Chapter one: Time to pay

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Diamond was furious with this particular family who made a payment six months ago. He called his men and said, "Let's get a beer before we clean house". Meanwhile, Luna grabbed her guitar and looked at the time, and put on her leather jacket. She walked a few blocks away from her folks' home. As Luna walked to a note, a very rich man looked at her and went back to business. As the bar keeps saying, ah there you are Luna, please this kid is ruining my business. Diamond and his brothers were in the bar and asked," Is she any good? Luna went upstage as she then had her guitar set up. Luna then begins, then a beautiful guitar-like angel. Diamond and his brother said this girl was good. As Luna then begins, she sings with the rhythm of a guitar, never missing a beat or a note. Diamond was falling for her as he said, I want to know her."""" Spade then nodded his head and said she was a gorgeous woman and talented. Ace waves to the bartender and asks who she is? The bartender spoke highly of her Diamond, then smiled more as Luna looked beautiful with ripped-up jeans, a black t-shirt, and a rocking leather jacket, long flowing hair, and gorgeous emerald eyes fit for the precious jewel that she is. Luna finally finished playing. She walked up to the bartender and said, "May I have water?" He smiled and said" Here goes, sweetheart". Luna then drinks her water bottle as she sees 3 men looking at her as she pays no attention to them as she turns around to see one of them walk over to her. Luna then left the bar and began to walk home as Diamond then saw her walking away. Diamond then receives word that she is the daughter of the family who owes them money. As Diamond and his brothers drove to Luna's parent's house as they knocked on the door, Diamond then walked into the house and said, "It's time to pay up." Luna's mom and dad were shaking and begging to spare their lives. Luna just walked into the house as Spade grabbed her and pulled her tightly and said shhh. Diamond then sees Luna looking at him and says, "You have a beautiful daughter." Perhaps we can make a deal." Luna then looked at her folks as Luna was, for the first time, very scared. Diamond snapped his fingers as Ace then spoke to his parents. Spade then whispered in Luna's ear and said sorry about all this."""" Diamond looked cold. He said," Sign the paper, or I could kill you and take her. Luna then looked back at the folks as they signed. Luna knew they would be this way as Ace then looked at her, said Luna, please grab your things and come with us quietly. Luna was in shock as Ace then gently took her hand and said, come, I'll help you." Luna was guided to her room, and she grabbed some things and grabbed her cleaning kit. Ace watched her like a hawk, making sure she wasn't going to try anything stupid. Luna then followed him to the living room as her parents hugged her tightly. Diamond then guides her to his limousine as Diamond then speaks. Gently, he said" I must say, Luna, you took this pretty well.""" Luna didn't realize that tears had fallen down her face. Spade gently touched her face and said Diamond to him he was crying. Diamond then put his hand in his jacket pocket. Luna thought for a second he was gonna kill her. Diamond then gently wiped her face and said, "There there Luna, no harm will come to you." Luna then looked away from them as Ace then whispered in Diamond's ear. Perhaps it is best to give her space, bro. As Luna sees her town going further away from her life. Ace touched her hand, said Luna. Luna looked at them and said, "I can't .... Diamond then told the driver to pull over. Spade went to the store and rushed to get some water bottles. Ace took her out of the limousine as Luna was freaking out. All this was overwhelming. Luna was shaking as Diamond then touched her face and said to try to calm down.""" Spade rushed to her side as he handed her water and said it was cold. Diamond then spoke, and Luna said to us" we are not gonna kill you.""" Luna then looked at all their eyes as Luna tried to speak, but she suddenly felt dizzy, and she fell. Spade caught her and said, Diamond. Ace then sighed and said she had a minor panic attack, but she would be fine. Let's get her home. Diamond then opens the door and says, "Drive home now." Spade held her as she was unconscious. Diamond touched her face and said, "Poor thing ." Ace then saw their home. Ace opened the door, and Spade carried him onto the couch and he then walked away. Luna then woke up as Ace was so close to her, and so was Diamond. Luna was shaking more and said" wait" stop. Diamond then said backed up Ace now. They both step back as Luna begins to breathe. Spade then sees her up and hands her water. Luna saw them watching her, " Please, I don't want to die." All three looked at each other with confusing looks on their faces. Diamond then sighed and said Luna was not gonna hurt you or do anything to you. We want you to all play with us. Luna was then relieved and suddenly realized, " You want me to play, wait a second, you are all at your job." Diamond then nodded his head. Yes, but Luna then stood up and said, Look Diamond Sir, I'm just a mere guitarist. " I'm sure there's a better one out there. I beg you to let me go. Spade sighed as he looked very sorry for her, and said," Luna, we would have killed your parents and then taken you.
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