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Alero is really so shock to see Alexa unexpectedly coming into the conference room after she has warn her not to let the shareholders sees her “Ale-xa!” all the shareholders let out at once hearing Alero call Alexa’s name “sister” Alexa quickly run to Alero like she is been pursued and scared of something “am really scared of darkness” Alexa said pretending to be scared of the previous blackout In the company which she caused  “I don’t want to leave your side sister” Alexa said and hug Alero as all the shareholders stare in amazement, Alero and Soul were also in shock seeing Alexa act like a scared cat, Alexa hug Alero tightly as if something is coming to take her away “get off me” Alero who is so angry with Alexa because she comes to the conference room after she already settle her matter

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