C H A P T E R 24 - Hades.

1037 Words

Just as I had been expecting, Persephone was waiting in my chambers, laying on my bed in such a casual manner that you would think her to spend each and every one of her nights here, when in fact, she didn’t even spend half of them with me. She hadn’t yet turned to look at me, but I knew that it was only a matter of time before it happened. She had her attention cast into a book, and I could have sworn that the book was upside down. Unfortunately, I didn’t have enough time to double check, because just as I took a step closer to her, she put the book down and put the rest of her attention on me. I couldn’t believe that she was going to handle this situation like this, and here in my chambers of all the places that she could have done so, but there was no point in me complaining. As inc

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