Chapter Five

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••• Ciara groaned out in annoyance when her alarm blared out loud from her phone. She reluctantly raised her bushy head up and tapped the alarm off on her phone with a grunt. "Why would someone be so cruel and put an alarm app on a phone?" she asked in a hoarse voice then slowly got up and scratched her bushy mane. "Today's a new day, with a new experience." Ciara got out of her bed and stretched her limbs, then crossed the room to the window, where she parted the curtains. She looked out her window and yawned then squinted her green eyes to observe the environment outside. She gasped when she saw Mason stretching outside the lawn and immediately she slapped her hands against her mouth. "Oh, my God! We were supposed to jog this morning!" "5:04am?!" She hollered after checking the wall clock in her room and rushed into the bathroom. She brushed her teeth, washed her faced then rushed back into the room to change into her sports outfit; a white sweatpants and black tank top. She began to pack up her exercise kit bag when Jerome walked into the room with a bowl of cereal. Ciara rolled her eyes and stood with a straight back. "What are you doing up so early?" He asked. "What'd you mean? Look, I am not in the mood for any of your nonsense," after responding to his question, she focused on her bag. He sighed. "Do you have a problem with me?" "When have I never?" She muttered and hung her back on her shoulder then made her way towards the door, but got blocked. "Let me go, Jerome." "We are a couple that's about to get married. It's high time we start confiding in each other." He raised his hand towards her face but Ciara swatted it down. "It's funny how you said that. I have more important things to do than talk to you." He frowned." You're not going anywhere, Ciara. You've been acting distant lately. How dare you tell me to sleep in the guest room?! Then a man brings you home yesterday morning and now this?" Ciara hissed. "Don't you raise your voice at me, Jerome! Don't you even dare. It's better you stay in that room than finding out why I'm behaving this way! You got it?!" Jerome snorted. "As a woman, you are to be loyal to her man. You're even allowed to raise your voice at me. Loyalty!" Ciara backed away while chuckling. She took up her phone from the bed and placed it in her kit. "I have no time to talk to you because-" The sound of the door bell cut her off, making the duo freeze with breathes held. "If you'd excuse me, I have somewhere to be at," she stated and left the room. Ciara made it down the long flight of stairs and crossed the living room to the front door. She took a deep breath and opened the door, right in front of her stood Mason in the same outfit as her own. She offered him a smile and took in the way his smile stretched his pink lips. "Good morning, Ciara," he said. "Good morning. I'm so sorry for the de-" "Who's that?" Jerome asked, approaching them. He looked Mason up and down. "Who are you and what are you doing here with my woman?" He asked, holding Ciara's waist and smirked when he saw Mason's eyes dart to his hand. "Shut up, Jerome. Mason, this is Jerome. And Jerome, we both have to go," she said, moving out of his grasp. She turned to look at him when Mason started walking away. "And don't ever do that again," she said and joined Mason. Jerome hissed and shut the door. ••• Mason fiddled with his fingers as he and Ciara walked on the streets of their neighborhood in silence. The only thing that could be heard was the soft howling of the distant wind, their heavy footsteps on the moist ground and the few crickets in the bushes. While Ciara was on her phone, walking behind him, Mason's mind was on what had happened before. Earlier... Mason tied his sneakers as Fiona walked out of the bathroom. He completed his shoe task and stood up with a stretch and a grunt. "Where are you going so early?" She asked in a sleepy voice. "It's 4:45am." He rolled his eyes and turned around to stare at the blonde haired woman who was now lying on their bed, smuggled up under the blankets. "I'm going out to exercise." "So early. But you don't go out to the gym until later. Besides the gym opens up at 6," she said, sitting up. "Obviously. I'm going jogging, Fiona." "Jogging? You don't jog. You only drive or walk to the gym. Since when do you jog?" She ranted and he sighed. "Well, I just started. Besides, people in this neighborhood does. So I said; why not join in and maybe make some friends?" He animatedly moved his hands in effect to his words. "Mason," she said, getting up. "You don't just make friends. You're a bloody introvert. You're picky when it comes