229 Words
I thought I'm fine, I thought I'm okey, I thought I've move on, But in the end its just my thoughts. Its was a sunny day, When we first met, You confess your love, to my younger self. I thought we're strong enough, I thought your love is strong, I thought we can survive, But in the end its just a thought. I made a decision for both of us, I choosed to let you go, I decided to fulfill my dream first, And I'll come to you with open arms. I thought you will wait me, I thought we can be together again, I thought you still love me, But in the end its just my thought. I thought I already move on, I thought I already forgot you, I thought I don't love you anymore, But still, its just my thought. Its been a year, no, its been eight years, Eight years without you, Eight years of loneliness, Eight years of regrets. I wish I can move on , I wish I can be happy like you, I wish I can find my old self, I wish I can have the closure. Yes, I regret my actions in the past, but at the same time I 'm happy, I'm happy that you found your happiness, I'm happy even though its not me. --------------------------------- Thank you for reading!

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