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GABRIEL Years have passed, we are seventy now and in a few weeks we will turn 18, Mom cries and smiles every time she brings our birthday to the topic. She is confusing the three of us. Maria is at that stage where she needs no man and is a fully empowered woman. Samuel is just trying to convince my dad to let him go to find more creatures like the ones we saw on the day of the fight. Of course, dad answered with a no. Sam was just too careless and not ready to be alone. Me? No one likes the idea of being tied to a person for the rest of their lives… Well, still not yet. Probably I wouldn’t be thinking too much of it if my mom or every pack member asked me if I had a hint of who could be my possible mate… As if I cared about that! My idea of bringing alphas, betas, and strong warriors to a camp in the Aegean Moon was well received and I could see my friends, but at the same time, when they came and were already 18 Emile and Jayden found their mates. They were strong females from other packs and then Emile decided to go to his mate’s pack and Jayden stood at the howlers with his mate… Lucas was crushed when Emile told him he was living, and I understood the feeling, we were all like brothers, and as soon as they found their mates they stopped calling and texting. Lucas says that even though Jayden is still in his pack, he stays with his mate all the time. I don’t want that or need it, I need to train and get stronger, I need to follow dad and learn what I need to do when I take over, because if someone is taking over it’s me or Maria... Sam just wants to be out of here and explore… He has already been punished and forced to sleep in the dungeons a few times, but still, he tries to leave the pack´s territory with the idea of discovering new creatures… Mom and Dad… When they are apart they work great! But if you put them together stick to each other like magnets and the scene is just too embarrassing to watch, they can’t stop touching each other, just like new found mates… but they are not newfound mates! They have been together for at least four years and the intensity is still there! Mom said she didn’t want more children, so I think our family will be just five, but dad keeps begging for a new baby, so who knows… -GABE! I turned and saw Elliot. He was in that stage of long hair so he sometimes looked like a girl. He is only twelve years so he still looks like a little kid, but he is more mature than Eva, who I still don’t believe Eva is just months younger than us. -Have you thought about who could be your mate? Again, that question. “We are fine alone, we don’t need no one else!” Zeus was also getting impatient. -I don’t care Elliot. -Come on man! We are friends! He tried to grab me by the shoulder with his arms but his size just makes his hands reach my chest… giving me a slight punch. -So now you are punishing me? -Sorry, I wasn’t aiming at you, I just wanted… He lowered his head in form of submission. I still had problems controlling my aura. Zeus was irritated but I said that I was kidding, but for Elliot, it sounded like a threat because of Zeus' mood… Being the future Alpha was way harder than I expected. -Don’t worry Elliot, I know what you were trying to do. I said as I petted him on the head and the sparks came back to his eyes. -So then? -I really don’t care… I have much bigger things to worry about. -Well, my sister says that you or Sam are not going to find your mate on your birthday, so don’t worry. -What? I stopped my walk through the perimeter and looked at him. -Yes, she is one hundred percent sure she is the mate of one of you, so we will see. I just imagine my life tied forever to Eva and cold chills ran through my body. “Well, she is indeed a strong female.” “SHUT UP ZEUS! I RATHER KILL MYSELF!” -I know you probably don’t like the idea, but if that happened then we could be like brothers-in-law! His eyes were full of hope, so that’s what it is all about. I hugged him. -You are already my brother, we don’t need to mix your sister in this, and in any case, she could be Sam’s mate. -I rather prefer her as your mate. -Sam’s a good man… -A good man that tried to escape millions of times. I don’t want my sister dragged into that. “And I don’t want your sister nonstop chattering and drama for the rest of my life!” Zeus was right, but it was rude to say that to Elliot. -We will see in some weeks if I don’t find my mate and when she turns eighteen. -YES! He had a big smile on his face. -I can already imagine what your kids will look like! -WHAT? -Come on as future Alpha you had to think of that, you need an heir. -No one said that before. -If you don’t have children, then when you die who will lead the kingdom? -Maria or Sam? -What if Maria leaves for his mate pack and Sam also moves out? -Why would they do that? -Well, Sam’s mate could be the only daughter of an Alpha, and Maria be mated to a future Alpha… So it’s normal for them to leave the Aegean Moon pack and lead their new pack. -THEY ARE NOT LIVING MY SIDE! THIS CONVERSATION IS OVER! I shifted into Zeus, ripping my clothes, and just burst into running. What got me mad is that what he is saying could be true! What if they leave me just as Emile left their pack and family? Will I end up alone in this pack? I hate the mating idea. We should be able to choose whoever we want and when we want it not the Moon Goddess! I saw a tree and tackled it until it broke and then I used my claws to shred it into small pieces. I was angry, I was afraid, and confused… There was nothing I could do to stop it or prevent it… Just time would say what would happen to me and my siblings, as I kept on attacking the wood that was now in small pieces. I smelled two familiar scents. Cypress followed by river water and a mix of jasmine and strawberry. -” What are you two doing here?” By the sound, they were both in their wolf and cat form. -” Elliot called us and