to that." Mason hissed." Fiona, just let me go out into this fresh morning in a good mood. Don't get me angry." He began to pack his bag up and was about leaving the room when Fiona grasped his arm. A frown masked his face before his darkened eyes settled on down at her hand. "It's that girl you took in your car isn't it? She's the one you're going out with, this morning," she said in a low angry voice. "How could you?!" Mason winced at the pitch of her voice and swiftly took his arm out of her grasp and held onto her thin arms. "Listen to me, Fiona. You don't have the right to say things when you are something else. Here I was thinking I can forget about what you did but you're something else." Mason moved away and walked out of the room. ... "Hello?" He blinked out of his thoughts and stared at Ciara. "I said; aren't we going to jog or something?" He nodded. "Yeah, sorry I was thinking. Let's go." "Okay. Let's do this instead, last person to reach the gym, gets to pay for brunch," she said, getting set for their race after putting in her earphones. "I thought this was a jogging session not a race?" He asked. "Ready? Set? Go!" She took off and he was left marvelled by her speed. He shook his head in disbelief and started racing towards her. Mason hastened his steps as Ciara made a swift turn. He did the same into the next turn and gained up to her. He almost grasped the hem of her tank top, but she somehow ran quicker after moving aside with a taunting laugh. He stopped with a slide to catch his breath while looking at her retreating figure. "Wh-How does she do that?" He asked, breathing hard. "Are you tired yet?" He looked up at her, she stood a far with her hands on her hips. She gave him a thumbs up and proceeded to run backwards. He glanced away from her body to the opposite side of street, where he saw a speeding car heading towards the direction Ciara was about to cross—Mason felt his heart drop in fear. He stood straight and threw his first leg in a hot race towards Ciara who was still jogging backwards, worst of all, her ears were blocked with her earphone. He hastened his steps as he got closer and closer. He felt everywhere go silent as he dove towards her, grasped her body into his and rolled away. He heard the screeching of tyres behind him as he leveled his breathing. Ciara gripped Mason's arms tight as he held her upper back and lower back tight in return. She felt her cheeks go hot when she realised that he had his face in the crook of her neck, silently breathing hotly and sending jolts through her body, leaving goosebumps on her skin. "Oh, God. Are you okay?" "Where'd you learn how to drive?" "I'm sorry, are you two okay?" Mason blocked out what the people around were saying as he realised that he was on top Ciara. He pulled his head out of her neck and opened his eyes to stare down at her sweaty face. "Are you okay?" He asked and she slowly opened her eyes. He held his breath as her eyes widened, followed by her small lips parting. His gaze moved from the curve of her eyebrows to her high cheekbones before it settled on her wavering eyes. "Ciara?" Someone called out, voice filled with panic. Ciara gasped and pushed Mason away from her body when she heard a familiar voice. She stood up and looked around her, three people in sporting outfits stood around including Nora, her red haired friend. "Are you okay?" Nora asked, walking up to them. "Hey, you. Are you okay?" She asked Mason. "Yes, I'm fine. Are you okay, Ciara?" Mason asked, placing his hand on her shoulder. "Yes. You saved me after all," she said with a nervous laugh. "What's going on here?" Nora asked, darting her eyes between the duo. "Wait, are you two seeing each other? Oh, my God! You finally left that fool." Ciara blushed and dragged Nora away to a corner. "Why did you drag me away like that?" She asked, her greyish green eyes gazing hard at Ciara in anger. "Who is that anyway? He looks good. Is he your boyfriend?" "Nora, he's not my boyfriend, he's just a friend. Listen to me, I'll explain everything later to you. But please don't say anything stupid in the meantime," Ciara pleaded and patted Nora on her shoulder blades. "Oh! You haven't left that i***t?!" Nora hollered. "I can't believe you?! What else do you have to see to make you believe things? I'm off." Nora retorted and walked in the opposite direction. Ciara rolled her eyes and marched over to Mason. "What happened?" He asked. "It's nothing. Come on, let's go now. And guess what?" She nudged him in the side with her elbow and shot a pointed look at him. "What?" She chuckled. "You're still paying for brunch." Mason face palmed. •••
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