Chapter 48

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In the land of Abah kingdom. The king of Abah was set to take another wife because he could see that despite the fact that he had already insisted that he was not going to have anything to do with anyone that he would call a wife he still needed someone, a person as bad as he was but not as bad to him as he was to others but someone with whom he could be bad to others with. He stood on the platform of his inner chamber and kept looking down through the window. His adviser was standing near him and wondering what it was that the king was looking at but the king was not ready to be distracted from what he was staring at. When the adviser looked out of the window to see that which had stolen the attention of the king he found out that there was nothing, which meant that the king was still listening to what he was saying to him. "You understood what I said right? I mean you have understood what I said earlier?" asked the adviser. The king looked at her and then kept mute before shifting off the window frames. "I do not know what you mean but like I said I have received a word from the watchers and having received a word from them I do not need to tell you what that means or should I be made to tell you? You already know of what it means when it is said that most people are going to have to do what is necessary. You have understood as well that most times it is not about who wants to do something but who is ready for something that must happen. I am not sure if you know my stand in all of this. I want to get married adviser and that should not be your concern" "But it should be my concern you know. You only need to understand how it should be my concern. Have you not heard that the woman a king is marrying has a lot to do with the way his kingdom is ran. I would like to meet with this woman that has stolen your heart, this woman that you are so eager to marry and call your own. I am not sure if you are understanding what I am saying but be rest assured that I am not willing to do anything to you, anything that can make you begin to doubt me. Simply put it this way that i am concerned with your marriage decision because I would not want you to marry a woman that would add to our problems already. You know that the watchers are doing their best to ensure that we get Adere to help him achieve our mission in the case of the ancient beast. You know that Adere if made to come here would like to have access to what he has come to do and if a queen is brought in before the arrival of Adere it would only mean that there would be restrictions and Adere would not want that" "You speak as if you have known this Adere that we speak of. You speak as if there is something that you would want me to know, something that has nothing to do with the way things are right now but if truth must be told there is only one way out of the problems that have befallen us. You dare not say that my wife will be a problem" said the king and this made the adviser to sigh. It was clear to him that the king of Abah was misunderstanding him but he was sure of what to say to him to better make him to understand that he had nothing against him and the wife he was so eager to marry. But he needed to make him to understand that it was a woman that destroyed the life of his late father, the former king of Abah land. This reminder annoyed the king of Abah and he said to the adviser, "I can see that your mind tells you that you can say words as you like and go free. Have you not heard that I hate to be told about my father. You know of how he died yet your mind still tells you that there is nothing wrong when I am made to hear about him? Leave presence this minute. What you do not know is that my wife to be will be here any moment from now and I would be expecting you and the others in the palace to ensure that she is welcomed in this palace. Believe me when I say that despite the fact that I do not care about how you feel concerning my decision I would not want you to force my hand to make another decision. I would not want you to be the reason that I move my hand. Kindly do what you have to do in order to make these things to happen. Go away from me now, I want to be left alone" The adviser did not want to keep standing there and saying things that he was not sure the king was going to take. He sighed and then walked out of the throne room. Immediately he left a king's gaurd entered and then knelt before him and said, "my king and my lord, the woman you sent for is here in the palace and she is well received, ready to meet with you. If you would not mind my king should I bring her in for you to meet with her here or should I inform her that you would be joining her soon?" The king smiled and his heart raised. He was so sure that despite the fact that he did not want to marry he was sure he was making the right decision at this moment. He looked at his guard and then said to him, "Ensure that you take good care of her and offer her all the things that she demands. Tell her that I will join her soon and when I do I will ensure that she is given the right treatment" the guard then stood up and went to inform the woman of what the king of Abah had said. When the man returned the woman had stood up and was watching some of the pictures in the room and ensuring that her eyes were well fed. The guard then informed her of what the king had said and just then the king then came out to join them and the woman then turned and stood upright to receive the king. She bowed her head immediately she saw the king approaching and the king was happy to have her in the palace. He asked her to sit and she took her sit. He too sat and the maids in the palace came back to hear whatever the king had to ordered them to do. They found out that they were not being paid any attention to and they decided to leave their presence. The king was carried away by the discussion with the woman that he forgot that he needed to have a council meeting with the elders. When he was informed he stood up and walked to the meeting room and saw all the elders assembled in the room. He walked straight to his throne and sat on it. He was not ready to be told anything concerning what happened between him and his adviser. He was sure that if they spoke about that he was not going to take it lightly with them. As he sat there all of a sudden one of the elders stood up and hit his staff on the floor and said to the king, "We heard of something my lord" "And what is it that you heard?" asked the king who already was expecting that outburst from them. The elders looked at one another and they were sure that the king was prepared for whatever it was that they were prepared to query him about. The king then pointed at the man and said to him, "Sit down" the elder looked at the rest and then sat down. The king continued, "There is no need allowing you to continue to talk nonsense you know. I do not need to allow you to keep on speaking rubbish with your mouth and so I am going to have to warn you; next time you stand before me and start speaking immediately without first recognising my office as the king of this land i will ensure on that day that you are reminded of who I am. I am still your king no matter your ranking in your office. I am still the king of Abah land and I demand respect!!!" he shouted the last words and the elders looked at one another. Another elder stood up and said to him, "I know that you are not comfortable with the way things have been going on but let it be known that despite the fact that there are others who are not going to do anything about anything we are not but we want you to make the right decision. First of all I must acknowledge the fact that since you sat on that throne of your late father you have always led us with honor and a mighty hand and we all here and others who are not here are aware of this fact. We are not here to challenge you our king, no, that is not what brought us here. If we have come here to shout at you we have no come out of hatred or a bid to challenge your authority, no, that is not what it means but it means that we care so much about you and what you represent that we would not want you to make the same mistake that your father made. We..." The king struck his hand on his seat and the elder shut up immediately. "How dare you. Are you all here to mock me or what? I have said it times without number that I hate to hear of my father and how he died. If you are not wise enough to understand this simple instruction then you all are pushing me to the wall and you know what it means to be pushing me to the wall. What I am so much eager to do is to ensure that things like this never happened. Do not push me to the wall else you will be forcing me to make a decision that will detriment what we all enjoy here. I do not want to hear about my father, I repeat do not repeat that to my ears again. If you have anything else that you are willing to say to me to ahead and say it but if you have nothing else to say to me; if you all called for this meeting because you are talking about the woman that I intend to marry, I intended to marry long before now then you won't like what I will do. I have made up my mind and owing to the fact that I am not just a grown up adult who feels ready to take another wife after the death of my wife I am happy to make you all understand that I am a king and I need an heir to this throne" "My lord, we know that you want to get married. We are not against your marriage. We can not go against our king's good intentions to bring in a woman that will sit beside him to answer the mother of the nation. I mean who would not want to make something nice out of this great decision of yours our king. What we are saying is that it would be better if you could hear us out first based on the lady that you have decided to marry. We are not against you getting married but we are against you marrying that particular lady. She is capable of many things and we can begin now to tell you most of those things that we are aware of her. We are ready to explain in details of what we mean if you would not mind" All these while the woman that the king was preparing to marry was eavesdropping on them.
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