Chapter 28

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The diviner was getting so angry with the way that Mori had been speaking to him. He was not happy with the fact that she kept on making him look like a fool before her. She sat there making him feel like a fool and he was not prepared to continue to intake her insults. "I can see that you are not willing to do what I am asking you to do. I can sense that you are willing to make it all look like a child's play. I can see that despite the fact that there are those who are not willing to do what needs to be done but because there are many who despite their anger issues have troubled others into thinking that they were industructible. What would you have me do now? You would have me leave you alone simply because you said I should do so? I will then do what I am supposed to do without having to keep asking you to allow me to do them because without being told I have seen that you are making a mistake. You are not going to push me to make the mistake with you. This is what is required of you my dear, you have only one thing to do now and that thing is to allow things to function the way that they are meant to function. Allow me to do what I have to do so that I can allow you to go home peacefully. What I am about to do is what will benefit us all like I said earlier and there is no need why you are trying to stop me from doing what I must do" "You hide under the "I am doing what is right" or "I am out here to do what will benefit the whole land to exhibit what will benefit you alone. I do not have anything to say about you but I am clearly sure that you are nothing good to write home about. You are simply a person with so much things to exhibit but I am not surprised because truly I saw this coming before it came. You tried to make my father see you for what you are not and you believe that despite the fact that you did not succeed in making me believe in your lied you have succeeded now? you lie. You can do all you want but I will not allow the gods to hold me responsible for my actions, to hold me responsible for not being able to stand for what they bestowed on me. What can I say now except that if I did not do what I was supposed to do it would be like something bad had happened. Go on and continue to do whatever it is that you deem fit but please do not drag me into your nonsense and then make it look like there is something else you would want from me. I am not going to allow the gods punish me for you own mistakes, your own carelessness by saying yes that it is good that you take my powers and make them yours. I do not want to keep talking to you any longer but just go ahead and do what you intend to do" The man was not ready to keep listening to whatever it was that Mori was saying. He walked up to her and used the piece of cloth in his hand to cover her mouth. Once her mouth had been covered he said to her, "You can remain here for another six hours without food nor drink. You are expected to change your mind before then else you will force me to do to you what you never expect. You are now privileged to think through it. Think about everything and then come to a conclusion. I am leaving you here now. You are the one responsible for your own welfare and your own safety, not me any longer" He walked out of the room and the lady began to sob. She had been holding herself all the while to make the man think that she was not afraid but deep down her she was very much scared. As she sobbed she kept thinking about her father. The next day her father decided to pay a visit to the home of the diviner to know how her daughter was faring and how far she had gone in learning what she had been learning. That day, inside the room where Mori was kept what she could think of was her father's face and then suddenly she dozed off. She felt some strange toxic substance running through her and she felt so dizzy. She knew that the man injected some strange substance into her and that was making her so weak. The weakness caused her to be sleeping every second. When Mori's father entered the diviner's compound the diviner was not around and when he tried to knock on the door he heard someone call on him from the back and he turned to see that man coming out from the bush nearby his house. He was carrying some herbal leafs in his hands and he had been hiding inside the bush right from the time he saw that Mori's father was entering his compound. When he was certain that he was not going to go but having seen that there was no one at home but instead had headed to knock on the door he decided to come out from the bush because he knew that if anything like that ever happened it was a big problem. He knew that if the man knocked his daughter Mori might wake up and begin to ask for her by making noises, owing to the fact that her mouth was sealed. When Mori's father saw that the diviner had gone into the bush to get herbs he smiled and waited for him to reach where he was standing. When the diviner reached where Mori's father was standing Mori's father then said to him, "I was going to knock on the door because I checked the backyard and I saw that there was no one at home. I thought that you could be inside he house probably resting. I did not know that you went to the bush to gather your herbs. How is everything going on with you here?" He asked with smiles and the man chuckled and then said, "Everything is fine Mori's father, I can see that you have come to see your daughter. I can see the love of a father for her daughter in your eyes. I can see that you would do anything just to ensure that everything gets on right. What I am going to have to tell you now is that everything is alright. You truly do not need to bother yourself about anything. I mean that if you are so much in love with your daughter the best thing that you are going to have to do for her now is to give her the spacenso that she can learn what she has come here to learn and learn it perfectly. If you keep coming to check on her often it will cause her to forget why she is here and if she forgets why she is here I wonder if that is the right thing to do. Kindly do what you have to do and let things work out the way that they are supposed to work out. You know for sure that there are those that do not make it in life not because they do not have the potential to make it in life but because they are not given the understanding that it is not about who makes things happen but about those that are willing to keep learning in order to keep making things happen. I mean what else is your daughter living for now if not for the gift of the god that are now manifesting in her. We should be very much proud of ourselves that both of us witnessed her time. You know that what we have failed to understand is that it is not everyone that is going to become great but for those that are meant to become great what they need is not just a nurturing hand that will help them to become what they have been destined to become but a hand that will constantly remind him of what is expected of him and cause him to do what is expected. What this means is that your daughter is in safe hands and that you should not keep bothering yourself about her and then keep visiting every now and then. If there anything wrong with your daughter I will be the one that will send for you or come to visit you If there is anything that troubles you I will be the one that will make amends and bring the truth to the open. Let me do my job and the gods who are doing their job through me will not be disappointed in me. Allow me to do my job perfectly well and I will be made to have what it takes to stay very strong. I mean is it not what we want; that she rises to become the person that not only speak for the gods but a person that the gods speak to us through" said the diviner as he flashed a smile at the father of Mori.
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