Chapter 7

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            She had to admit that the Sunday spent with her father, whom she had seen only a few times in the last six years, was really pleasant and enjoyable. They still did not talk about her arrival, but Jay knew her father had his own opinion about it. She did not want to postpone this conversation indefinitely, but she decided to wait for a more convenient moment. She believed that such a moment must finally come because she did not want to leave any understatements.              On the other hand, she could not waste time waiting and decided to act. First she went to college where she ordered to send all the documentation from Missoula. The dean turned out to be a slim middle-aged woman. Dressed in a pale pink costume, a white starched blouse and practical low-heeled shoes of beige color, she gave the impression of a somewhat harsh but matter-of-fact woman. She looked intently at Jay’s file so as not to miss anything. When she reached the high school papers, the wrinkle across her forehead deepened, and Jay felt her hands sweat despite her will.   -          Rich files. – She said in suspiciously calm voice. – But, surprisingly, the last year was quite calm. What can you tell me about it? – She asked directly. -          Well… - She hated to find herself in such an uncomfortable situation. – I come from a small town. Everyone knows each other in Purple Creek and misunderstandings happen quite often. – She breathed deeper, searching for the right words. – I won’t deny. I’m nervous and impetuous. Argumentative, that’s true. And I always defend my people. But I came to New York, because I wanted to start over. – She smiled charmingly, showing a dimple in her cheek. – I strongly believe that your college will help me in this. -          That’s very inspiring, Miss Tyler. – The dean’s voice dripped with restrain. – But why do you want to change your name? -          My father is an influential man, businessman, and I wouldn’t like teachers and lecturers to look at me through the prism of his money. Besides, as I already mentioned, I’d like to start with a clean account. -          So it has nothing to do with some criminal past? – She looked at Jay with piercing eyes. -          No. – She had to be calm so as not to betray herself even with a wink. – No offenses. I wasn’t recorded or punished. I just want to show that I can achieve something on my own. Without my father’s money or property inherited from my mother. Is that so much? – She asked a little bit agitated. -          Of course not. – The dean assured her. – As I understand, Callahan is the name of your ancestors? -          Yes. – She calmed herself down immediately. – It’s the name of my great-great-grandmother on the mother’s side. In case I make some stupid thing, though I’m not saying I’m going to make one, no one will connect my name with my father. -          I see. – She smiled slightly for the first time. – If something happens you don’t want to drag anyone with you. -          Exactly. – Did she establish a thread of understanding with the dean? -          And your first name? Why do you want to opt out? – She asked intrigued. – It’s quite unique. -          And that’s the reason. It’s not that I don’t like it, but it might lead to my father. – She explained. – Besides, everyone call me Jay. I know it’s a male name, but it doesn’t bother me. -          Well, it’s not my business anymore. – She said conciliatory. – It looks like everything has been legally taken care of and you can use new documents. – She stood up, thus signaling that the conversation was over. – Welcome to our college, Miss Callahan!               Jay shook her outstretched slim hand. She thanked for the time the dean gave her, she said goodbye and went to the secretary’s office to choose the classes she was interested in and sign up for the right groups. Pleased, she noticed that this college offered all the classes she attended in Missoula, which undoubtedly would give her a sense of stability. She wrote the timetable down, stocked up the plan of the buildings with the layout of lecture halls and the list of necessary textbooks. After two hours, she left the school with a sense of well-spent time. ***             After returning home, she ate lunch in the company of the housekeeper. Mrs. Morgan talked about her beloved Ireland with such feeling and longing that Jay also felt a pang of regret. Maybe she could persuade her father to give the maid a few days off? She could go and visit her sister.             Jay thanked for the meal and went to her room. It was about time to keep the promise and contact her brothers. From the messages she received every day, she knew that everyone was still at home, although they were already preparing to go to college. She sat comfortably on the bed and turned the computer on. She took several deep breaths and connected with Danny via the messenger. The video call would be just a substitute for meeting her brothers, but it had to be enough for her. At least for now. She smiled widely as soon as she saw her brother.   -          Hi handsome! – She greeted Daniel and even managed to maintain a cheerful, carefree tone. -          Jay! – Her brother smiled happily. – Finally! We couldn’t wait! – He pushed the computer back so that she could see everyone. -          Wonderful to see you all! How are you, Maria? – Jay asked with concern. -          Everything’s fine. – Joy gleamed in her eyes. – The child is developing properly. Delivery is expected at the end of February. I’m so happy! -          I’m happy too! I know it’s a little bit too soon, but I bet it’ll be a boy. Similar to his father, but with his mother’s eyes. – She winked at Sean. -          We’ll wait, we’ll see. – The werewolf was clearly proud of the fact that he was going to be a father. – And how are you? Where are you? We’re worried about you? – There was concern in his voice. -          As you can see everything’s okay. – She said eagerly. – I signed up to college. And you guys? – She asked her brothers. -          Mike and I are getting ready to go to Missoula. – Answered Mark. – Most of our staff was already transported, the rest we’ll take on Sunday. Daniel stays alone at the station. -          And you Christian? – She asked. – You’ll move back to Jess and Carter? Or you’ll rent something with Mel? -          I’m going to Baltimore on Friday. – The faint smile that played on his lips did not reach his eyes. -          But how? – It walled her up. -          I’m going to Richmond! – Jess cut in. – I felt very well there and I thought there’s nothing to wait for. -          That’s great! I’m sure you can handle it! – This news made her very happy.               But Jay understood that her twin brother interrupted the conversation because the topic became delicate. She felt uncomfortable. Christian was hiding something and he clearly did not want to talk about it. Mel had been silent for several days, which also made her think.   -          Carter? – She asked after a while. – What’s your plan? -          I’m moving to Brandy. – He said calmly. – And you? – There was irritation in his voice. – You didn’t tell us where you are. -          Does it matter? – She sighed. – I guess that it’s more important that I’m fine and safe, right? -          Don’t put a crap on us here, Jay! – Daniel was impatient. -          Should we look for you like Bry? – Jess burned out. -          He was looking for me? – Do not know why this information caused her pain. – He shouldn’t have wasted his time. – She said dryly. – He wouldn’t find me anyway. -          So you won’t tell us where you are so that we don’t pass it on to Bryan? – Michael asked. -          That’s not the point. – She rolled her eyes. – I assure you that I’m fine. I’m safe and that must be enough for you. – She added, anticipating their protests. – At least for now. -          And we’re supposed to wait another two months before you contact us again? – Carter growled, making her smile. She missed arguing with her brothers. -          I’ll call more often. I promise. – She assured them. – Maybe I’ll come home for Christmas? – She added to soften them a little.               They cheered up. For another two hours she was listening to news and arguments, which greatly improved her mood. However, Christian’s silence did not escape her attention. Jay saw suffering in the eyes of her usually cheerful brother. It moved her deeply. She had to find out what was behind it. She would not be herself if she did not carry out her privet little investigation. She will get the truth out of Melanie. At least friends are here to confide in them. And Jay could listen.   -          You look worried. – She twitched at the sound of her father’s voice. – Is everything all right? -          Yes. – She smiled happily. – I just spoke with the boys. Christian goes to Baltimore and Jess to Richmond. -          I’m not sure if I should be interested in what pulls them so far away from home. – He said leaning freely against the door frame. – I have to get used to the fact that my children are almost grown up, make their own decisions and don’t want to consult them with me, let alone interfering in their affairs. – He sighed. – I’m glad that at least you’re here. – He smiled warmly and turned away to leave. -          Why did you leave us? – She asked out of the blue.               She did not know what pushed her to ask this question. She could not say that their father did not care about them. Apart from material needs, because those were provided. But he called almost every day, at least at the beginning, he withdrew when they did not want to cooperate. He came as often as he could, but they again made him understand that he could let it go. They decided how their relations were to look like, that they should be as limited as possible. But it hurt her that John Tyler did convince them to move to New York. He did not even try. He allowed them to be looked after by a strange man and a young, inexperienced domestic help.             The silence rang in her ears and he did not even flinch.   -          Why didn’t you stay with us after mother’s death? – She pushed on him.               He turned around slowly. In his eyes Jay noticed pain and sorrow. Although she wanted to know the answers to her questions very much, even at the cost of breaking the thin thread of understanding that appeared between them, she was beginning to regret that she had asked them.   -          I’m sorry! – She said on impulse. – I didn’t want to… -          It’s okay. – He cut her off in mid-words. – You have the right to know the truth.               He entered the room and sat at the edge of the bed. He combed his hair with his fingers. He was gathering himself, looking for the right words. Jay could see that he was tired. He probably had a hard day at work.   -          I loved Isabo very much. With whole my heart. – He finally broke the silence. – The day I met her was one of the happiest days in my entire life. I thought that I had everything, but she showed me I could have much more. And she gave me that, without asking for anything in return! – He took a deep breath. – Everything seemed so easy and simple with her. I moved to Purple Creek for her. She was like air to me. Marriage, home, family. I was happy to jump on my head! – He got up and started walking around the room. – When she told me was pregnant, I caught her in my arms and we were spinning in a crazy, joyful dance. I couldn’t wait for the baby to be born. s*x didn’t matter to me, the main thing was that it was to be the fruit of our love. – He looked at her and Jay could see joy in his eyes. – When Carter was born I stared at him as if I was enchanted! But then the doctor said it’s not over yet! I didn’t manage to recover from the shock, and a moment later I was looking at Christian’s extremely calm face!               He stopped in front of the dresser with pictures of her bothers on it. He focused on one of them. Jay remembered the May picnic at the Weakfields. After returning home, they sat on the porch to enjoy the cool of the evening and the silence of the outskirts of the town. Sean took a picture of them when they laughed at Mark’s silly jokes.   -          When Isabo got pregnant again, I was just as excited. – He returned to the topic. – We wanted to have a surprise again. I remember it as if it was yesterday. Jason’s first scream. He had incredibly strong lungs. – He laughed shortly, honestly. – And then you were born. You were like a small ray of sunshine. A sparkle. So small, tiny and delicate. I was afraid to touch you so as not to hurt you. Another pregnancy and twins again. We were so happy! – He looked out of the window and stared into the night. – And then my world turned upside down. I didn’t want to believe her words. I couldn’t understand their meaning. She spoke about honesty, that she could no longer hide from me who she really was.               Jay could only imagine how he felt then. She herself was in a big shock when she learned the truth. In retrospect she saw that it was easier for her to accept the new situation. Why? Did she feel, somewhere deep down, that she was more than just an ordinary teenager?   -          She told me everything. I learned where she was going, with whom, what she was doing. She wanted to come back to it, so to speak, in full time, as soon as Mark and Michael grow up. That’s why she hired Maria. She was to take care of you while Isabo was doing fieldwork. -          It must have been hard for you. – She said softly, almost in a whisper. -          My beloved woman, my wife, mother of my children, informed me that she was a vampire hunter! A professional killer! Yes, it was hard for me! – The anger in his voice vanished as soon as it appeared. – But I still fought. I didn’t want it to become my reality. I was relieved to find out she was pregnant with Daniel. I gained time to convince her to change her mind. But it only delayed in time. When you were five, Isabo started to leave more often. She was taking more and more orders, I could never call it “cases”. I came back to New York for six months, I wanted to force her to leave the Coalition, but I didn’t get anything. In time I came back here more often, for longer. I missed you. I missed her. But I told myself I had to be adamant. – He looked into the darkness again. – But soon I was overcome by doubts and remorse. I began to think that it was better to be with her on her terms than to live far away from her. I wanted to beg her for forgiveness and one more chance. -          So why didn’t you do that? – She asked in resentment. -          I didn’t make it. – He said in a whisper, and Jay heard unimaginable pain and regret in his voice. – I was late and I will never forgive myself! -          Dad! – She came up to him and hugged him tightly. – Mum loved you very much and she didn’t blame you for anything. – He just nodded. -          You asked why I didn’t fight for you. – He freed himself and turned to look into her eyes. – Even a blind man would see that Purple Creek was, is and will be your home. Although it was extremely difficult for me, I had to accept the fact that you’re made of the same clay as Isabo. I saw it in your eyes then, and I see it now. I’ve never had an influence on your life. -          Dad! – She wanted to protest. -          That’s the truth. And I agree with it. However, I have one request. – The tone of his voice became firm. – Don’t let the gift you received to take complete control and destroy you. I don’t want to lose any of you!               What could she say? What words should she use when her father, whom she thought she had lost forever, now stood in front of her, looked deeply into her eyes, and with love asked her not to go too far in her madness? Should she give him vain hope? A meaningless promise she will break? Or should she lie with a straight face? No words were right. In addition, Jay realized that no matter what she said, she could not be sure she would not break her father’s heart.             She decided to take half measures. Half-truth. Half-promise.   -          I promise that at least we’ll to ensure that what we inherited from our ancestors does not overwhelm us. We’ll try to tame it. – She kissed him on the cheek. – I know it’s hard to talk about it. That’s why I thank you. – She missed it so much, so now she hugged her father tightly. -          I love you honey.               These simple words, whispered as he held her close, made her feel like a little girl again. She stopped fighting and hid in her father’s arms. At least for a moment she wanted to run away from all the evil of the world that had been attacking her more and more often.   -          I love you too. – Strangely enough, it did not hurt to express your feelings aloud.               And it does not have to mean weakness.
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