Chapter 36

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The king of Agori walked majestically and angrily into his chamber then followed his Chief Adviser who was not comfortable with what he had said earlier. He marched in also and kept looking at the king as the king reached for the jug of wine on the table in the center of the large room and began to pour some wine for himself in a big cup. The cup he was pouring the win into was so big that the adviser wondered if he had been drinking from the cup before then. He wanted to ask him but that was not the issue on ground. He could not understand why all of a sudden the king was talking about arresting Aboro. "You sounded with so much rage in your voice but this rage will not make me to stop asking you what I am asking you. Are you saying that you are going to arrest Aboro and if that is true then am I allowed to know why you are determined to do so?" The king looked at his adviser and put his finger across his lips to shut him up once and for all. The advised swallowed his saliva and went on to insist that he knew what the king was doing and why he suddenly was moving to get Aboro arrested in the land of Zinu. The king sat down and began to smoke his pipe, looking away from the adviser but the adviser was not ready to keep listening to the king's meaningless talks as he challenged him, "I may not know why you chose to do what you are saying you are going to do but left to me you are making a mistake. You can not just wake up from sleep and then decide to arrest that man without telling us what it was that he did that makes you want to make that move against him. Do you want to bring division amongst our people or do you not know that almost half of the people in the land of Agori are for him, they respect him, they see him like a god and I can not advise that you go ahead with executing this decision that you have just made. If you want to divide this land then go ahead and have him arrested" The king looked at his adviser and slowly dropped the cup of wine in his hand and then stood up, began to walk up to him where he was standing. The adviser knew that any time the king was acting in that manner there was something wrong somewhere. He stood there, looking at him and wondering what next he was going to do. All of a sudden the king grabbed him by the neck and pushed him until he hit his back against the wall and the king began to squeeze his neck violently. The adviser could not breath and he knew that if he allowed the king he might not stop until he was dead. He began to struggle for his life as he pushed the king away from himself. The king then spoke to him angrily, "I have not made you my chief adviser so that you be giving me orders, do you hear that?" he was really enraged. "I was not challenging you my lord. I only say that if you had any understanding at all you must let go of that man and allow peace to reign in this kingdom" said the adviser. "You speak of these things because you have not known what is exactly happening but there is no need beating around the bush when I can just tell you exactly what it is here; your so called warlord whom you now refer as above me is now trying to go against me in the land of Zinu. Do you still want to know more of what this means? Well let me go ahead and tell you; it simply means that i have not only begun to receive reports but if I lie low and not act the land of Zinu will be his to command. have you asked yourself this simple question that I am about to ask you now; what will become of this great land of Agori if it happens that Aboro takes control of the land of Zinu?" "My lord it is not like I am siding with Aboro, infact I can not side him now that you are saying this. if I have always followed you all my life is it now that i am going to betray you? what I am saying is that it will be necessary for us to make amends and find a way to ensure that nothing bad happens. If we make rash decisions we might end up becoming the very people that will not be able to last in this land. You received a report but this does not mean that you have actually had a meeting with the one that you received a report about. What does it mean to you if someone rises and begins to accuse you of something that you do not know of? if you want me to support you against him you will have to make me understand that you are taking the right step by first of all going there with me to ensure that actually he has taken what is yours or trying to take what is yours. We can not be expected to stay here and say that we said it. Let us go and see him there or better still if you would not want us to go there, then invite him over here, when you invite him over to this place wnd he refuses to come then we will go to him and after we must have gone to him and you find out that actually he is moving to take what is yours we will then make him understand that war will visit him" The king of Agori had nothing else to be angry about. He decided that since his adviser had taken it upon himself to come along and stand against him he would have to do what needed to be done to fulfil his doubts. "Very well then, you really want to be sure of what i have just spoken, well since you want clarification I will make sure that i present it to you for you to see. I will ensure that despite the fact that you have not gotten ready for anything I am not going to make you pay for it. I will invite Aboro to this place and if Aboro refuses to come I will still listen to the second suggestion that you brought by going to meet with him. I am quite aware that you know that it is nothing actually about whether I am still going to be angry with you after I must have been proven right but a matter of whether I am going to teach you a lesson that you will not be able to forget for the rest of your life. Instruct the letter writer to prepare a letter addressing Aboro and let him write to him that i would want him back to this land as soon as possible" The Chief Adviser bowed before the king and then went outside to inform the letter writer to start to prepare the letter at once. immediately he went out the king's wife walked up to him and said, "I have begun to notice that the Abah people are begining to become a thorn in our flesh. I mean does it ring a bell to you, if we keep keeping quite like this one day the Abah king will wake up and declared that he is now the leader and ruler of the whole world" "Dear wife I would always find a way to deal with an already known enemy but you see the person that i am not sure if I will be able to get my hands on him in order to ensure that nothing like that happens is someone that stays under me but plans against me. It is quite said that an enemy known is better than a friend that is an enemy. What am I going to do if actually the one that is considered to be the most feared man in the land of Agori and beyond works against me and my throne?" The wife sighed heavily and said to the king, "I do not think you should be bothered about these things. I overheard you discussing with your Child adviser and the reason I did not interrupt your discussion with him was because I believed in what he was saying to you. Yes, if we go ahead and try to attack the one regarded to be the greatest warlord and if it happens that what we learnt about him was false it means that we will be digging graves for so many innocent people in this land"
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