C H A P T E R 10 - Dilara.

1014 Words

Even though Cerberus had become aware of the fact that there was someone standing outside of the door, it had taken them a long time before they decided that they were to come inside. Their lack of decisiveness was triggering to me, for it made me wonder what I was going to do if it was someone who wanted to harm me in some kind of way. It left me with too much time to worry about what was going to happen, and even though Cerberus was here and he was more than capable of protecting me, there was a part of me that couldn’t be helped, that continued to wonder whether or not the protection that Cerberus was going to provide was going to be enough. Yes, I was probably worrying for nothing, but I had this instinctive feeling that it wasn’t all for nothing. I had been just about ready to dis

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