Chapter 16: Rejected

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Madeline's POV "It was really hard telling you honestly. Your mom was scared shitless," Kat said. Kat and I were sitting in her spacey room. I was sitting on the bed and she was sitting in front of her mirror. I decided to sleep over, since school was tomorrow and we lived next to each other it wouldn't be hard. "It still scares me. Like do you guys know how to control your... Wolves?" "Of course we do. We only shift when we want to run or fight," she said. "So when you're angry you just shift? Do you chew human's heads off?" I said. Kat laughed. "No silly. We fight our own kind. We avoid fighting humans. If we do have to fight them, let's just say our powers is going to end them in a hospital no matter what. Not trying to brag but we wouldn't control it," she said. "I'll refrain from ever trying to make you mad," I said. Kat turned to look at me. "Don't worry, I wouldn't hurt you. I can't hurt you." "Why not?" "Marcos would rip my head off," Kat said. "What do you mean?" I asked. "I wouldn't want to make him angry by hurting somebody he cares about. I heard what he did to Kyle," she said. "He cares about me? And what did he do to Kyle?" "Of course he does. It's pretty obvious Maddy. He was the first person to notice you were gone at the party. Wow, I feel like a horrible friend for saying that," she said. "He threw Kyle at a car that day he tried claiming you. Kyle broke the glass on his head but don't worry, it wouldn't hurt him as much as a human." "Wow. I feel bad for not forgiving him. And really Marcos was the first to notice?" I asked. "He was. He was also so angry. You should've seen his face when he tried fighting Jayson," Kat said. "I haven't seen him this angry in a while." "Oh, that's weird. I have a question," I said. "Yes?" "Is Azaria a werewolf too?" "Yup, she is. I have no idea why they haven't had pups yet," Kat said. "Who?" "Marcos and Azaria," she said. Kat looked at me. "Oh. Yeah I guess they're cute together," I said. "Brianna was dying to give him pups but little did she know about Azaria. I think Marcos broke up with Brianna though," Kat said. "Brianna? Oh the girl who got lip Botox." "It's so funny that she got lip Botox. She still has no idea why Marcos let himself pay," she said. "Why?" "I'm going to give you one key word. s*x," she said. "Oh, well. Okay. That's nice." Kat laughed. She stepped away from the mirror and jumped on the bed besides me. "I know you think Marcos is really cute, I can tell. Just make sure you don't fall in love with him, okay?" She warned. "Why?" "Seeing the way he cares about you, he might fall in love too. But, I'm going to warn you about Azaria. That b***h is sure evil." Kat turned off the light. I stared at the ceiling. Why did Marcos make me feel this way? _____________ "Wake up," Jayson yelled. I opened my eyes and saw Jayson in his pajamas. "Get out!" Kat yelled. Jayson ripped the covers off and Kat yelled again. "Mom!" "Jayson leave your sister alone!" I heard a woman yell down the stairs. He laughed and walked out. "Sorry. He does this every morning. I don't know why I haven't killed him yet," Kat said jumping off the bed. Kat passed me a towel. "Here you can use my bathroom. I'll go down the hall." I took the towel and thanked her. She walked down the hall with a towel in her hands and I walked into her bathroom. Once I walked in, I saw pills on the counter. Being nosy like I was, I read the prescription. Birth control. Why wouldn't Kat just have pups with her mate? This place would have provided her with everything and they were rich. I put the pills down and then someone knocked. "It's me Kat. I need to get something," she said. I opened the door and she went to grab the pills off the sink. "Why won't you have pups?" I said. Kat looked at me and at the pills. "M-My boyfriend isn't my mate and my mom would be disappointed if I didn't have pups with someone who truly loved me," Kat said. "Doesn't your boyfriend love you?" I said. "He does.. But not as much as my own mate would." And with that, she walked out. I felt rude for asking her about pups. _____________ The bell rung and I closed my locker. "Hi Maddy," Kyle said. Kyle has been being super nice to me ever since that night. "Hi Kyle. Look, I'm sorry for not accepting your apology before, but now I do. You were just trying to find your mate, and I understand. I have to get to class now," I said. "Thank you," he said and smiled. He had a nice smile with pearly white teeth. I smiled back. I walked away and took a turn down the hallway. When I finally made it to my class, I saw Kat waiting for me behind my desk. "Hey," she said. "Hey girl," I said. "Look at the teachers new outfit. Ugh, I swear I will donate half of my wardrobe to her," Kat said. The teacher had a brown cardigan on with a white shirt and old khakis on. I felt bad for her. She tucked her hair behind her ear and looked at the classroom. She felt like she looked nice, so I didn't want to ruin her mood. I smiled at her and she smiled back. 20 minutes into the class, the class phone rung. Mrs. Helen picked it up and her eyes roamed around the class. "Okay. Sure. She'll be down in a second," she said. Mrs. Helen's eyes locked with mine. She hung up the phone. "Mrs. Elton, you're being dismissed," She said. I looked at her confused. That's weird that my mom was picking me up. I don't remember having any dentist or doctor appointment. "Bye Maddy," Kat said smiling. "Bye girly," I said stuffing my books into my bag. I honestly wanted to get out of English so thank you lord. I rushed out of the classroom and made a little jog towards my locker. I put my books back in and headed towards the main office. "I'm getting dismissed?" I