Chapter 14: Heartbreak

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My hands slipped from Masons neck down to his waist and I couldn’t resist pulling him against me firmly so that our groins met. He didn’t move away, so I slid my hands under his top and ran them over his muscled chest, moving them lower to where the waist band of his jeans were. I went to unbutton them and that’s when he pulled away from the kiss that through all this had only lasted around twenty seconds. With his forearm leaning against the door, he looked down at me and frowning said, “Hazel, behave yourself.” “Sorry,” I breathed. He moved away from me, and I realized just how bittersweet this moment was. I got to kiss the wolf I was falling in love with, but it was a one-time thing, I would never get to kiss or touch him ever again or have the chance to ever call him my own. I fought not to cry when he moved away and instead said, “ah come on Mase, it would be fun and so cute if we lost our virginity together.” Ok, clearly the two shots Lydia had made me down had gone to my head, if I’d been in my right mind I would have been way to shy and awkward to say such an outrageous thing, but it happened, so here we were. Mason looked at me for a moment and finally said, “why do you think I’m a virgin?” I frowned at him, “um, because when you and Rachel had that argument, she mentioned it more or less, and you didn’t deny it.” He grew cold again, I hated when he did that to me. “I didn’t deny or confirm it, I simply said what’s wrong with being a virgin, you guys can read into that however you want.” “But you said you weren’t into casual s*x or something, but you didn’t have girlfriends either because of your job.” “I’m not into casual s*x, occasionally I might want badly enough to have s*x and find a girl to spend one night with, but I’m not into hanging out regularly just for s*x, emotions usually end up getting in the way for one or the other.” The way he said it sounded like it was the female who usually fell for him rather than the other way around. I waited for him to continue, when he saw my look he spread his arms wide and said, “what, I’ve told you everything.” “Pfft, not really, try harder. So, you’re not a virgin, but you’ve never had a girlfriend either?” Sighing he answered, “no, I’m not a virgin and yes, obviously I’ve had girlfriends. I had a life before the military, it took me a couple of relationships during the military to realize it wasn’t really fair to rarely be there for them but still expect them to be loyal and waiting.” I nodded in understanding and wanted to make the room feel less intense. “Well, thanks for the kiss, Mase, it was a great birthday present and I hope you have a good night.” I grinned and quickly left the room before he could answer me. When I got to my room, I quit the happy act and finally burst into tears. I wanted him so bad, it was stupid. I had actually made things worse by kissing him because it only made me want him more. I cried like my heart was breaking, I cried for the life I’d never have with him, I cried for loving a man who would never love me back, and I cried from guilt, guilt for kissing a taken man. Rachel might be crazy, but I didn’t ever want to be that homewrecker that steals someone’s partner, that was a terrible thing to do to someone. I consoled myself with the fact that I had only done it as a birthday kiss and I would never try anything again while he was with her. At some point, I must have cried myself to sleep because when I opened my eyes next it was morning. I lay in bed and kept repeating the kiss in my head over and over. It felt like both the best and the worst experience of my life. I managed to force myself out of bed, but by then it was around ten in the morning, which was very unlike me, I just hoped no one asked any questions as to why. I didn’t bother to do myself up today, what was the point. I pulled on a loose gray t-shirt and my normal jeans and headed downstairs after I’d brushed my teeth and tied my hair back into its usual low ponytail. I went into the kitchen for breakfast and managed to only eat half my cereal, I was moping, but I couldn’t for the life me stop myself. I went into the living room and saw Rachel kissing Mason passionately as if nothing had happened yesterday. I wondered if Mason felt guilty for Rachel, knowing he kissed me, but then he probably didn’t need to as he had made it crystal clear that he hadn’t wanted to kiss me at all, and that he had only done it because it was my birthday and as a favor to me, nothing more. He pulled her into a hug, and she wrapped her arms around his waist. I couldn’t help but wish that was me. Her cuts and bruises were gone, so she must have changed to her wolf and back to heal. Transforming into our wolf form healed Injuries instantly, if we didn’t change, then we still healed faster than a normal human, but it still took a little time, like if you badly broke your leg it would take a werewolf one week to be fully healed compared to six weeks or something for a human. I found Lydia at the computer and went and joined her, so I wouldn’t have to watch them