Chapter twelve a good night rest

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~~Star’s P.O.V~~   Talking about everything must have taken more out of me than I thought because I slept right through dinner and am only just waking up the morning after. I slowly opened my eyes and was instantly met with the sound of someone knocking on my bedroom door. I closed my eyes and pulled the blanket up, covering my head.   “COME IN AND STOP THAT LOUD BANGING!!” I screamed out, not wanting to leave the warmth of my bed.    “Sorry, I have been trying to wake you up for the past thirty minutes, but did not want to just walk in and shock you. Come on, it's time you were up and ready.” Kelly said, walking into my room.   “Why do I have to get up? Wait, what? I can't believe I slept the whole night through, but there was something weird that happened. I could have sworn I heard a really loud growl or roar, like a bear or something, I’m not sure what time it was, unless I was dreaming.” I replied, but Kelly just chuckled as I sat up in bed. That's just great, I’m going crazy now and dreaming about bears again.   “You must have been really tired, anyone that has been through what you have been through would sleep as well. Now like I said you need to get ready, we’re going shopping, remember? I got you a pair of jeans and a t-shirt to wear, I also got you a pair of sandals, I think you're roughly about my size. Now come one, get out of bed and get ready.” Kelly said, grabbing the blankets off me and forcing me out of my nice warm bed. I groaned as I got out of bed, took the clothes from Kelly and went into the bathroom, turning the shower on. I did my business, got in the shower and washed myself, then got out, dried off and brushed my teeth. I put the clothes on that Kelly gave me and they fit me, but they weren't what I was used to wearing and made me feel a bit uncomfortable at first. I did my hair and once I was finished I came out of the bathroom to find Kelly happily making my bed.   “Okay, I’m ready. Where are we actually going and how much money am I going to need?” I asked, but Kelly just rolled her eyes as she finished making my bed for me.   “Girl are you ever going to listen and learn, you don't need to bring any money with you, now come on and let's go. Nash made you an egg sandwich, so you can eat it on the way.” Kelly replied, grabbing my hand and almost dragging me out of my room. We hurried downstairs and straight to the kitchen where Nash was waiting for us, holding out my sandwich for me.    “Thank you.” I said, smiling and kissing his cheek, as I took the sandwich from him. He smiled and blushed a little, just as Noah came into the kitchen with two other big guys and two girls.   “Star, this is Alice and Ava, they live here as well and these are their boyfriends, Tyler and Brooks.” Kelly said, introducing us and I smiled and nodded.   “Hi.” I said, but they all just smiled and kinda bowed their heads to me, which was really weird. We all left the house and piled into two cars, with Noah, Kelly Nash and I being in the first car and Tyler, Brooks, Ava and Alice being in the car behind us. I sat in the back next to Nash and ate my sandwich as we drove, still not knowing where we were going. The drive took forty minutes and it was quite fun, Nash wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer to him, making those sparks erupt again, but it felt really nice and not a shock like the first time. We pulled up into a parking lot and that's when I saw that we were at the mall. ~~Kelly’s P.O.V~~   We parked the car with the other parking in the space next to us and got out. All of us were laughing and joking with each other as we headed into the mall.   “Hey guys, me and Alice are going to meet you at the dress shop, we all know how Kelly gets when she's buying clothes. We’ll be here all day.” Ava said, laughing and they both left to do their own thing.   “Just be careful, you know rogue’s come here too.” I said, mind-linking Ava.   “We’ll be careful, I promise. If we need you, we’ll link you, just dont wear poor Star out too much.” Ava replied, mind-linking me back and I huffed.   “Alright, I make no promises when it comes to shopping. I’ve got to shut the link off before Star thinks I've gone crazy.” I said and quickly ended the link. I turned back to face Star and thankfully she was focused on talking to Nash and Noah to have noticed my eyes glaze over.   “Alright Star, you need a lot of things, so we’re going to the pants and shorts store first.” I said and took her hand, leading her into the shop and making poor Nash, Noah, Tyler and Brooks have to run to catch up with me. Everyone knew how seriously I took shopping and they also knew not to stop me when I set my mind to something, sadly for Star I had set my mind on kitting her wardrobe out. As soon as we walked into the shop one of the sales women came up to me.   “Hey Kelly, what do you need today?” She asked and I shook my head smiling at her.   “Well, it's not for me today, it's for my new sister. We’re here to get her some new clothes.” I replied and she nodded, but I saw out the corner of my eye that Nash had a goofy grin on his face at the fact I called Star my sister.   “Just let any of us know if you need any help.” The sales woman asked, moving out of the way and I nodded, thanking her.  ~~Star’s P.O.V~~   I now knew what Ava meant when she mentioned how Kelly gets, she was like a machine when she was shopping and the proof was there when the sales women knew her by name. I watched as Kelly went straight to the pants rack, but then she turned back around and grabbed my hand, pulling me with her.    “Star, I think that you are about my size, so I’m getting you two different sizes just in case.” Kelly said, looking through all the pants, pulling out about sixteen to twenty pairs and handing them to me. I was holding so many and they were piled up so high that I could just about see over the top of them and these were just the pants, we still had to look through the shorts and god only knows how many of those she was going to get.   “Sorry Star, I didn't realise, but now we are going to the shorts.” Kelly said, laughing and taking half of the pile away from me. She looked through the shorts and handed me another huge pile as well as carrying some herself.   “Come on, let's go and try these on.” Kelly said and I was thankful when I realised that all of these weren't for me. We got to the changing room and Kelly took the ones she wanted to try on, still leaving me with rather a lot. I sighed and closed the door, taking my jeans off and started on the first pair. It took me thirty minutes in total to try on everything and Kelly was right I was her size. I didn't feel comfortable in them at first, but I was slowly getting used to them. I came out of the changing room and Kelly was waiting for me.   “Well, did you like them? Did they fit?” Kelly asked and I nodded.   “They felt a bit weird at first, I’m used to wearing baggy clothes and these are far from baggy, but you were right I am the same size as you.” I replied, going to put the ones that were not the right size back on the shelves, but a sales woman stopped me and took the pile from me.   “It's okay, I'll put them back for you.” The woman said and I nodded. We went to the cash register to pay for everything and I was slightly annoyed that Kelly wouldn't let me pay for anything.   “Can you ship them to the house please.” Kelly asked and the woman nodded. How did they know where to ship them? Was Kelly really here that often that they already knew?   “Don't worry, everything will be there before we even get home. Come on, now we need to get to the shirt shop.” Kelly said, yet again taking my hand and leading the way, with Nash, Noah, Brooks and Taylor following closely behind. I honestly don't know why they came because they haven't bought anything yet or even looked at anything, they must be bored out of their heads.  We yet again hurried to the shop and it was like Kelly was on a mission or something with how she was acting, she picked out a few shirts and this time I actually picked some out as well. We went to the changing room to try them on and I actually like them, it wasn't my usual style, but I still liked them. We went to the cash register and Kelly yet again told the woman the same thing to ship them to the house after she had paid for them.   “How often do you actually come here? Not once have you told them the address and they all seem to know your name.” I asked and she just smiled.   “Kelly is here almost all of the time, this is like her second home, when she's not with Noah.” Nash said, earning him an elbow to the ribs from Kelly.   “I’m not here that often.” Kelly replied, just as a member of staff from one of the shops walked past saying hi to her.   “Babe, I'm sorry, but I've got to agree with Nash on this. Remember when you had that cold and didn't leave the house, this place sent you a get well soon card.” Noah said, making all of us laugh except for Kelly, who was blushing a deep shade of red. In the end Kelly threw her hands up in defeat and stuck her tongue out at Nash and Noah for teasing her.    “Alright, now let's go and get some undergarments, we can go to Victoria Secret.” Kelly whispered to me and we started walking to the store. We had just got there when suddenly Nash, Tyler, Noah and Brooks stopped dead in their tracks and stood there looking so embarrassed it was actually quite cute.   “That's our cue, we are not going into that store. We’ll be waiting out here for you to come out.” Nash said and the other three nodded in agreement. Kelly and I laughed at their response as we walked into the store. I picked out a few matching bras and panty sets and some socks, but then Kelly insisted that I also get some sexy sets as well, so I did. We paid and Kelly told the cashier the same as before and then we walked out to see that the guys were looking away from the store, making us laugh at them and their reactions.   “Oh come on, you knew we wouldn't go in there. It would be weird.” Tyler said, making us laugh even more.   “Yeah I know. where‘s Brooks?” Kelly asked, looking around.   “He didn't want to be seen outside this shop, so he left and went to find Ava and Alice.” Noah replied, making us laugh even more.   “Come on, we still have a couple more shops to go to and then the dresses, I promise.” Kelly said, making the guys groan. My feet were killing me, but I must admit that I was having a good time. We went to the shoe store next and Kelly had me pick out so many shoes, even shoes and heels to match my clothes, that I would need another room just to store them all. We paid and then left for a jewellery store called Zales. We walked in and everything was so pretty and shiny in here, but the prices were ridiculous. Kelly kept telling me not to worry about it and picked out a few necklaces, bracelets, anklets, rings and earrings, but when i saw the price I almost fainted.    “Sweetheart, get whatever you want, the price is nothing as long as you are happy.” Nash said, hugging me and kissing my forehead.   “I can't spend that much, it's way too much.” I replied, but he just shook his head.   “You're not spending that much and it's either you get what you want or Kelly will drag you back here and make you get it.” Nash said, but that didn't make me feel any better about it. Nash must have noticed my uneasiness because he pulled me closer to him.   “Star, I’m telling you now that this is nothing, don't worry about it and let us spoil you for the first time in your life. You deserve this and I am more than happy to give it to you.” Nash said and even though I still didn't agree, that didn't stop Kelly from getting it all. We went to the make-up store next, making all the guys groan as Kelly had only said a couple more stores, and this was the third one before the dress store, but she just politely told them to suck it up. We brought shampoo, conditioner, body wash and lotion, plus lots of make-up. We finally made it to the dress store, where Kelly had me pick out twenty dresses that would match the shoes.   “Here, I found this one and I think you should wear it for graduation, it would look beautiful on you.” Nash said, handing me a gorgeous dress. I smiled and quickly ran into the changing room to try it on and to my surprise it actually fit. Nash had great taste in dresses this fit like a glove and made me feel really special, not just because it was gorgeous, but because Nash had picked it out for me.   “Well, did it fit? Did you like it? Do I get to see it?” Nash asked and I laughed at his nervousness.   “Yes it fit, yes I loved it and no you don't get to see it until graduation, I want it to be a surprise.” I replied and Nash smiled from ear to ear.   “I think I can wait until then.” Nash said, winking at me and making me blush. We took the dresses to the cash register with Kelly doing the same as before, but when we came out of the shop she just stood there and smiled innocently at everyone which really confused me. What had she done?   “No, I refuse to, no.” Tyler said, quickly shaking his head to the point I thought he was going to get whiplash.   “Kelly, seriously. Where else could you possibly want to go?” Noah asked and now I knew why Kelly was acting all innocent and batting her eyelashes at Noah, who quickly gave into her.   “Fine, where are we going?” Noah asked. What else could she possibly want to buy and why? I have never known anyone like shopping as much as what Kelly does.   “Well, Star’s got so much stuff now that she is going to need somewhere to put it.” Kelly said, making Tyler facepalm, Noah groan and Nash shake his head.   “It's okay, Kelly. I can find….” I started to say, but Nash quickly put a hand over my mouth.   “There's no point in arguing with her or trying to change her mind, she has that crazy shopping look in her eyes and nothing is going to stop her.” Nash said, making me laugh.   “Well, I can't go to another store, so I’m going to go meet up with the others.” Tyler said, walking off and waving goodbye to us. We went to a furniture store and Kelly had me pick out a new vanity set, a new dresser and a rug, then we went to the Yankee candle store, buying some candles. ~~Kelly’s P.O.V~~   We were sadly finally done, even though I could have taken Star to a few more stores, but I could see that she was getting tired and the guys were groaning for me to call it a day.   “Hey, we’re at the food court. Are you all finished yet, we’re waiting for you.” Ava said, mind-linking me and then I heard the guys moaning that they were starving.   “Yeah, I’m done, the guys are being bitches about shopping so we are on our way.” I replied and ended the link before Star noticed. ~~Star’s P.O.V~~   We finally made it to the food court and met up with the others, who had thankfully already ordered burgers and pizzas for everyone. We talked, laughed and joked around while we ate and when we were finished it was finally time to head home. My feet were killing me, my legs were hurting and I was so tired. We were leaving the food court, when I suddenly felt like I was being watched. I stopped and looked around, I couldn't see anyone watching me, but I could feel them and it sent shivers down my spine. I felt really uncomfortable and started walking faster to try and get out of there as soon as I could.
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