C H A P T E R 93 - Dilara.

456 Words

“It seems like I’m finally being greeted.” Even though my mothers’ choice of words could have been better, I found that she wasn’t upset with me. On the contrary, I was willing to say that she almost looked happy to see me. I was only saying this because she was making her way to me, her arms opened as if she was going to give me a hug. I had the urge the urge to turn around and leave again, but I knew that going through all of that effort just to avoid a hug, wasn’t going to do anything. “I’m sorry, Mum. I was outside, trying to figure out what was wrong with my car.” I decided to meet her halfway with the hug, knowing that the sooner it was started, the sooner it would end. And perhaps then I would be able to pull away from her first. But of course, I should have known that things

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