C H A P T E R 13 - Dilara.

683 Words

I woke up with a gasp, startled by my sudden state of consciousness. Truth be told, I had not expected myself to be feeling this particular way, which was why it was a struggle for me to get my breathing under control, and to try and get my heart rate to slow down. It felt like I had only closed my eyes a few seconds ago, and now here I was, fully awake, in my bed. My bed? I sat upright, feeling my lungs disagreeing with what I was doing, but even so, I didn’t care. I believed that this was more than merely a hallucination. I was back home. I was as certain of it as I had been of the fact that I had been in the underworld. There was absolutely nothing that I wanted to do more than to get up and jump up and down on the very bed that I was now laying in. Not sure where I was finding

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