Chapter 2

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A couple days later When Julian and I wake up in the morning. It's 7 am and school starts in about an hour. We got out of bed and got dressed. I walk into the walk-in closet and grab a pair of boot cut jeans, a black lace bra, matching underwear, black socks, a pair of black heeled booties, and a skin tight black t-shirt. Julian walks into the walk-in closet and over to his side of the closet and grabs a pair of jeans, his black biker's boots and a black t-shirt. After getting dressed we head down stairs hand in hand. Mom and dad are in the kitchen. Mom is cooking pancakes and dad is sitting at the dining room table reading the newspaper. Julian and I sit next to dad at the table. Mom finishes the pancakes, putting them on a platter and setting them on the table. She puts 4 on a plate and hands the plate to Julian. She then puts 4 more on another plate and hands it to me. We both dig in eating slowly. When we finish it's 7:30. We get up grabbing our school stuff and my truck keys, saying, "See you after school." as we walk out of the house and to my red Dodge ram 3500. I climb in the driver's seat as Julian climbs into the passenger. I drove to school. * * * * * When we get to school we climb out of the truck and walk to the door. Julian holds the door open for me. We walk inside and to our lockers which are next to each other. After grabbing our books for our first period class we parted ways. Kissing each other as Julian walks in one direction and I walk in the other. Julian’s first period is English and mine is Science. When I walk into science Sierra's already at our table. As I walk over to the table I'm looking at my calendar on my phone. She can tell there is something wrong so when I sit down slowly she whispers, "What's wrong?" as our teacher walks in. I look up at her whispering back, "I'm late." She looked at me confused, still whispering, "No, your not class hasn't even started." I rolled my eyes saying the same way, "No I'm late." with more meaning. She understood now, saying surprised,"Oh." I asked a little frantic, "What do I do?" Before she could answer, the teacher said, seeing us whispering to each other, "Ms. West and Ms. Whitlock, is there something you would like to share with the class?" Our faces turn red in embarrassment as everyone turns to look at us, as I answer."No sir." He looks at us annoyed, saying, "Then pay attention." * * * * * When the bell rings for lunch after 4th period I walk to my locker not really paying attention to anyone in the hall. When Julian walks up to my side putting his arm around my waist scaring me as I jump punching him in the face. He steps back unexpectedly, his eyes going wide and his hand going up to his face where I punched him, saying, "Ow." I gasp realizing what I did saying, "oh my god r u okay i'm so sorry." He wiggles his jaw saying, "yep i'm fine just a little taken back as to why my fiance just punched me in the face." I look down then look back up at him saying, "Sorry there's a lot of stuff on my mind." as we walk to our lockers. After putting our books away we walk to the cafeteria getting in line to get food, as Julian asks, "Like what?" I look at him then look away, dishing up food not answering him. After getting our food we walk over to one of the white round tables sitting in the chairs. James asks again, "like what?" I look down at my food, whispering, "I'm late." He looks at me confused, not saying anything. I roll my eyes looking up at him saying, "I'm late." with more enthusiasm. His eyes go wide saying, "Oh." As Sierra, Josh, Rob and Bill sit down. * * * * * After about an hour the bell rings for 5th period. We take care of our trays and walk to our lockers. We grab our books and walk to class. * * * * * When the end of 8th period rings, the bell rings. I walk to my locker after putting my books away, putting my homework in my backpack and grabbing it. I shut my locker leaning against it and sliding to the floor with my legs close to my chest. Julian comes walking down the hall messing around with Rob, Sierra, Josh and Bill as they all laugh. They separate going to their lockers. Julian opens his locker, putting his books away, putting his homework into his backpack, grabbing it. After shutting his locker he sits down next to me pulling me into him hugging me, whispering, "It's okay, we'll get you a test." After putting away their books, grabbing their homework and grabbing their backpacks Sierra, Josh, Rob and Bill walk over to us. We let go of each other as they helped us up off the floor. We split as we walked out to the parking lot and to our cars. Julian and I walked to my truck as he held his hand out to me saying, "Let me drive." I go to argue with him but he interrupts me saying, "You're not in a good state to drive and hand me the keys." I sigh, handing him the keys climbing into the passenger side. He climbs in starting the truck. He goes the opposite way of the house. I look at him confused, asking, "Where are we going?" He answers, "I said we'd get you a test." I nod. * * * * * After buying the test we headed back home. When we get home Julian parks the truck in the garage. He grabs the bag