two all loved up why the hell he was still with her, I didn’t know. “Hey, you slept in late today, you feeling alright?” Lydia pressed the back of her hand to my forehead, jokingly testing my temperature. “Yeah, I’m fine, just must have been tired from being showered with gifts and cards all day long,” I mock gloated. “Spoiled brat,” she mock scowled. I saw down beside her and looked at the screen to see what she was doing. “Here, you see the empty house we found with the vamp in? Well, if you look over here.” She moved the mouse across the map of the city on screen and about ten minutes from the empty house there was an old warehouse. “They must move between the house and this warehouse I reckon. Maybe as a way to not draw attention or to confuse anyone who may be after them and their exact location, I have no clue, but it seems a high coincidence that an empty house is also right next to an empty warehouse and there was only one vampire when we got to the house. I have no clue, I could be thinking stupid s**t but either way I think we should check it out, you coming?” I nodded eagerly, looking forward to the idea of getting out and focusing on something other than Mason. “Hey, Mason, you coming with us to check out this warehouse I found?” Lydia called over to him. Or not, looks like I’d be doing nothing BUT thinking about Mason. He came over to join us after saying goodbye to Rachel, and we left the house. While walking, Mason came up beside me. “Hey, you looking forward to killing more vampires?” He asked teasingly, talking to me like nothing had ever happened last night. “Yeah,” I laughed weakly, I was trying to be my normal happy-go-lucky self, but it was proving extremely difficult. I noticed him frown at me slightly, and I quickly changed the subject so that he wouldn’t ask why I was acting weird. “So, I noticed when you and Lydia killed that vampire that you really enjoyed it, like to a creepy level enjoyed it, why is that?” Ok, so I asked the most deepest, darkest and personal question I could, but it was guaranteed to distract him from me and my mood. His face grew instantly cold and detached of any emotion, and he quietly answered, “I didn’t enjoy it.” “Yes you did,” I whispered back, quietly enough so that Lydia wouldn’t overhear as she walked ahead. “The pack seem scared of you, no one has even challenged you or even wanted to just spar and practice fighting with you, why? What do they know that I don’t?” “Nothing Hazel, drop it alright,” he snapped, a hint of a growl in his voice and he went and caught up with Lydia, so I couldn’t ask any more questions. I joined them just as we were coming up to the warehouse. It was a big ugly building with shrubbery and overgrown grass around it. As we got closer I noticed the windows were smashed out, it looked dark inside, a perfect place for vampires to hide. “We should change, we will be more stealthy and silent in our wolf form.” Mason didn’t even wait for us to answer and walked off somewhere more private to change. I went over to some bushes, nothing else was around to attract the public our way, but you never knew when a bunch of curious teens looking for mischief might come along. We made sure not to be too close to the warehouse in case they heard anything, vampires had very good hearing too and the change was painful, so it wasn’t always easy to stay silent. I quickly took my clothes off and put them in a pile beside me. Getting down on my hands and knees, I called my wolf forward. At first nothing happened, sometimes, especially if you had not long ago changed, it took more coaxing to bring her forward. The wolf would be peaceful and content, asleep in a way after a recent change, so I had to focus harder to convince her to come forward. I felt the shift in energy and knew she was awake now. I closed my eyes and felt my body start to twist and turn in unnatural angles as she came closer to the surface. f**k this hurt. My bones broke and moved under my skin while I hissed and gasped in pain, I tried not to be too loud. I embraced the pain and the change and worked with it, it was so much easier and faster to do that than it was to fight against it. Fighting against the change could in some cases cause irreparable damage, even resulting in death during your first change, that’s why Markus had the cage, it wasn’t only to keep the public safe from us until we learned to control the wolf, but also to keep Markus safe, so he could focus on talking to the young wolf on how to work with the change and not against it without him having to get distracted by restraining them. When the change was complete, I lay there panting for a few minutes, when I was ready, I got up onto all fours and went out to meet Mason and Lydia. I don’t know why, but I found it easier to be around Mason in his wolf form, probably because I didn’t have to be distracted by his overly good looks. I ran over to them and nuzzled my face against Masons furry neck in greeting, and did the same to Lydia. When Mason was sure we were ready, he turned and started to lead us toward the warehouse.
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