Chapter Two: Order are our law

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Luna looked helpless as her parents gave her away. Luna sees them staring at her as Ace then clears his throat and says, we brought your things to your new room." Luna sees her guitar right by her as she grabs her. Diamond then spoke in a firm tone, saying Luna would not escape us or we would kill them. Luna knew he wasn't kidding and then backed up, asking what do you from me?" Luna, as she saw a group of men walk in, said" Boss, you called us. Diamond then smiled and said, This is my band, and you will be playing for us." Luna's eyes were fixed on her guitar as she was lost for words. Spade then said we have a lot of parties and we need good music. Diamond's lead singer said," Hey you're telling me this chick is better than us." I would like to see this ." Luna looked at them. Diamond said she was, and you just had to wait until tomorrow. The band members were checking her out and said she was a groupie, huh boys? All of them laughing. Luna was mad as hell, then walked up and said, There is a reason Diamonds wants me to perform you oblivious suck." Spade and Ace smiled at each other as Luna saw Diamond then said following me, following everyone to the stage. The stage was enormous and was built for a concert. Diamond then said" Boys, show her. Luna then watched them perform and she noticed they were pretty good. Diamond then said," Okay boys, now it's Luna's turn." The boys" walked off the stage and watched her get up the stage as she set up her guitar. Diamond was watching with anticipation, ready for his muse to shock his band. As Luna was ready to play music, it was her life. Luna begins to play. I just died arms tonight by cutting crew. Luna begins to sing. I just died in arms tonight. It must have been something you said. I just died in arms tonight. It must have been some kind of kiss. As Luna played beautifully, never missing a beat or note. All were just as shocked, but Diamond, Ace, and Spade were shocked as well. As Luna then still played the guitar beautifully as she then looked at them. As she finished singing the part, I just died in arms tonight. It must have been something you said. Diamond claps said, "Well done, Luna, be ready for tonight's party. We have a guest that will love it. Luna stood there broken as she said," understood, sir. Ace watched her body language as she walked off stage. As Luna then walked with her guitar as she saw the band looking at her, the lead singer said," Welcome to our band." Spade was then outspoken and said she is not in your band, she's our muse. Diamond then touched Luna's face and said, very nice, my muse, but please understand I will not harm you. Luna then backed away from the move and said, "If it's okay, I would like to rest please". Diamond smiled and said," Of course, Ace will show you around. Ace then smiled warmly and said," This way, Miss Luna. Ace guided her upstairs as he showed her her room, and she then her stuff as Ace watched her. As she spoke, she said, So is there anyone we need to worry about?" Luna then splashed water on her face as she grabbed her leather jacket and said," No. Ace smiled more as he watched his beautiful muse get ready and said," Good. Luna then looked at him as she grabbed her picks and put a shoulder slang to carry her guitar. Spade then walked in and said," Luna's boss wants you. Luna then walks downstairs and she sees Diamond talking to an Italian man. Diamond then smiled more and said, "Julius, this is Luna our muse. Luna then saw him walk to her as he kissed her hand in accents and said, "Nice to meet you, Luna. Luna didn't speak as she then went upstage. Julius then looked curious and said," She is very interested, woman. As Julius's band showed up, they all looked at her and whistled at her. Julius then snapped at them and said," Behave gentle people. Luna then set up her things as the headset mic was so much easier to perform in. As Diamond then sees all his guests arrive and says," Ladies and gentle people, we have a battle band tonight. Julius then said, "What are we betting on, hmmm? Diamond was intrigued by this, saying, "You picked my older friend. Julius then said, "Her, I want her. Diamond sighed and said," Very well . Ace and Spade said, Boss what the hell?" Then Julius played beautiful music as Luna waited, then the guest was shocked, and they looked at her. Julius watched in victory as Diamond then said my muse needed to perform after my band. Spade then whispers to Luna, " Hey you, don't win. Julius will take it. Luna then looked back at Diamond sadden, knowing that she knew. Diamond noticed his band had finished, and Luna then began to walk upstage. Luna knew what to do. She began to play Maira with Carlos Santana. She played beautifully, as she didn't sing but played beautifully. Julius was shocked by her skills and said, Next, she needed to sing. Luna never played more beautifully as everyone cheered for her song. Luna then finished her song as the guest screamed more for her. Luna then set her guitar to her slang as she grabbed her microphone, which was said by Ava. Luna then sings kinda cool, sad boy la la la. I like that sad boy. Luna sings beautifully, sings, takes me into the shadow, shows me how it can go before you shoot your arrow. Luna looked up as everyone was stunned by her voice, like singing when I know sad boy La la la la I like a sad boy. When Luna finished her song as Diamond and Spade as well, Ace's heart thumped with her voice, they were in love with her.
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