C H A P T E R 11 - Dilara.

2556 Words

After a while, I begin to wonder what it was that Hades planned to do down here. If there was anything that I had come to realise during the time that I had been here, was that Hades never came to see me unless there was a reason for him to do so. The reasos weren't always good ones, but they were reasons, nonetheless. I couldn't deny the fact that it worried me slightly whenever I saw him, and even more now, since I didn't know whether or not the person who I was seeing, was actually him. Yes, I had the peace of mind that it was him because of the fact that Cerberus wasn't acting like someone was about to kill me, but I didn't feel like that was enough. The fact that he wasn't talking about anything important was yet another concern to me. Why was he bothering to speak to me at all, if

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