told us you seemed upset.” -” UPSET!” I turned and saw Sam not even flinching at my tone… If they leave me, who will confront me? They are the only ones that can handle my tone and are not afraid of me. -” IT’S ALL YOUR FAULT THAT I’M LIKE THIS!” -” How could this be our fault? I was watching a makeup tutorial on my computer!” -”I was eating the leftovers from breakfast!” -”You will find mates and leave me alone! With all these responsibilities, that in the first place were yours, Sam!” -”YOU CAN’T SPEAK LIKE THAT TO SAM! YOU SAID YOU WERE WILLING TO TAKE THE POSITION!” Maria was mad. I turned and saw Sam’s wolf and he had sad eyes… Maria was right, it’s not Sam’s fault… I wanted the position and I was just redirecting my anger at him. I sat down and stopped shredding wood with my claws. -”You are right Maria, I can’t blame this on our brother… I just don’t feel ready to be on my own… and in just a few weeks you can find your mate and leave me!” Maria walked to me and laid her cat's head on Zeus' shoulder. -”Relax, there’s still time, and what if you also find your mate? You wouldn’t be alone, you would even prefer to spend time with her than with us.” -”That would never happen!” -”Gabe it’s normal, neither Sam nor I would be mad, we know the heavy weight you carry and until you are ready we will be at your side to support you and help you.” I saw Sam walking towards us. -”If you think Dad found Mom until he was like eighty years old, so what if that’s our case?” -”Sam is right Gabe, we could still get many years together before a mate for us appears!” Maria´s words did give me peace of mind. I rubbed Zeus’s head against Maria’s cat and relaxed. I still had more years with my siblings and that’s the only thing I wanted. Sam just sat near and then rolled over in the mud. Maria looked at him. -”You know mom is going to be mad when she sees you all covered in mud, right?” -”What can they do? Make me sleep in the dungeon again?” -”Don’t say it like that, it was your fault the first time! Why were you trying to leave the pack territory?” -”I already told you, Maria! I need to see the world find more mythical creatures! write about them!” -”Stop with that nonsense! There are no more mythical creatures! The moon goddess sends them to help us but that’s it!” -”NO I AM SURE HERE MORE THAN WE KNOW!” I just started walking away from the fight they have been having since the first attempt of Sam escaping. -”No Gabe you started this now stay, and tell Sam why he is wrong!” I looked back and saw Maria’s cat with her fur standing up. “She is really mad Gabe.” “I can see it, Zeus.” -”Let’s do something fun, the last one to jump into the river will wash the dishes of the winner at dinner?” -”You are on!” Sam’s wolf started running. -”You started first that doesn’t count!” Mari started running and trying to catch up to Sam who was definitely with and advantage, I just smile, they were not fighting anymore, and a soon as Sam jumped into the river the mud started to banish, so mom was now not going to be that mad, she would just complain about the weather being cold and Sam drenching wet…. Unless… I pushed Maria into the river getting her soaking wet, She glared at me and used her front paws to also drag Zeus into the water. “Great now mom is going to yell at all of us.” I could hear Zeus complaining and he was right but we were now soaked so why not get the advantage, I splashed the water with my front ´paws and got a wave of water into Maria’s face. We keep playing in the water for about almost an hour. When I saw the sky and saw stars, I knew it was going to be a problem with mom. -”Guys we should go home now!” Zeus started swimming into the riverside so we could get our fur out of the water. I saw both of my siblings following me, as soon as we could walk on the floor Zeus started running back home. As I saw the door I could already smell mom’s scent and I knew she was waiting for us. -Look who decided to show up… She had that look on her face… “You take the bullet on this.” I felt Zeus backing off and I started shifting back, I saw my mother handing clothes to my siblings and me, we dressed up and she still had that look on her face. -I know you are already seventeen years old, but you could still be targets… Not that you can’t defend yourselves but please be home before the sun sets or at least take some guards… If this happens again I will take your cell phones for a month! She entered the house and didn’t look back. -That was scary… Sam’s voice tremble a bit, he was right when mom had that look everything she did was scary… I think she just used that look with us and dad. We entered home with our heads down just to see mom and dad sitting on the living room watching a movie, she has laughing like if nothing happened… so “I think she saw dad and forgot about us?”... I felt Sam linking me. -”Gabe do you think the same thing I am thinking…” -”Not sure even if you think, but if it’s related with mom being distracted with dad, yes I do, I say we run for it!” I started running towards my room and saw did my siblings, I still shared a room with Sam and Maria had her room next door. As soon as Sam closed the door he looked at me. -That was good luck! I never had been out of mom when she had that look. -We should thank dad later, but now I really need a warm shower. -You really act like a prince, be more wild, go to bed wet just as I am going to do! He jumped in the bed and took the shirt off. -The cold makes your system stronger. I wasn’t going to discuss how he was wrong in so many ways… I really needed that shower. When I get out of the bath saw him in curl ball shivering… “Let him be, let’s see if he really gets stronger.” “Zeus don’t be like that!” I took the blanket from the floor and covered him, I saw his body relaxed thanks to the warm blanket. I went to my bed and fell asleep. -NO! I quickly get up by Sam’s screams.
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