asked the secretary. "Outside." I left the office and left out the school front doors. I came closer to the parking lot and scanned it. Then, I saw him leaned against the car with his arms crossed against his chest. "Where's my mom?" I said. "She's not here," Marcos said. "Why am I being dismissed? Is my mom making you take me to the doctors?" I said. "Nope. I want to talk to you," he said. "About?" "I'll let you know once we get to our location," he said. "Where are we going? I don't trust this. Are you going to kill me?" His eyes locked with mine and his low laugh rung through my ears. In a second, Marcos was standing in front of me. "Don't question me," he said. He grabbed my hand and spun me around in front of him. I walked towards the car and his hands gripped my hips. "Where are we going?" I asked. He stepped away from behind me and held my hand. Whatever he was doing was so unexpected but I didn't want to let go. He opened the passenger door and I got in the car. He jogged around and smiled at me. I searched through my bag for my phone and then gripped it tightly. "Why are you scared? I would never hurt you and you know it," he said. I found it extremely strange that Marcos felt happy and comfortable around me. He started the car and drove out of the school parking lot. "I'm going to show you a special place," Marcos said. "It's where I used to always be when I was a little kid." "Are we almost there?" I said looking out at the woods. "Yes, it's beautiful I can't wait for you to see it. You're the only person besides me who's been here," Marcos said. "Why haven't you ever brought Azaria?" I said looking at him. "There's no reason for me to show her," he said. "Oh." Marcos slowed the car down to a stop in front of a field. After the field, there were miles of trees and sunlight seeping through. He opened the door for me. "Follow me," he said. "Let's see who can run down the field faster," Marcos said in a challenging voice. I looked at him. "You're faster than me," I said. His messy, blonde hair was ruffled with the slight wind and his hazel eyes were bright. "I'll go slow for you," he said. "Alright." "Ready... 1.. 2...3.." I set off running down the field with Marcos going slightly faster than me. I could tell he wasn't trying but as long as it made me feel like I felt fast. I picked my speed up getting closer to the woods and then noticed I was going faster than him. I turned to look and he had a big smile on his face. His deep dimples were visible and I melted. I slowed down right in front of the tree line. "Follow me," Marcos said. I followed behind Marcos panting heavily while he was breathing normally. After a few minutes, Marcos stopped in front of a beautiful waterfall. It wasn't huge, but it was big enough. The clear waterfall streamed down into a clear blue lake of rushing water. Birds were chirping and the water shimmered from the sunlight. It was gorgeous. I would love to bring Kat here to swim. "Come here sit," Marcos said. I turned around and saw Marcos sitting on a big flat rock. I sat next to him and he looked at me. His hand snaked their way around my hips and he pulled me closer. I found this weird but I accepted it. "I have to tell you something," Marcos said. "What is it?" I said leaning my head on to his shoulder. Marcos pulled my chin up and looked into my eyes. "You're gorgeous Madeline and it hurts me that I have to reject you this way because you're my mate. I'm supposed to love you and care for you but I can't. You're only 17 and as much as I wish I could show you my love, I can't. I have to be with Azaria," he said. My heart broke. "You're rejecting me?" I said with no emotion. I wanted to cry but I had to remember that I barely knew him. "I have to," he said. "I'm not rejecting you fully. I'll show you love here and there," he said looking into my eyes. His hazel eyes searching mine and his expression saddened. Marcos's eyes trailed down to my lips and that's when I began crying. A tear ran down my cheek. Why did rejection hurt this bad? He pressed his soft lips against mine and my whole world stopped. It felt like everything around me froze and time went by slow. Goosebumps raised on my arms as I raised them around his neck. I pulled him closer to me and then I realized that I wanted this kiss more than anything. Marcos growled lowly and then mumbled. "Maddy," he mumbled. I opened my eyes and let go slightly. "Yes?" I said. Before I could kiss him again he stopped me. "I can't do this. You're driving me crazy but you're young," he said. "I'm turning 18 next week. Why can't you just leave that stupid b***h?" I said angrily. "It's not easy Maddy. I'm forced to be with her," Marcos admitted. He wiped the cold tear off my cheek that I had been crying a minute ago. "What do you mean?" "Her father. If I leave her, he's taking the training field at the pack house and 5% of what I have," he said. "Who cares? We can train them on that field we were running on. And 5% is nothing," I said. "5% of what we could use in the future," Marcos said. "So? You'll make it again easily," I said. "It's not easy work," he said. "I can help you. Just leave her, please? I'm your mate for Christ sake Marcos," I said. "I'll look for you again next week," he said. "Promise me you won't sleep with that w***e again?" I said. "I'll try," he said. Marcos got up and grabbed my hand. He lowered his face down to mine and kissed me again. "Let's go, you hungry?" He said. I nodded. He quickly picked me up unexpectedly and threw me over his shoulder. I shrieked. "Put me down!" I laughed. I can't believe Alpha Marcos was my mate. Who knew that my soul mate would be supernatural... But I, Madeline Elton, was rejected and confused.
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