35 - Victory - 2015

707 Words
She had returned back home to her parent's immediately after dedicating her soul to the Devil. At home, she had a room to herself, the house was large and comfortable. She could be alone and meditate without disturbance. Staying wasn't easy, but it was a war she had won leaving deep scars that would hunt her for many years. She had struggled for over two years to get her Bachelor's Degree certificate, from the University without a break through. She'd prayed in every church she knew without an answer. Every time she visited her exams officer, she would be turned away. There had been no hope before now. “I lead to the straight path without a revealed book", Satan. She was directed to perform the Kabalistic square of the sun. There are many squares she could have done, all the planets have a square, but they all served different purposes, thus, she chose the square of the sun. When she finished the first time, nothing happened. She had a vivid dream, she saw a puss in boots, just like in the movie. She had seen the movie years ago. The puss was on the piano her little brother kept on one of the kitchen cabinets. It had a golden chain on one of it's legs. The chain was very long and glittery. The puss could move around within the large house but couldn't go outside. "This is you, Sobrina", a voice said to her, as she awoke. She was directed by the Devil through her mind to repeat the ritual and all will be fine. Meanwhile, at the University, a war was raging, the University made a new law tagged "over-stay". If a student stayed more than three years without graduating, they paid an extra fee or forgot about it. She needed to beat time and graduate before she "over-stayed". She intensified her ritual. Things gradually began to fall into place. She visited her exams officer and her result was finally compiled. When it was time for it to be released, she was told she was owing tuition for two academic years. The tuition Randy had stolen from her, the same one she had paid, accompanied by Pastor Melvin in her final academic year. The school denied reception of the fees with the excuse that she didn't pay it the right way. It was a huge sum of money, but her parents cleared the debt for the third time - unlike them - and without complaining. And on the 16th day of her second ritual, her father received a call from the University that her result had been released, and she had finally graduated. The same way he had received a call when she was newly admitted into the University. When she gained admission into the University, her father was hospitalized due to a high way accident. She had entered his contact information when she was filling her admission application form at the University, because she had no cell phone. So it was he - on his hospital bed - who received the news through a phone call, when her name appeared on the merit admission list. He had called Sobrina who was at home, and now had a cell phone, and delivered the news. This night, he was at work - on night duty - when he received the call from her exams officer, about his daughter graduating. In the same vain, he called home and conveyed the news, just as her brothers were delivering a message from her aunt. Her brothers had also visited the village in the same week, and returned to inform her that one of her aunts knelt down as soon as she saw them, and in tears had asked them to plead with Sobrina when they returned home, to forgive her. Sobrina received both news in one night. In her ritual, she had affirmed that things happened exactly as it did. She wasn't sure who was responsible for her mischief, she suspected her mother because of her attitude towards her, so she didn't pronounce death on the culprit. She affirmed rather that they be revealed. She wasn't as excited as the day she received the news about her admission, but victory felt really great nonetheless.
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