as we hoped out of the truck. My parents aren't home. Rob and Bill are out back training. Julian and I head upstairs to our room. We go into the room. Julian asks, "Do you have to pee?" I said, "yes." He hands me the bag. I walk into the bathroom as he sits in the middle of the bed. * * * * * After I take the test I come out with it in hand staring at it. When Julian sees me he gets off the bed standing up asking worried, "What's wrong?" I look up at him handing him the test. He looks at it then looks at me. Then looks back at it then looks back at me, asking, "Really?" I slowly nod. He smiles. I look at him confused, asking, "Why are you smiling?" He said, still smiling, "because we're gonna be parents." I looked at him, saying, "Julian, I'm only 16." He lost his smile as he sighed wrapping his arms around my waist, saying, "It'll be okay baby." I lay my head against his chest letting out the tears that I have been holding in for hours. He whispered, "It'll be okay." After the tears stopped he whispered, "I love you." kissing my forehead I whisper saying, "I love you too." * * * * * After just laying there for a while we smell food. We decided to head down stairs hand in hand. We go into the kitchen where my parents are at. My dad is sitting at the table while my mom is cooking BBQ meatballs. I sat down next to my dad Julian sitting down next to me. I give Julian a look that says something. He looks at me confused. I roll my eyes. Looking at my parents. Julian understandingly grabs my hand and squeezes it. I look at him giving him a look that says what. He gives me a look that says don't. I look at him confused, giving him a look that says why. Julian just silently signs looking down at the table, defeated letting go of my hand. I decided not to say anything. * * * * * When dinner is made my mom calls everyone to dinner. My mom dishes up my dad 4 meatballs and hands the plate to him. She dishes up the same amount for Julian, Bill and Rob handing them they're plates as Rob and Bill sit down at the table. She then dishes herself and I up to 3 meatballs. As she hands me my plate. Then sets her plate down next to dad sitting down next to him. All of us dig in. I ask for 2 more helpings other than the one I just ate. * * * * * After dinner Julian and I head to the bedroom. Julian and I get ready for bed. We climb into bed. I curl up against his bare chest. We both pass out. * * * * * A couple days later. We head downstairs to breakfast. My mom is making pancakes, sausage patties, and eggs. After mom gets done cooking the food she calls my brothers and dad to breakfast as she puts the food on 3 different plates one for the pancakes, one for the sausage, and one for the eggs. Then grabbing 6 more plates out of the cupboard. She then dished. 4 waffles, 4 sausage patties, and 2 eggs onto each of the 5 plates, handing them to each of us. Then she dishes herself up. Sitting next to dad. Everyone digs into their food as I sit there staring at mine for a few minutes. Then looking up surprised saying quickly, "I'm sorry." Then standing up and running to the bathroom. Dad, mom, Bill and Rob look up from they're plates at the direction I took off running in. Dad and mom then looked at Julian as they heard me throwing up. Dad's face turned from surprised to mad. Julian goes to stand up but my mom tells him, "You stay right where you're at." As she got up walking around the table and to the bathroom she knocked. Knock, knock, knock. I sigh after throwing up again knowing exactly who was at the door saying, "come in." Wiping my mouth with some toilet paper, throwing it into the toilet and flushing the toilet leaning against the tub. Knowing exactly what's coming. My mom opened the door and walked in shutting the door behind her. She walked to me sitting on the floor next to me leaning against the tub. She asked, "When did you find out?" I looked at her surprised. She chuckled, "I've known for a few days." "What how?" She chuckled again, smiling, "You're my daughter for one. And for two when it comes to pregnant she wolves they give off a certain smell. It's not strong enough for male wolves to pick up on yet but when it comes to family, as in mother and daughters they can tell right away. So I've actually known since before you found out." I look down at the floor feeling bad for not telling her sooner. She chuckles at my reaction saying, "I know you're going to hate me for saying what I have to say now, but we need to go check on the boys to make sure they haven't done anything to your fiance." We both stood up walking out back to the kitchen. My dad has Julian against the wall by the throat. Bill and Rob are behind him. Their eyes silverish and they’re canines out their wolves half way out as they are yelling at Julian. * * * * * After arguing with my dad, Bill and Rob. And after the threats to cut off Julian’s d**k or any other threat the three of them could think about were done. Mom and I were able to calm the situation enough to convince them it's what I wanted. Julian and I decide to go upstairs. We lay down on the bed. I curl up against Julian’s chest as we kiss each other. We fall asleep. * * * * *
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