Chapter 15

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Aboro while still in the land of Zinu with the king of Agori decided that it would be better to have the king make up his mind about how the land of Zinu was to be run. The king of Agori was told that Aboro wanted to see him and he asked them to let him come and see him. When Aboro stood before him he drew his sword and stuck it in the ground and then said, "It is a privilege to be your servant king of our land, king of Agori. I would have said that you did not prepare well but that would be so stupid of me because actually I can tell that you are the best amongst the rest. kindly do what needs to be done and do not allow things to go against what you believe in. There are a times things would seem impossible but we have always worked together to prove enemies wrong. At this point it is well known that there is something that needs to be done which we are not doing well. We can not allow this land of Zinu to remain empty like this while we go back to the land of Agori. Which is why I'm suggesting that you make me the lord of this land of Zinu while you return with the rest to the land of Agori. I will take care of this land and take care of our people who are going to occupy it with me. You know too well that I can do this that I am telling you that I can do. What do you think my king?" "Well, if truth must be told I can say that you have made a brave point though. You have proven to me that you are actually willing to do what needs to be done and that makes me so happy with you. Meanwhile I will leave this land to your care and hope that you take it to the next level. You re to make this land what it needs to be, you are to give in your best to ensure that this land remains what it needs to be. You are to remain here with those who are going to make something great out of it. You are to build with those that I am going to leave here with you and when you build do not forget me that started the building. You already know what it means to have two persons in the same category and it is quite something good to have such things. I will leave you here to take care of this place but mind you that women have a way of making things difficult for we men. They are known to be very funny and if you are carried away by their weakness you will neglect their strength, their strength which is very much hidden in their inner side. You will miss the whole point of doing something right. This is why I am telling you this, so that you will know what to do and how to do it. Kindly follow the way to make things happen and allow things to turn out to be in your own advantage the way that it is supposed to. I am very much convinced that you are aware of what I am talking about and that you are willing to do what needs to be done to make things work for us all" The king stood up and Aboro smiled. The next day the king of Agori left the land of Zinu and left Aboro with a handful of men that were great fighters too to stay in the land of Zinu and build that land with him. The night the king of Agori left the land of Zinu Aboro had a meeting with all the men that had been left in his care and when he had sat them down he spoke, "I have been privileged by the king of Agori, our king, and he said to me, "Build this land Aboro and build it with the men that I am giving you which are you, and he said that he would not want to have anything to do with anyone coming to have anything to do with this land. This is one thing that has always kept me hopeful on our king, for his powerful way of making things happen would seem like he is aware of the things that happen. Let us join our hands together and ensure that the Zinu people did not return to this place" When he paused he expected one of them to speak but the men with him were quite. And then he was forced to ask, "why have you changed so much, why have you decided to be still even after I have made you to understand why we are here and what we will be doing from now on. You all know very well that I am not going to allow anything to come straight and work against us but we are going to be strong here" One of the men with Aboro seemed to be thinking about something entirely different because he was not concetrating on what Aboro was saying. When Aboro noticed this he said to him, "Your abscent mindedness has always left me wondering if you are actually ready to face what is facing us. If you are not ready to face what is facing us how are we going to allow things to work out the way that they are supposed to work out. You need to speak and tell us what you think. I am Aboro and they call me the great warlord but that has not changed the fact that I am still human and there is no way a human can know it all. Only the gods know it all and I am now t a god. I am having you all here so that you will help me in making the right decisions. If you are not contributing to the movement of us what else will you be doing for us?" The man that had had his mind somewhere else while Aboro was addressing them then raised his head to look at Aboro as if he had just woken up from a sleep and missed out on the discussion but actually that was not the case for he had heard everything that Aboro had said and he was ready to reply him. "You know it would seem like I am not comfortable with the way things turned but if I said that I am not happy then I lie. I mean who would not be happy with the fact that we are being brought here to take over this place in the name of our king, the king of Agori but then there is a problem somewhere and we are not expected to have anything else to say about anything except the fact that people know what they have to do. The reason it would seem like I am not in tune with what you have been saying is because I have been deeply thinking throughout our coming here, attacking and killing most of the people of Zinu and now ready to take over this land. You see Aboro we are warriors and we are proud of who we are and in as much as we are warriors we are expected to know what is happening in the world. You know that our king is a great king no doubt about that but there is something that we are not paying out attention to and that thing is very important. If we keep neglecting it a time will come it will become a painful thing for