37 - The Disappearance - 2016

680 Words
Sobrina finished her National Service with flying colors and many awards, she entered a member, but she left a leader. She returned home to her parents and something happened. Pastor Melvin suddenly disappeared. She couldn't reach him anywhere, not on the phone, not on any social media platform. He disappeared everywhere. Sobrina was torn apart, her world had collapsed. She cried herself to sleep every night. She wasn't much of a talker on a normal day, she recoiled even more. He was her everything, and now she was left alone once again. She would regularly leave him undelivered messages, sharing her burdens as she used to, like a latter to the dead. He was her emotional pillar. Three months flew by and he was still gone, she performed many rituals, spells, and magic to get him back, none of which worked. She was no longer as focused as she was before, plus they had moved to a different house where she shared a room with her sister. She didn't have all the required privacy she needed to be able to make things work. But she meditated without failure and was now an intermediate sorceress. She had even met her guardian demon - Asmodeus - as she was told she would. It happened one night, she slept off after meditation and had a vivid dream. She saw herself standing on a small building surrounded by a lake - she was used to seeing water in her dreams. The building was octagonal, open on all sides with pillars supporting the roof. She was admiring the beautiful bluish surroundings when he dived from the water in front of her like a shark, he flew past her and before he landed on the water by her other side, turned around and smiled at her. She went closer to where he had landed and beneath the water was a bluish structure. When she awoke, she contacted a Priestess narrating all she had seen and was given the list of Demons for the very first time. She found one that accurately met the description of her dream. The background color was "blue", there was water, the manner he had dived past her - like a shark. His hair was long and black, he looked Asian. She took one look at his symbol and it was exactly the structure she had seen in the lake. His name was Asmodeus. She fell in love at once. She had been summoning, communicating and working with him without really knowing him. He always came when ever she requested even though he was said to be constantly busy. She had joined a sect in the brotherhood called "hell's soldiers". There duties were to covertly spread the knowledge of Satan, bringing more people to the "light", among other things. She was told that a Devil worshipper who was a soldier was always given preferences when necessary and it was so for her. She couldn't bring up her love affair with Asmodeus on any account, for what business had light and darkness? Sobrina decided to visit a prayer house that had come highly recommended. Pastor Melvin was a Christian, and if her methods as a Devil Worshipper wasn't going to help her get him back, then following his methods might. Why search for a peer in a corn farm? "Ma, I need your help, the man I love has suddenly disappeared", she told the woman in charge on arrival. "You should buy one bottle of oil, put a drop in your bathing water every time before you bath, so that this man doesn't return to your life. He is blocking the way for your husband. Do it so you can marry", the woman advised her. Sobrina bought the bottle of olive oil not because she wanted to get married or because the woman was right, no, she bought it so it could help her strengthen her emotions and get used to Pastor Melvin's disappearance. Sobrina already knew the woman was fake. Of course, Sobrina attended church with her family every Sunday, it did't affect her personal religion.
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