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Calling all passengers.  Flight 197 is ready for boarding.  Please proceed to gate three.  Once again, to all the passengers of Flight 197, Flight 197 is now ready for boarding.  Please proceed to gate three.             Adam looked up from his seat as his flight was being called.  He hastily picked up his belongings and tried to fit them back into his canvass hold all.  His fellow passengers were of the same mindset.  Some were pulling their children towards the corridor where gate three is supposed to be found.  He let them be as he has his own things to worry about.             “Adam!”  A voice suddenly called out to him.  He turned and was immediately engulfed with his grandmother’s exotic Victoria Secret perfume.  He had not expected that she would see him off, especially after the fiasco with his so-called father.  He didn’t want to add to her worries that was why he didn’t tell that he was leaving America this time for good.  He didn’t want to be burdened with his father’s problems nor does his father even care where he would be.             He just wants to be left alone.             “What the name of all that is inhuman did you do to my grandson.  I want him back.”  His grandmother pouted, her kind wrinkly face graced with a beautiful smile.  It ached that he had to do this to her especially after his grandfather had died but there is no help for it.             “How did you get here, Lulu?”  He called her by her nickname.  She could never abide people who would call her Ludmilla Jones.  It simply was not right.             She half turned and that was when I noticed my friend and executive assistant, Bryce Latimer.  He smiled sheepishly before scratching his neck in embarrassment.              Adam gave his friend a furious gaze with “I’ll deal with you later” message hidden within it before turning back to his grandmother.             “You don’t have to leave you know.  My son is a stubborn mule of a man and would never admit a mistake but he loves you dearly.”  His grandmother stated in a matter of fact way.  Bryce grimaced and Adam’s eyebrows quirked.             So now he loves me.             “I need to think, grandma.  I can’t do that with him constantly breathing behind my neck and my stepmother bringing all her friends on a buffet dinner with me on the menu.”  He replied with a peck on her weathered cheek before striding towards the gates, eager to start his much anticipated journey to the unknown.             “You’ll come back, won’t you dear?”  His grandmother shouted, her voice loud and unsure.             “See you when I get back, Lulu!  Bryce, take her home.”  Adam ordered before he resolutely turned away from them and joined the queue of passengers waiting to enter gate three.             He wanted to see more of the world.  He wanted adventure instead of being a mannequin for his stepmother or the poster boy of the company.  He didn’t want the stifling atmosphere of America.  He’d rather be rotting in a jungle in South Africa than be in the same room with his father.             And sometimes, wishes might just bite you in the ass.
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