Chapter 17

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Adere's mother had begun to think that maybe her son did not escape the wind with the rest, that was with Renu and the rest of them that went over there to find the things to use and build a camp. Mori in the other hand had refused to talk to her and clarify her on what she was eager to hear. She instead made it look like there was a time she wanted to be alone. She did not want to talk to anyone. Mori would stay alone thinking aloud. She knew how she was able to grow up and most times she would not allow that to affect her but most times it did affect her As she remained where she was she looked up and saw Adere's mother coming near to where she was seated and she stood up to walk away but then Adere's mother held on to her and made to realise that she was ready to do whatever it was that Mori wanted her to do as long as she was willing to tell her what it was that the gods had spoken to her about. Mori kept looking at her as she begged her and somehow she wondered what it was exactly that Adere's mother wanted to hear her say. Adere's mother stood by her side and surely was ready to hear her tell her something about herself, preferably everything that she needed to know about Mori. Mori did not know that she had actually come to her not to know what she knew about her son but this she was there to know something that concerned her, to know everything about her. "My daughter, you are a Zinu and you are also a lady who is specially being used by the gods. I would have decided that I was not going to allow things like this to bother me and I am not going to ask of you the things I am going to ask of you because of my son whom I am so desperate to have back to me but because deep down my self I really wish to know much about you. Knowing much about you will help me in making my decision. Please my daughter I would like to know much about you, can you tell me much more about you?" Mori looked at the woman for a second and knowing that she was seriously eager to know much about her decided that she was going to tell her that she was ready to hear. "My name is Mori and just like you and everyone else with us here in the forest I am from the land of Zinu. We did not know each other until now and I believe that whatever it is that the gods do they pre-planned it before it happened. I saw all these that have been happening to us before they started happening. You know quite alright that despite the fact that there are those who are not in good terms with others here we must learn to understand that we are like a family now and there are two ways about it. We need to stick together and work together. We need to know that despite the fact that we are not in good terms with others we must grow in understanding, it is this growth in understanding that will enable us to have a one plan way of staying alive. I am from the land of Zinu just like everyone else here and I am not planning to become a person of problems. I only simply want to have everything that I need from the gods given to me by the gods. I am a Seer and this started the time that I was little. Hear my story Adere's Mother; The dusk had just settled and it was time for Mori's father to go to his farm where he tended to his crops and when he woke up, having only Mori as his only child and having his wife died during the birth of Mori he had grown to cherish her so much. He would rather have himself injured than to have the girl have a scratch. He ran to his room that early morning to make sure that she was fine. That early morning Mori has started to struggle on her bed and she was kicking. She was struggling with her breath and the father who already had gotten used to such things but had not gotten used to the shock that it normally caused him ran straight to the room and there he met his only child almost dying. He helped her to sit up on the bed and then he went further to say to her, "What is it that you have seen in your dream which made you to jump out of the bed the way that you just did. I really would like to know what it is that you have seen" "Father I saw the same dream, the same man and I was was given the same Instructions. I would have decided that I was not going to allow anything like this be my portion again father but as it is it keeps happening to me every now and then and it is not something that I can control. I know that as it stands you are no longer proud of me but what else do I have to say for it when I am very much aware that there is nothing anyone can do about it. I am cursed with this type of feeling which gets me becoming too right and not too wrong. Whoever it is that believes so much in the things that are going to happen already knows why they happen. Father if there is a way this thing can be gotten off me I will so much appreciate it but as it stands it has been shown to me times without number" She began to sob. The father did not know what to say. He dropped the farming objects in his hands and then sat beside her, he had already decided that he was not going to go to the farm any longer. There is nothing as serious as an only child crying because there is something that keeps her sleepless at nights and also restless in the morning. He decided to suit her heart with some words. "My daughter I know for sure that you are aware of how these things have worked out. I know that despite the fact that you are not aware of what is happening to you it still does not mean that you are a strange person. You are not a strange person, you are my daughter, my only daughter and you are special. Whatever it is that has come to make you afraid I am going to ensure that such things don't succeed. Please my daughter do not bother yourself with the way things are at the moment but trust in the gods of Zinu that they are going to ensure that you are well taken care of. I myself I am going to ensure that you are well taken care of and no harm will ever come to you. Do you understand me my daughter?" The daughter Mori looked at her father and gave him a warm hug. They remained locked in each other's arms until the father said to her, " "Would you want to follow me to the farm and farm with me. I can tell that if you remain back here on your own you will not be able to find rest which is why I think It is better that you come with me" That sounded like a good idea and Mori said to her father, "You are right about following you to the farm father..Thank you" She got up and turned to ask her father what exactly would be needed on her end for the farming and was shocked to see what she had never expected; the person seated on her bed was no longer her father but the same man that she saw in her dream. She screamed and the man smiled and disappeared. She ran out of the room and began to run towards the farm where she thought her real father might be at. When she got there she stopped at once because over there was her father as he was farming. It downed on her that the person she had been discussing with inside her room was not actually her father but the man that she saw in her dream. She was so dumbfounded and could not move her lips. She wanted to call her father to her attention but she was afraid that he might turn out not to be the father she expected. She remained standing there until the father looked up to see who was standing afar and looking at him and beheld his daughter. He dropped his working tools and ran towards her to know if something bad had happened to her. When he was about to hold her hands Mori withdrew her hands and stepped back a little. The father was confused because he could not understand why all of a sudden his daughter was acting strangely. What he has always known was that his daughter had an unusual character whenever she awoke from her strange dreams but she had never for once feared his presence. He wanted to know what it was actually that was happening to her. "Are you okay Mori, you look scared and tensed up. Can you tell me exactly what is wrong with you, maybe I can do something about it" asked the father but Mori kept looking at him. She still found it hard to believe that it was her real father that was standing before her. "When did you arrive here father?" she asked. "I left the house so very early in the morning because I had so much work to do here. As you can see by mere looking towards the farm that I have worked so hard today, this early morning" said the father and the daughter could see that he was actually her real father, if not for any other thing but for the innocent look in his eyes, it was different from the look on the face of the one that was in her room. Her father then held her hands and insisted to know what had happened to her and why she suddenly became so scared and decided to run to where he was working. The daughter did not want to start to tell her the things that happened because actually she did not think that the father would believe her. "I came to work with you here father. I came so that I can work with you. I want to make sure that you finish the work on time so that we can go home on time" she said but did not wait for him to ask her any further questions instead she walked straight to the farm in which her father was working and picked up the Cutlass and the rake and started work. The father stood there for a while and then decided to join her in her work. They worked for a long time before they decided to close for the day. The next day the father of Mori having heard all that he needed to hear about what happened to his daughter the night before decided to find a way to know what is happening. He went to a diviner who told him that it would be futile for him to look for a way to stop what was happening to his daughter. He first told her that what was happening to his daughter was meant to happen to her because actually she came into the world with it and there was no way stopping it.
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