the hell are you doing here?! – She asked sharply. -       Uh! It’s Friday! – He pointed out. – Sightseeing, remember? – He explained seeing her confusion. -       What?! – Her consternation increased even more. -       We agreed to meet on Friday! -       No, we didn’t! – Jay was a little bit angry. – We agreed that it’s unnecessary! You may tell your mother whatever you like, I’ll confirm your version! – She turned back to her car. – And now sorry, but I’m going home! -       Come on! – He stopped her again, ignoring angry flashes in her eyes. – Don’t make me beg! – She watched him suspiciously. – If you don’t want to go sightseeing, we can go for a coffee. – He proposed. -       What do you want Miller?! – She asked. -       I just want to take you for a coffee. – He smiled at her charmingly. – And not because my mother asked me to do so, but I want to. -       Why? – She narrowed her eyes. -       I want to get to know you better. – He waited patiently while she was calculating. – Come on! It’s just coffee! And maybe pizza? – He suggested slyly. -       Pizza, you say? – She watched him carefully. He looked different in a pair of worn-off jeans, T-shirt, sweatshirt and trainers. – Okay. Let’s go! – She agreed finally. – But I don’t want to hear any law s**t! – She warned him. -       I promise! – They went to his car, followed by curious eyes.   ***             Jay had to admit that she had spent a great time with Holt. They went to Central Park for ice cream, and then he took her to a small Italian restaurant in Manhattan. Pizza he ordered was really delicious and they had also a really great coffee there. After dinner they went for a walk and Holt told her a lot about New York architecture. She had not expected that he had such knowledge on this subject. But it was a pleasant surprise.             Then he drove her back to the parking lot by the college where she left her car.   -       And? – He asked finally. – Did it hurt? – He asked when she looked at him questioningly. -       Ha, ha! Very funny! – She tried to be serious, but she could not stop from smiling. – I had a really great time. Thanks! -       My pleasure! Next time we can go to the movie or Smithsonian if you like? I’ll call you when I have some free time. – He said. -       Yeah… About that! – She started. – Don’t bother. You kept the promise you made to your mother and I saw New York from a completely different perspective. – Because he was still looking at her, silent, she continued. – I know you’re very busy, you’ve got your own life and friends. Besides, I’m a big girl and I don’t need a guide. And I definitely don’t need a babysitter! – She added a bit irritated. -       You see it that way? – He asked finally and Jay could hear a tone of anger in his voice. -       I don’t… - She wanted to defend herself. -       Listen! – He cut in. – I’m here because I wanted to! Not because my mom asked me to take you out! Our parents are very good friends and I’d like to get to know you better. Is that so hard to believe? – He asked offended. -       But you know me! – She was confused. -       I knew an eight-year-old girl, as we haven’t seen for more than ten years. You want to tell me that you haven’t change a bit? – He was teasing her. -       Of course I’ve changed! – She exclaimed. -       So why don’t you want to go out with me from time to time? Are you afraid of something? – That was Jay’s weak point. No one dares to accuse her of being a coward! And apparently Holt was aware of that. -       Just let me know when you’ll have time. – She pouted. -       Okay then! – He smiled widely, satisfied. -       See you! – She said getting out of his car. -       Bye for now! – He waved goodbye.               Holt waited till Jay drove away and then he left the parking as well. This girl really intrigued him.   ***             The weekend passed quickly. Jay spent most of it on reviewing for tests, but finally she could not stand the quiet and left the flat. She drove to Queens, parked her car by some mall and went for a walk. While wandering the crowded streets she found a club. From the outside it looked like an ordinary pub, the interior also did not stand out as anything special. But when she was enjoying a glass of ginger beer, Jay observed that some customers were going to the door at the back.             When she focused on them, she could feel that they were all supernatural beings. The door was guarded by a tall, well-build black man. Jay concentrated on him and soon she knew he was a vampire. He was about twenty, maybe twenty-three years old. Although she hid her own energy, he could feel that someone is watching him, so she quickly turned to the bar. The back door intrigued her, but when she tried to ask the bartender about it, she did not want to tell anything.             It was clear that everyone knew about the secret door, but no one talked about it. Jay could sense the atmosphere of excitement. But there was also fear. Just as if people who were allowed to enter the hidden room were afraid of something. As if they were not sure if they would get out of there. However, a strange determination prevailed.             Jay decided that she needs to get to know what is in there. ‘Next time.’ She thought. ‘I’ll find out what “Double Bottom” hides.’ Maybe it was something she was looking for? But since she did not want to arouse any suspicions, she finished her beer and left. She was in no hurry. The fresh air helped her to relax and clear her mind a bit. ***             On Monday Jay as usually spent two hours on training, and then she took a long, hot shower and went for the classes. She was concentrating on her own thoughts so hard, that she did not notice that everyone was watching her carefully, murmuring between each other.             Jay went straight to the classroom, but before she managed to go in, she was stopped by Samantha Lorenzo. ‘What now?’ She thought impatiently.   -       Well, well, well! – The girl said in a luscious voice. – Look who’s here! -       What do you want Lorenzo? – If Jay was irritated earlier, then now she was about to explode. – You have no puppy to bully on it? -       Pluck the sides! – She continued undeterred. – You’ve found a sponsor! Nice job! -       I don’t know what you’ve taken, but I can see it’s definitely too strong for your tiny brain! – She said pitifully. -       You can deny, but the whole school saw you on Friday! – Jay did not say a word. She promised herself she would be above that. – Oh! Poor baby! – Sam pretended to be sorry. – Don’t count on anything! Holt Miller is a rich guy. I don’t know the reasons why he’s interested in a girl like you, but I assume it’s s*x. You know, all men need some change in their life, before they get married and settle down. I’m sure that such a wild, in some way exotic girl like you, will give him a lot of fun! – Her scathing tone of voice pierced Jay’s ears.               To say that Jay was surprised would be a huge understatement. On one hand she was shocked that people are eager to believe such bullshit, but she could feel rage as well. ‘How dare you, stupid b***h?!’ She thought angrily. And it had nothing to do with her reputation. She did not care what people thought of her. But Holt did not deserve it.   -       Oh! You hoped he’s interested? – Sam definitely misunderstood the flash in Jay’s eye. – That he’ll fell in love with someone like you? – She continued. – Honey, don’t believe him! Besides, he’s not for you! – That was enough for Jay, but Sam seemed not to notice it. -       And for who? – She asked. – You? – She snorted and looked at her from top to bottom in disgust. – I’ve spent with Holt only one evening, but I’m pretty sure that he’d prefer to become gay than to be with such a dumb, empty, wax puppet!               A group of students standing near them burst out with laugh. And Sam’s face expression clearly showed all range of emotions from shock, through embarrassment, to rage. She looked around furiously. The laughter died away, but the murmur of voices remained. The fiery blush covering the blonde’s cheek and neck made up for everything. ‘Who lives by the sword dies by the sword!’ Jay thought with satisfaction.             She did not want to waste more of her precious time, so she turned her back on the shocked girl and entered the classroom. She did not want to think about Sam’s comments on her relation with Holt. All in all they met only once. Even if he promised her another meeting, it did not mean he will call her. And the most important thing was that they were just friends. At least she looked at it from this perspective.             But the fact was that what she felt for Bryan was still fresh and Jay did not want to get involved in anything new. She did not want to make new friends, but she made an exception for Ash, Darren and Hank. And now she was considering a friendship with a lawyer! Because she did not suspect that Holt was interested in anything else. He just wanted to be nice, that was all.             At least she hoped so. 
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