Chapter 47

2534 Words
            Okay it was not so damn easy! Melanie Weakfieled, apart from being a lovely coquettish girl, cheerful, loving and helpful, was also annoyingly stubborn. Christian broke her heart and she did not want to see him again. Or at least not in this year. She was ready to resign from Christmas spent with her family just to avoid confrontation. And that was something Jay could perfectly understand.             However, according to Jay, Christian regretted his prompt decisions and missed Melanie very much. She did not doubt that her brother was crazy in love with her best friend. That was too obvious and he was not able to hide it. But she could hear sorrow in his voice every time she called him. He suffered much more than he was ready to admit. And that hurt Jay too, because she hated it when people she loved and cared about felt any kind of pain.             Thus, Jay was going to do everything so they would be together again. Even if it meant that her brother would suffer even more. She wanted to force him to action. She was well aware that Mel will not wait forever for Christian to come back to her, and sooner or later she will find some nice, loving guy who could make her happy. And Jay knew her best friend well enough to be sure it would happen rather sooner. That was why she decided to make the first step for them. And Drew agreed to help her.             Now she only had to convince Melanie to go to Purple Creek for Christmas. And she was running out of time. She had one last shot. ‘Hope it’ll work!’ She thought and headed towards Mel’s studio. She knocked and entered when she heard impatient invitation.   -       Hi! – She started. -       Hi! – Mel replied, focused on her painting. – It’s finally done! – She sighed with relief. -       It’s marvelous! – Jay admired breathtaking landscape. – You’re damn good! -       Thanks! – Mel laughed, pleaded with the compliment. – Now I can finally rest. I’m totally worn out, but I’ll find enough energy to go with you for a drink. – She smiled. – Or we can stay here with a bottle of wine and order some pizza. – She suggested. -       Hell no! – Jay opposed. – We’re definitely going out! That’s why I’m here. – She grinned. – I’m taking you to “La Belle”! -       What?! – Mel opened her mouth with shock. – How did you do that?! It’s so hard to book a visit even for a five-minute massage! – She was impressed. -       I asked my grandma for help. – Jay revealed. – I only said that I want to take you to some spa and she said she would arrange everything! They called me back about ten minutes later! We’re going to have fun tonight! – She winked at Mel. -       But you hate such places! – She pointed out. -       I need to relax as well, so I’ll sacrifice myself. – She joked. – And now move your ass, we should be there in half an hour! -       Give me five minutes! – Mel exclaimed, already rushing to her room.               Jay went to the kitchen where Drew was working on some project. She sat down at the table and sighed. He looked at her from his notes and frowned.   -       You don’t seem to be happy. – He noticed. -       Because she’s right. I hate spa and beauty salons! -       Remember why you’re doing this! – He said. – She needs that! And she should go home for Christmas, because she would regret that later. -       I know. Wish me luck! – Jay said hearing that Mel was ready to go.               When they arrived at the spa Jay whistled with admiration. The building was more like a luxurious mansion surrounded by a well-kept garden. There were plenty of comfy sun-beds to relax on between treatments or while waiting for your turn. Jay could smell a pleasant scent of flowers and essential oils. ‘And I’m still in the outside!’ It crossed her mind. They went to the reception desk.   -       Good afternoon! – The young woman greeted them with a gentle smile. – My name I Juliette. How may I help you? -       Hello! – Jay smiled back. – I have a reservation. -       What surname? -       Grace Tyler. -       Oh yes! – The woman’s smile widened. – You must be Jaysabel. -       I am. – Jay confirmed. – And this is Melanie, I want her to relax. -       Of course! Please follow me. Mrs. Tyler gave us clear instructions. -       And this I was afraid of! – Jay rolled her eyes. -       Don’t worry, we’ll take care of you two! – Juliette promised. – This is Francine and Madeline, they will carry out all beauty treatments, and then hand you over to beauticians and hairdressers. – She explained. – Here’s the room you can leave your clothes and prepare for massages. – She pointed to the door. – I’ll bring you some champagne! – She said cheerfully and left.   ***             Even in her wildest fantasies, Jay would never have thought a spa visit would be so enjoyable. They started with a sauna and mud bath, then an algae wrap and chocolate mask, hot stones massage and aromatherapy. At the end, they were given a wonderfully fragrant balm. Every single inch of her body was wonderfully smooth and relaxed. And it was an amazing feeling.             Then they were taken to another part of the building where a staff of beauticians and hairdressers were waiting for them. It was time for facial and hair care, as well as for foot and hand massage. While the girls took care of them, they sipped champagne, ate fruits and talked about everything that had happened during the last six months. Mel preferred not to come back to the most painful moments, but she happily talked about Los Angeles, painting, college, Drew and the opening awaiting her at the beginning of February.   -       Until then, I need to paint something more. – She said looking at the nail polish palette. -       You could paint some winter scenery. – Jay suggested. – I bet it would be a real treat in California. -       You’re totally right! – Mel agreed. – I’ll take this one, with some gold accent. – She showed the girl the right nail polish. – But where I’ll find an inspiration now? – She turned to Jay. -       You don’t have any photos with you? – Jay asked surprised. She saw her chance here. -       Unfortunately none with snow on it. – Mel pouted. -       You could go to PC for Christmas and take some photos of the hills, homes, forest and the creek itself. – She suggested. – Or I’ll do it for you and then send you. – She shrugged. -       You know it doesn’t work like that! – Mel protested. – I like to take photos on my own, to look for the perfect shot. You know what I mean? -       Yeah, I do. – Jay agreed. – Then I won’t help you with this. Sorry. - She turned to the young beautician. – I like this turquoise and a bit of raspberry. – She indicated the nail polish on the palette. -       You’re damn sneaky, you know that? – Mel said suddenly. – You did that on purpose! – She added indignantly. -       Maybe. – Jay said. – Did it work? – She asked. -       Of course it did! – She hissed. – I’m already obsessed with the winter landscape! – She asked for another glass of champagne. – You’ll pay me or that! -       Probably. – Jay chuckled. – But promise me one thing. You won’t forgive him so easily. -       Okay… - Mel agreed slowly, surprised. -       What about your hair? – One girl asked. -       I just want to cut the ends a little. – Mel said. – No! – She suddenly changed her mind. – Cut it short! -       What?! – Jay was shocked. -       I need a change! – Mel said. – What do you suggest? – She asked the hairdresser. -       You’re quite tall and very slim. You’ve got an oval face and almond eyes so I think we could cut it very short, leaving longer strands at the top and create some artistic mess. – The girl suggested. -       I like that! And add a bit o pink at the ends. – Mel decided. -       What about you? – Other girl asked Jay. -       I’m not sure. – She said slowly. -       Go crazy! – Mel cheered her on. -       Okay! Cut it. Shoulder length at the back and going longer to the front. – She finally said. – And I want to dye them. -       What color? – The hairdresser asked handing her the pallet. -       This one! – She pointed to deep raspberry red color. – I want something with the claw. -       I don’t recognize you! – Mel opened her eyes widely. – What happened in New York? You’ve changed. – She noticed. -       I guess I’ve made some bad decision. – Jay confessed. -       You wanna talk about it? – She asked. -       I slept with Cole. – Jay said and grimaced. -       You what?! – Mel opened her mouth with shock. -       I know it’s a little early. – She defended herself. – That not so long ago I was with Bryan, but it just happened! – She said. -       It’s not what I meant! – Mel said. -       Then what? – Jay was intrigued. -       I rather thought it would be Holt. – She shrugged. -       What?! – Now it was Jay’s turn to be totally surprised. – What the hell are you talking about!? -       Oh come on! When you talk about him, how nice and polite he is, how you spend time together, that he’s forbidden his buddies to touch you, the conclusion is obvious! – She said. – This guy wants you! -       Bullshit! – Jay snorted. – He treats me like a little sister! He cares for me like a friend, that’s all! – She convinced. -       As you think! Doesn’t matter! – Mel cut off. – Tell me what happened between you and sexy bad boy! – She was damn hungry of sensation. -       I’ll tell you, but you promise me now, that you’ll go with me to Purple Creek for Christmas! – Jay demanded. -       But I already said I will. – Mel protested. -       Yeah, but you still can chickened! – Jay smirked. -       b***h! – She said. – Okay! I promise! – She shrugged. – Happy?! -       Satisfied. – Jay said kindly. -       Now tell me everything! – Mel pushed on her.               Jay took a long deep breath and told her friend everything. At times she had trouble choosing the right words, and she wanted her friend to understand her well. She had the impression that the whole Cole situation was beyond her. That everything was out of control. She began to have doubts and remorse. But most of all she felt ashamed and embarrassed. And damn confused.   -       To be honest, I think that he got a little lost. – Mel said finally. -       Cole? – Jay chuckled. – No! He’s just that kind of guy. And I knew I would be just a one-night-stand for him, and yet I gave in. I was attracted from the very beginning, but still I was able to control it. -       But then he started to seduce you. – Mel more stated than asked. – Forbidden fruit tastes the best! You know! – Jay frowned, so she explained. – Holt said that you’re out of touch! You became more tempting. -       I guess I would try to get him even if he was not interested. – Jay confessed. -       I bet you would! – She chuckled. – But coming back to his latest behavior. – She pondered. – I guess he accused you of casting a spell on him, because he’s afraid. -       Of what?! – Jay was amused. – I won’t try to settle him down! I’m not that kind of girl! You know me, right! – She defended herself. – I admit that I wanted Cole. Damn it! I still want him. I have a soft spot for him, that’s true. But I would never use my powers to get him, or to force him to fell in love with me! Because I don’t love him! I don’t even know if we could call it a crush! I just wanted to spend with him a few nights! That’s all! I’m not ready for another relationship! I don’t even know if I would ever be! I love Bryan and that will never change! – She explained. -       I think the problem is elsewhere. – Mel deducted. -       I’m listening! – Jay encouraged her friend to talk. -       He accused you of putting a spell on him because he’s afraid and he doesn’t want to admit that! – She stated. -       Yeah, I already said that! – Jay shook her head. – He’s afraid of something that will never happen! That I’ll fell in love with him and he’ll have to hurt me, because all e wants is s*x! -       No! – Mel did not agree. – He’s rather afraid of falling in love with you, and that you won’t love him back. – She finally said. -       That’s ridiculous! – Jay laughed. -       Is it? – Mel asked. – I think he may already have more feelings for you than he wants. – She said seriously. – And that scares him.               Jay did not comment on that. Mel always read people’s behavior pretty well. Even if she often gave complete jerks and assholes a chance, it was because she believed they might change for her. Therefore her words planted a seed of uncertainty and doubt in Jay. ‘That’s impossible!’ She was trying to convince herself. ‘A guy like Cole doesn’t fell in love! And certainly not in a girl like me!’ That thought should calm her a little.             But it did not.
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