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“Long hail the queen!”  The voices boomed in unison as a cloaked figure descended from the crystal steps of the throne room.  Everyone was excited to meet their leader.  Following the woman’s footsteps was a slight figure in green.             “Long hail the princess!”  The voices boomed once again.  Thunderous applause can be heard from the gleaming halls of Sierra Castle.  It was one thing to be joyous but another to be too fanatical in their praise.             “Control yourself, darling.  Wouldn’t want to cause a riot now, would we?”  Queen Athanasta muttered under her breath as she patted the shoulder of her daughter.  She was aware that her daughter abhorred attending these kinds of events but this one was a celebration that can never be postponed.  It was her only daughter’s coming of age ceremony.  It was the day that she would have to take the dragon throne.             Once they were standing in front of the gathering masses, the queen threw her cloak off, revealing her fiery red hair sporting a large sparkling crown.  She wore the same forest green dress as her daughter’s but the jewels encrusted therein were simply magnificent.  It complemented her white alabaster skin, heart-shaped face.  All the females envied their queen’s majestic beauty and graceful movements.  All the men want to be with her because of her power and prestige.  She is one of a kind and everyone grovels at her feet. She took a seat on her jeweled throne, her stance arrogant and beguiling.  She eyed her subjects with her eyebrows raised and her lips in a perpetual smirk. Unlike the queen, the princess remained muted, standing near the queen’s throne like a sentinel.  She remained hooded but her hands would stray towards her sword which was strapped by her hip.  Her green eyes scanned the room and noticed the lustful stares of the men as they gazed at their queen.  Once again, her hand strayed towards the hilt of the sword. Such insolent devils! “You should show yourself to our guests, Lilandra.  It is impolite to hide behind a cloak when they are here just to ogle you.”  Queen Athanasta murmured as an aside as they gazed at the multitudes gathered below. The princess heaved an annoyed sigh as she pulled her hood back to reveal her face. Silence reigned at the sight of the princess.  No one could speak as they were either bearing looks of different stages of horror or looks of varying stages of disgust.  Lilandra smirked. Like all the women in attendance, including her mother, the princess wore her hair down but unlike them, hers was pure white as driven snow.  Tendrils of curling hair rioted her heart shaped face and ended up in a thick braid on her shoulder.  But it was not the hair that caused everyone to gasp and recoil in horror and disgust.  It was the long talon like marks that marred her white skin and almost blinded her left eye.  She was clothed in a sea grown gown that complimented her figure but no one can deny the disfigurement of her face.  Her only redeeming feature was her jade green eyes.  She looked from left to right, her stare haughty and confident.  These were the people that she would serve once her mother decides to lay down her laurels and give her daughter the chance to rule their brethren.  It doesn’t mean that she didn’t feel the hurt caused by their unwitting comments. I wouldn’t touch that even with a bean pole. She is so ugly; how can she be related to the queen? Who would even want to mate with that b***h? “Listen to them.”  Queen Athanasta once again, murmured as the crowd seemed to have revived and was now chatting amongst themselves, trying to ignore the sudden pause that happened earlier.  “See how they change their allegiances.  You will not fall prey to their malicious intents, do you hear me?  They are sniveling cowards who would follow anyone who could give them what they want.  You are my only daughter and you will lead them even if they are simpletons who think physical attributes are important in sucking up to royalty.” Lilandra smirked. “Yes, mother.”  She simply replied, her eyes catching the sight of her friend and ally, Ophelia.  With a slight bow, she excused herself from the queen.  The queen waved her off but her eyes remained on her daughter’s retreating form.  She did not feel pity for her daughter’s plight.  No, it was the opposite.  She was proud of what her daughter has become. Lilandra was the daughter of her favored consort, a human male by the name of Julius Reinhart.  She never knew her father because the queen did not reveal her true nature to the human.  She allowed the human to return to his world, erasing his memories of ever meeting her.  But it was not as if she was not taking tabs on what is happening to the human after all, he is a consort and a loved one at that. The truth of the matter was, they are dragons.  Born from the medieval hoard during the time of Merlin himself.  It was said that King Arthur of Camelot had his banner made with a figure of a fire breathing dragon inlaid with gold in honor of the dragon that supported their crusade in creating a new kingdom.  For decades, dragons were a concept of myth for the humans which was fine for them.  Before, they were hunted by the knights as a fitting prize to marry a maiden from a family of royalty or as a mission to bring honor and prestige towards a kingdom.  Dragons became a commodity for the knights during the medieval era but when they started to die out, they became mere legends to scare little children.  Which was fine by Queen Athanasta. Leidlein was an island near the shores of Scotland.  Hidden by a thick barrier created by the first queen dragon, none of the humans or other creatures can venture inside its walls.  Only dragons can enter and exit the land, their consorts and their entourage.  Those who are influenced or motivated by greed can never step foot inside its hallowed halls. The queen smirked wryly. Too bad the magic only works on humans. Annoyed and bored, the queen lifted her hand up and waved at her minions.  She hid her disgust with her smile before she regally exited the hall via the same way she entered.
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