Chapter 19

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Edu had reentered the forest of Akuzu because he was determined to do what needed to be to done in order to bring about whatever it was that the people of Abah would be needing the one meant to free them from the hands of the ancient beast. He still could not tell if he had begun to side and work for the people of Abah or if he was now against his friend whom he had already taken as a brother, Adere. He sat on a log near a cliff top and continued to look down the cliff. He kept thinking of what he would be playing, what part he would be playing and he knew that if he did not side with the people of Abah it would be in his own deteriment because already he has seen what it was that the Abah people were capable of. What he had always said was not to be true was the idea that the Abah people and their watchers were the most dreadest of all the spiritual people on earth. He could not tell what next to do and he could not tell if siding with them meant he was on the side of victory and maybe having himself placed on that area meant that he would end up proving to his father that he was not just a person living. He wondered how this became part of him. How he suddenly changed was what he could still not begin to talk about. As he sat there he remembered the day that his mother called him aside and told him of how much she was so engrossed with him and begged him to always stand for whatever he believed to be true. Remembering this had made him begin to think that it could be possible that he was making the wrong decision but all of a sudden he slapped that idea off his cheek and believed in himself that he was going the right thing. He knew in his heart that if he did not side with the Abah people he would be siding with the loosing end. Having been given the task by the watchers of Abah he felt no prouder. He rose from there and decided that instead of looking for Adere and Renu with the rest it would be better to instead look for the mother to Adere because he knew that immediately he found the mother to Adere he had just found Adere and Renu. He did not know when he suddenly suddenly stumbled and fell heavily. He suddenly realised that he had broken his ankle. He knew that having broke his ankle what it meant was death for him if he did not find help as soon as possible. He screamed. The screams of Edu reached where Adere and Renu with the rest were and they immediately recognised the voice of the one screaming, especially Adere. Adere stood up and Renu held him saying, "Where do you want to go to now? We have to make sure that that is not a trap. If you think of carrying that one along I must warn you that it is risky. He has suddenly showed his interest in the watchers and the way he spoke before that incident was something that we never expected. You should know that even though he is your friend or he used to be your friend people do change. You should not put so much mind in it all because it is not going to help you at all. Please kindly do what needs to be done and let us keep looking for your mother and the rest. You know that by now your mother must be very worried. What we need to do is to focus and do what needs to be done and that is it. Do not allow things like this to keep on happening. Let us look for the rest" "I know what you are saying and I am quite sure that you are meaning well for all of us. It is quite understandable but let me remind us that this person that we are talking about saved our lives. We were so much stranded and were waiting for our death. I could have decided to do what needed to be done but then I realized that I was making a huge mistake. What others could have understood was that I am not going to allow someone like that even if he suddenly changed, as long as he needs our help or my help as it appears now I am going to have to help him" "Helping him is not the problem but knowing whether truly he is in need of that help is what we should be after to verify. We should be focused so much in these things and not allow the things that have eaten us up to define us. If we go to him and it happens that he had gone to call the Abah people to come for us then what do you think will become of us. We should not be discouraged to do what needs to be done instead we should focus and do what needs to be done..We are not required to pay back evil with evil but to pay back evil with good. I stand for that and I live for it. Are you with me or are you not with me? If you are with me then hold my hand, follow me as we go straight to where he is and help him" At that juncture Renu looked at the rest and realising that they were ready to follow Adere she sighed and said, "Very well then, since you have decided and in your heart you believe in what you are about to do then let us do it" They all headed towards the path where they heard the screams of Edu to know if he was still there and then help him. In the land of Abah, The king of Abah, well built, dark and had a hourse voice. He was known to not smiling and record had it that he ate his own child because his wife annoyed him. When his wife decided to present the case before the council unknown to her that her husband had a way of manipulating the whole council elders and that he had all of them in his pocket. That day while she stood there sobbing and complaining of how her husband are here only child to get back to her on what he termed "disrespect to his person" the elders were not ready to side with her for fear of showing their disapproval of what their king did openly. Nobody stood against the king because not only was he a king but he was known to be a great warlord. He was the one that said that it was insanity that had made the people of Agori to think for a second that they had the best warrior and the greatest warlord in the whole universe in the person of Aboro. He laughed the day that the watchers of Abah brought this information to him. He had said to them that day, "What do you then watchers of this great land say to what the people of Agori think about their so called warlord being the greatest warlord in the whole universe?" "King of Abah, we do not think that they are at their right senses but truth be told, Aboro is a great warlord despite the fact that he earned that name warlord through his records we still won't believe that he has so much more than you do have. We should not pay attention to that my king" On the day that the wife of the king of Abah stood against him inside the hall to complain of what he did to his daughter with tears in her eyes she swore in the name of the ancient beast of Abah and the king and elders flared up because they hated to hear that name or should it be said that they feared to hear that name mentioned in their land. The king then found a way to hang his own wife. He called on the elders and said that his wife had committed the worst sacrilege and that by mentioning the name of the ancient beast and swearing by his name she had cursed the land of Abah, the land where she was queen. With this the king said that the queen would be stoned to death..The elders who tried to prevent the king from what he was trying to do were warned against standing against the king and they remained calm. Even at that there were still some of the elders who stood their ground and even though they knew the outcome, damned the consequences and stood against the king of Abah on his decision to have the queen of Abah killed like a chicken. All the elders that stood with the queen and against the king were all brought out and executed at once. They were not left to remain alive. The queen watched as the men that supported him were all brought out and executed and he kept wondering what exactly had happened. She could not tell what it was exactly that had happened and why all of a sudden her husband took the whole thing to a level that he was not supposed to take it. This annoyed her and she turned to her husband, knowing that she would be the next to be killed and said to him, "You think that you are the king because you are seated on that throne? Ever since you became the king of this great nation you have not for once had anything good to say or do for me. You always do things to favour yourself and most times when you have made a terrible mistake you look for someone to heap them on top. Should I shock you a little? You have nothing that the warlord of Agori does not have. You have his strength and he has your strength. You have his built and he has your build. Should I tell the only thing different from you and him? If is your statues, the fact that you are the king of this great kingdom is what sets you apart from him. You killed my only child and not only did you kill him but you ate her and then after you were done eating her you made me to face her remains and cry over it. You will die like a chicken my dear husband. I curse the day that I met you and I know that you will always remember this day; this day that you killed all those that stood for me and saw evil in you. Now that you have killed them and about to kill me permit me to tell you that our death and the death of my daughter will be more noble than yours. you will seek for death but you won't find it because both life and death will hate you and will abandon you. You will stand your ground but will not be able to see what the gods have in store for you. Your generation not yet born will cry tears of agony and will at their own tears. You will wish you had not met me and I had not spoken the words that I speak here today. You, the man that married me but failed to live up to the expectations of a husband, instead treated me like a dog and my child you ate. You will remember today and then where you are lying you will call on the gods whom you have offended so much to come to your rescue but they will pay deaf ears to your prayers" When something great happens they don't just happen because there are those who are unaware of it but because there are people who are actually behind every great thing that happens and so we are always advised to make sure that we do what we are required to do. Nobody will look at you if you are not willing to do what is right. There is no one who will ever make you feel alright I they are not ready to allow you suffer. let us look at the next episode of this great story.
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