Chapter 47

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Aboro looked at Rira once again and this all he was prepared to do was to ensure that the king did not find any more reason to be impatient. He walked closer to him but was stopped by some men who had come to stand against him with the king. The men even though they stood against him they were still scared of him because although they had seen that he sounded so gentle there was something about him that they did not trust. They stopped him out of fear and kept holding the edges of their Spears at his chest. Aboro looked at their fearful faces and then began to speak to the king of Agori. "If it was then you already know of what I would have done to these men standing before me and threatening me with ordinary spears.i would have tossed them off my face and they would have come crashing before your very eyes my lord but you know too that I have always respected you alot and that respect is laced with honor and love. I would not do anything to hurt you my king, atleast not now that I already have another ideology entirely. All I want to do is to undo whatever it is that had been done before now. What else do we need to achieve here in this land of Zinu that we had to kill all these people? I mean did it all worth it? If it worth it then let it be that we are all going to pay attention to nothing but if we are to listen attentively, we would be able to understand why things happened the way that they did. I have always been a very angry, dangerous and very able man but today and before now I learnt something entirely different from what I have always been taught. What this means is that it is time for a change to take place. It is time for us to pay attention to the clarion call of peace and understanding. If we do not pay attention to this call to peace now when are we going to do that? When we are all dead and buried? This does not mean that we have anything to fear any longer but if truth must be told there is something each and everyone of us here do fear and that is what I am bringing us to understand. My name is Aboro and all of us here know my story and how my life started. Each and everyone of us here has heard of how I came into existence and this story of mine has always been the very thing that scared most people away from me. I am a human no matter how much I try to hide that fact, No matter how much I try to conceal it and make people fear me I am still a human and a human I will always remain. Please my king, this very thing that I speak of today is simply what I will always say to you in any time to come. I simply want the best for all of us, I simply want all of us to have this peace that I have slept on and dreamt about. This peace that I have seen in my dream will lead us to our fulfiment of our true heart desires. What is man if not what man has chosen right from the day he was born. This is how I was born but this is not how I want to end; yes, I was born a warrior but I won't end like one, I won't end on the battlefield while trying to oppress those that are weaker than I am. I won't have to keep on doing that, it is not what a person who calls himself a warrior should be seen doing, instead we should focus our minds on the thing, the very thing that lifts a man up, and that very thing is peace. I kno my king that you did not expect all this from me, infact you did not believe that I day would come when I would stand up and speak the words that I have just spoken to you now but here I am not being able to escape it." The king of Agori began to laugh. His laughter rang in the air and all the soldiers that had been with Aboro were filled with confusion and they started looking at one another and wondering whether it was actually a thing of the past or if actually the king was trying to bring in something to the present. They kept wondering what else he was going to do until the king suddenly stopped laughing and then said to Aboro. "But then I was on my way to this place because I needed you to understand just how much you have offended me by delaying from replying my letters and not coming down to see me. If you were sorry like you said Aboro why did you delay? You are a great warrior but right now I do not know what to say to you or how to place you, instead what I do know is that you really need to explain to me in details what you mean. It is obvious you do not know what is going on in this world now, you are still unable to understand what is happening and somehow your mind tells you I can succumb to your words simply because you said then with so much passion in your voice. You are going to have to return to my land and you are going to have to let go of this soldiers that I gave you. They have to stop being under you and that is where we are going to start from. What you need to do for me now is to follow me back to the land of Agori. Is that okay by you?" Aboro nodded and then turned to Rira and said to her, "There is no harm done. I know that you are scared but believe me no harm is going to come to you. I will make sure of that. you will have to tell the rest of your people to get ready so that we can all travel down to the land of Agori" "What if your king decides to kill us all?" asked Rira but Aboro did not think of that neither had he thought of a way of keeping Rira and her people save in the land of Agori. He had not thought about that but all he knew was that there was no way he was going to leave the land of Zinu without Rira by his side. He did not know if it was love for her that made her think such or if he was just being kind. He was still unable to understand what motivated him at that point; whether he was being spurred to do the things he did for the sake of love for Rira or for the sake of the strange feeling, that was the vision that overtook him or if he was just being a kind fellow whose interest had changed since the last few days. Which ever that was the reason it did not matter to him, all he knew was that he had caught himself doing some good and that good was going to continue irrespective of who made it possible for him to continue with it. He then said to the king as the king was about to give an order for the soldiers to reform and begin to march back to Agori, "My king and my lord, there is this one request that I must make and I believe that despite the fact that I have annoyed you so badly you will surely give me a listening ear; when I decided to change my ways there were Zinu handful of people that I decided to show mercy. This Zinu people that I speak of are still here and they are with us. I ask then my king and my lord to spare them and allow them to follow me to the land of Agori" The king then looked at Rira and smiled before saying to Aboro, "You amaze me. Is this not one of the people that you speak about? I wonder if you think or still think that this is a child's play but whatever it is that you think you are not being taken home to be give wine and bread but to be told what to do. You already know that you disobeyed me and for the fact that you decided to keep some of the Zinu people alive is not that going against my commands and if you have openly gone against my commands what it means is that you are against me and if you are against me what it also means is that you inspiring and encouraging the soldiers under you to be against me as well, and I do not understand why" "My king and my lord, I would ask that you look at the bigger picture. Have you not wondered how Aboro suddenly is preaching peace to you? You should ask yourself, why I decided to change instantly. If you would allow us to bring to the table what we have decided to be part of you will be happy and contented" Said Aboro. The king then chuckled once more, looked around him and then chuckled again. He was not sure if there was any reason why the things that happened to him happened to him. The only thing that bothered him was that fact that Aboro was the only one that made him feel better, because with him with the people of Agori there was nothing that they needed to fear. Yes, the people of Agori had always been said to the be one of the most feared lands because of Aboro, because he was too strong and too powerful. There was never any warrior who was not afraid of Aboro. After the land of Abah then came the land of Agori as the most feared land. But for the king of Agori to be standing there with Aboro who was no longer whom he used to be scared him the most because it would only mean that his kingdom was now vulnerable and if his kingdom had become vulnerable there was no way he would be able to keep on being king of Agori without the enemies surrounding him coming after his throne. He stood there, trying to find the best words to use to describe the decision of Aboro. He stood for a while and then said without moving a face, "Go ahead and bring the remaining Zinu people with you. We will then return to the land of Agori and there we will talk about the things that we must be done" The king mounted his horse and there was the sound of a trumpet. The sounding of the trumpet meant that it was time to start the jouney home to the land of Agori. The king of Agori began to march and Aboro quickly informed Rira and her people and they all got ready and began to move too. They were all put in carriages and they they too began their way to the land of Agori. Most of the Zinu people who were with Rira and Aboro had never paid a visit to the land of Agori but on that day they were being taken to that place and they could not tell what exactly they would be made to do there, if they would be made to become slaves or even killed they could not tell but one thing kept them hopeful and that was the fact that Aboro was the only one whom seemed capable of changing the mind of the king of Agori from having them subjected to either s*****y or death. They kept riding towards the road that led to the land of Agori and the king of Agori kept mute most of the times for he was still contemplating on what to do based on the new development. He was sure that Aboro had suddenly decided to allow the gods of Agori to punish him; the king. He shook his head just as they were about to enter the land of Agori and said to him, "I won't allow this"
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