us to hear. When a man is sick in his young age and he neglects his sickness and does not treat it because he thinks his is still young and the sickness can never tie him down but when he begins to grow old the sickness will remind him that it has been with him through out the time that he was aging but did not reflect because his blood was still young enough to carry it. But now that his blood is weak it has come to remind him that it is still there. The reason I am telling you this is because we are failing to pay attention to the very thing that has brought the world into fear. You know of a land called the land of Abah and you know of what is happening in that ancient kingdom. We are well aware that if care is not taken we might end up being trapped in our own problems. We need to know that despite the fact that alot of people are saying that there is nothing like that or nothing like this. But we know that that ancient beast exists and there is only one way to get rid of it" At that juncture the man Aboro was no longer comfortable with the way the man was speaking. He was not ready to allow him to keep talking like a mad person and putting so much fear in the hearts of others and said he shouted "Enough!" and the man kept quite. "You are speaking nonsense do you know that, do you know that you have been speaking rubbish for a long time now? We are talking about what we see but here you are talking about what has never been. You have failed to know that one very thing that the people of Abah does is to try to make it look like they are most feared and that is why most of the time they come with some mystical stories to make other kingdoms fear them. They are good at that and they do it often. I have been told of how they talk about the watchers of Abah kingdom, they are said to be the biggest cult in the world and that they are the most powerful group that does not only speak to the gods but they discuss with the gods and spirits. These are some of the things that they make up in order to try to make us fear them but that is nonsense. I can tell very clearly that if any day our king decides to take over that land called the land of Abah I will be with him to do it. I will lead the army of Agori to make that happen" "You do not understand do you? It is not said that the people of Abah are using the name Ancient Beast to scare people outside their kingdom but that they themselves are scared of it, even the Watchers are scared of it. They are not saying that they are the most powerful but then they are saying that they are the ones to make things happen. We know of what it means to have a beast in our midst right here as we are seated let alone a beast that has lived for a thousand years and prophesied never to be able to be killed or die on its own" said the same man and at that point his utterances got Aboro angry and he flared up, "You know I have been wondering if you are saying all of this to annoy me purposely or if you are clearly being foolish? You mean to tell me that you do not know that the reason I called for this meeting is to think for a way to make amends here in his kingdom that we are positioned to take care of? If you have not remembered why we are here maybe I will have to be forced to make you remember; the reason I called for this meeting and the only very thing that we are going to be discussing here is the very thing that has to do with this land that we have been brought to sack the people in it and then take over it. You all know quite alright that the king of Agori had returned to the land of Agori, leaving us here to make something out of this land. We are not here to talk about the land of Abah. When the issue of the land of Abah is raised and raised by our king we will know what he has to say about it and we will then do whatever it is that he commands. For now stick to my directives here and do not stray from the path that has been chosen for us to follow. Am I understood on this issue?" The rest nodded and answered yes. He then continued to tell them of how he had decided to make things work out in the land of Zinu. That same night after Aboro had had a hectic day with his men he retired to his room, a room that was given to him or should It be said a room that he took for himself in the biggest house in the land near the valleys of Zinu. There he chose to stay alone without anyone coming to trouble him. When he made the decision to stay there he was asked by one of his men if he was going to be alright staying there alone and he raised his head and said, "If I am not going to fine who then is going to be responsible for that? You talk of animals I have killed a lion without a weapon in my hands or you speak of another creature, like spirits, I have wrestled with spirits and have defeated them countless times. So when you are sounding scared of my decision to go and stay alone in the house at the valleys I wonder why. You should know better and stop fretting. I am going to be fine" When Aboro had reached the house and had entered it he found out that there were some sick people of Zinu in there. He never expected that but those sick old men and some young men and women had been hiding there after they had been attacked and wounded by the soldiers of Agori. They were up to twenty in number and Aboro on sighting them seated together he kept looking at them. They already recognized him to be the one that was called Aboro and Immediately they set their eyes on him it downed on them that it was over for them. They all began to cry. Aboro drew his sword and said, "I can see fear in your eyes but I wonder why you all chose to hide out here when I have not had the fill of blood. I am not sure you all understand the gravity of what you have done; hiding from me when I have not had the fill of your blood. I am going to have to rest and after I am done resting I will then know what else to do but then I am giving you an offer and I know that you will like it. You all here are scared that I might kill you and yes you are right to think that way because actually I am willing to have you all killed which is why I have decided that even though that I am going to have to get you all killed I am going to have to do that with a little bit of kindness"
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