Chapter Four

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••• Mason packed up his bag, retiring from his work out for the day. He made a double take when he saw Ciara at the receptionist table, speaking to Robert. He took his eyes away and made his way outside. He walked to his car parked by the parking lot and dumped his bag in it. Just then, Ciara walked out and stood by the sidewalk trying to stop a taxi. Mason leaned on the car and watched as she failed at getting one. He looked away in thought. What if I offered her a ride home? No, with the kind of person she is, she wouldn't accept my offer. And then with what happened in the gym. He blinked out of his thoughts and looked up at Ciara who was visibly fumed. He shook his head in amusement and walked up to her. Just as he closed in on her with a smile on his face, she spun around and bumped into his body with a grunt. His arms immediately circled around her waist, holding her from falling to the concrete ground. "Sorr-You again?" She stated, looking up at him with wide eyes before shoving his chest while moving away with a huff. "Yes. I saw you from over there and was wondering if I-" "Offered me a drive home?" She scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Are you trying to maybe stalk me or something?" She asked and crossed her arms. He frowned. "Wait, you think I'm doing all these to get you in my bed?" He looked her up and down. "You better stop thinking like that. Why would I even waste my time on you anyway? I'm outta' here!" He began to walk away but stopped when she spoke up. "Wait. I'm sorry, okay?! I've been through a lot and it's affecting me at the moment. I'm sorry if I misjudged you but I am still watching you. And fine, you can drive me home or my junction," Ciara said. With a curt nod and a wave of his hand, they silently walked to his car and boarded the vehicle. She strapped on her seatbelt and leaned on the window. "You can relax, Ciara. I'm not going to do anything. Exhale and feel comfortable," his voice boomed through the car, which sent a relief down her body. Ciara muttered in the affirmative and picked up her bag from the floorboard where it sat and searched through it. While she did so, a can of feminine deodorant fell out of the bag and unto the floor board. "Oops. Sorry, my spray is finished. The can's empty that's why it fell out so easily and-" "Just leave it on the floor there. And sit well, I'm about driving," he said in a gruff tone and started the engine. Ciara shrugged and dropped the deodorant down on the floor. She leaned back as he drove out the drive way. She furrowed her brow when she swore she heard him mutter something about having to go home to a cheating girlfriend. That made her sober up, made her remember how she was going to deal with Jerome about all these. She contemplated on either bringing the topic up or forgiving him entirely. "Where do you live?" He asked, breaking her thoughts. ••• Mason took a turn into the large gates leading to the familiar neighborhood. His eyebrows shut up in surprise then glanced over at the black haired woman beside him. His hands clutched the steering wheel and waved at the guard sitting in his post before the gates slid open. "Good morning, Mr. Rivers," the young man in his uniform, greeted in a cheery tone as Mason drove past the gates with a small smile. "How does he know you?" Ciara asked, eyeing the back of the car. "Another thing we just realised about each other," he said and she hummed in curiosity. "What's that?" Her question reached his ears as he increased the speed of his car. "We both live in the same neighborhood, Ciara. What's your house number?" He gazed at the flash of green, tall trees on each sides of the wide road. She blinked."Number fourteen. What's yours?" "Seventeen." "Wow. This world is really funny. You're just a few minutes away from where I live," she said and released her seatbelt as he made another turn into the entrance of the array of houses. "About today, I'm really sorry for lashing out on you. Especially at the gym. I've never been like that before and it made me surprised too." "No, don't apologise. I really understand what you might be going through," Mason said. "Like I said, that room was specifically placed like that for people." They remained silent for the rest of the drive, watching the different houses, green lawns, trees and people on each sides of the street in comfort. After a few minutes, he slowed down and began to pull into her open driveway. "Once again, I apologise for the way I acted earlier. I'm just in a bad mood. Well, I'm facing some problems right now and I easily get irritated. Will you seriously forgive me this time?" She asked, with a smile that didn't reach her eyes. He nodded. "It's no biggie. Just forget it ever happened, okay?" She chuckled and lifted up her bag. "Sure, Mason. And thanks for the drive home," she stated and opened the door to leave. "Hold on, I was thinking maybe we could jog our way to the gym tomorrow. I mean, since the gym is close by. I usually jog there but I had to use the car today. Well, since my girlfriend didn't use the car today. What'd you think?" He requested. What are you thinking, you fool? It's like a date. I'm sure she won't even accept the off- "Sure, my jogging partner was usually my fiancé but because of his work, he stopped. I'll come tomorrow.  I'm an early riser, so be up and around my house at 5:30am. Bye," she said and left the car after a wave. Mason found himself smiling as he watched her jog up to the double doors of the entrance of the large house. He waited till she had stepped into the house before he leaned on the steering wheel and chortled. ••• Ciara walked out of the bathroom all freshened up, humming and wiping her wet locks. She stopped in the middle of the room and stared into space as flashes of Mason occupied her mind. She found herself remembering how he had wrapped his arms around her body in comfort and shook her head in embarrassment when she heard hurried footsteps in the hallway. "Who was that guy that dropped you off twenty minutes ago?" Jerome barged into their bedroom while pointing over his broad shoulders. She smirked. "Well, he's someone at the gym. Is there any problem with that?" "Yes. The problem is that my fiancée, who I am about to get married to in three months has a guy driving her home. Since when?!" He barked and closed in on her with his hands clenched to his sides. "If you're going to talk to me, reduce that tone of yours!" She stood up straight. "The last time I remember, you said that you would not be going with me to the gym! Your work is more important to you than working out with your woman! So, don't you dare twist this to satisfy your stupid anger." Jerome hissed. "Where are all these coming from?" She backed away and walked up to the floor length mirror in the room. "I don't know, Jerome. You should probably check your loyalty and ask that question once more." Ciara stared at his reflection on the mirror, eyebrows raised and lips curled into a smile. ••• Mason got out of the car and shut the door the door, then paused with a jerk when Fiona quickly rushed out of their house, dressed up in a red suit with her blonde hair pulled up in a slick and long ponytail. He opened his mouth to speak but bit his tongue when she snatched the keys out of his hand with the tip of her fingers while her face was scrunched up. He glanced down at his body and let out a deep sigh.  Fiona never touches me when I'm from the gym, he thought and looked over his shoulder at the sound of the car door closing. He clutched his duffel bag tightly and was about walking towards the house when she called to him. He turned around and gasped in shock. In her acrylic grasp was Ciara's spray. "What's the meaning of this? I don't use this deodorant neither do you. Heck! It's feminine! Who's the slut?!" Fiona barked and tossed the can onto the ground. He hissed. "She's not a slut, she's a gym friend. She leaves in the neighborhood. So I dropped her off and drove home. What're you insinuating?" He noticed the shift in her widened eyes. Fiona shook her head. "Nothing. I just thought you—forget it. I'll drop this in the waste bin when I drive out." Mason sighed and walked towards the glass and wooden doors. He smiled when Ciara filled his thoughts. I can't wait for tomorrow morning. •••
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