Chapter 18

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Mori's father was not comfortable with what the diviner was saying. He did not expect him to say that what was actually happening to his daughter was meant to happen to her. He kept looking at the man until he diviner having seen the disappointment in his eyes said thus; "There is no point being scared, confused or disappointed. There is only one thing that can make a person to start experiencing the things that they are experiencing and that it the gods. You have never heard of the saying that goes thus; if a man begins to see what he had not been seeing before and began to know what he was never taught in the past it is because the gods's hands are on him. Your daughter Mori carries a gift from the gods and that gift is what is making her to see the things that she sees. Mind you that what she saw earlier has nothing to do with anything but just a reminder of who she is. You have to know now that despite your ignorance it is what it is. You have to go back to your daughter and take good care of her. Do not make her begin to feel alone or not treasured. Make her to understand that she is not alone and that she is with everything that she needs. You have actually gotten the right thing in you and it is always as if there are those that are willing to do what needs to be done for things to be where they need to be. Your daughter will have to come with you to this place once in a while so that I can examine her eyes and her mouth. There are things that she needs to know, some trainings that she needs to undergo so as to be able to master how to use her gift. Her gift is something that she must use else it will work against you. I know that having lost your wife in the past you would never want to loose your only daughter would you? Which is why you need to ensure that you come with her to this place once in a while to make sure that things worked out the way that they are supposed to work out. Do you understand what exactly that I am saying?" The father to Mori nodded his head in understanding and decided that he was going to be as the diviner said and when he stood up to leave the diviner insisted that he did not forget to come with his daughter next time that he came. The father to Mori nodded and left the house of the diviner. The diviner sat there thinking aloud. All of a sudden he was startled by a strange presence and he looked around and even though he was not seeing anyone he was feeling someone and he knew that it was a being that was supper powerful. He looked around and stood up, asking that whatever it was that had come to him should show himself. Suddenly a god appeared before him and he was shocked to see him. He had not known yet that it was a god that appeared initially until the god started speaking to him. "Diviner, your work has drawn our attention and it made the god realm to ask me to see you and that is why I have come to you. You would wonder why it is so but you need not wonder because as it is you only have one thing to do for me now and that is to enable me talk to you in a language that you will understand..My name is godol; the god of the sky and wind. You know that I have not come to you to play because if you have heard about me in the past times you would know that actually I am not a smiling god. You already know this and that is why you have feared my voice when I thundered in the sky. Do you know why I have come to you?" the god godol asked and the diviner shook his head. There was fear in his eyes and the god knew. "Well, there was someone that came here and this person has a daughter and the daughter has a gift. You know that this particular person that is his daughter is a gifted in a different way and you do not only want to know how she is gifted and help her become trained but that you are willing to take what is not yours; to take what belongs to her. I have not come here to try to stop you from what you intend doing but to lecture you on who that girl; The girl has a gift to see and a gift to know things that ordinary can not see and ordinary mind can not know. Please do what you are supposed to do and let the rest be put away. I have come to realise that despite the fact that there are those who are given the same opportunity they have one thing that are common with them. The lady will have a special task and this you must tell her father. Yes, you must let the man to know that his daughter will perform a special task in the future wars. You have not heard about the future wars have you but alas you have heard about the strange beast in the ancient land of Abah? You have heard it and you fear it because it is true and the strange animal quite exists. You do not want to get to the bad side of the gods do you? Surely you do not which is why after discussing your case with the rest we decided that it was going to be the same thing that happened. You will instead do what you did not want to do and that is to plant in the girl the seed of the gods, that way she become a tool to be used by the gods at and this will equally sharpen her to be able to do whatever it is the gods make her to do. You know that if you do not listen to the gods and do this that the gods are requiring from you, even though that you do not serve the gods if you do not do what is expected of you in this case you will live to regret it. Do not try to take the gift of the girl instead do what you have to do to ensure that the gift inside of her which was given to her by the gods is taken good care of. Do not make it look like I do not understand what I am saying because a god is a god" The god godol disappeared at once and the diviner retook his seat and kept thinking aloud. He could not understand why all of a sudden the gods decided to put so much of their interest on one person and to think that the person that they put their whole interest on was a mere girl from a village that was not recognised in the land of Zinu was something else. At that point the diviner did not want to keep on thinking on why the things that were happening were happening because actually she was ready to allow things to play out the way that they were supposed to play out. He stepped out of his major shrine and stood infront of his compound, looking around. When Mori's father got home he spoke at length with his daughter Mori and when he was done telling her why he went to the diviner the first thing that Mori asked him was why he decided to go and see a diviner instead of a Priest of the gods and the father had nothing to answer. "You know why I am asking you this father? Going to meet with a diviner in order to know the things that are behind my nightmares are not bad but to go to a diviner can also mean that you will be risking my life. There are diviners that are not ready to do what needs to be done for a person like me instead they would want to take from me and give me nothing. The gift that I carry is a delicate one and needs to be taken seriously and carefully and that is why I am concerned on who we tell about ourselves. We should not allow these things to keep on happening the way that they are happening. Please and please help me to go and meet with a Priest instead" begged the daughter but the father was not ready to disappoint the diviner after having promised that he was going to bring his daughter to meet with him. He said to his daughter, "I know how you feel about these diviners but the truth of the matter is that despite the fact that it would seem like there is nothing else to believe about these diviners there are still some of them that are very much good to go. I can think of it from now till eternity but there is no one that is perfect. We will have to go to him fist and hear what he has to say. It is after he must have done saying whatever he would say then we would know what next to do"
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