Chapter 29

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Inside the forest where Adere was with the rest he said to his mother , "I am thinking that it would be better now that we have decided to make ways for ourselves, let us try and know if there is something else we will be able to do here. We can not continue to be here because as it stands here will soon be overrun by beasts and we and others may not know when the real beast, the ancient beast that has been talked about all these years will come this way, this is why I say it is better if we decide to do what needs to be done instead of looking the way that we are looking. No one has ever tried to do something on their own simply because they want to do them..I will talk to the rest so that they will get ready for us to move. Do you understand?" "I understand what you are saying son but what I do not understand is what you meant by what you are saying now. I mean how sure are we that we are going to be able to do well in these times. We have to understand that there are no middle grounds and we must not allow things like this to set us back. Tell the rest that we have to find another land to go to. My son my utmost concern is to ensure that you are well and well taken care of. I do not want you to continue looking the way that you are looking, knowing for sure that what I need is a place where I can find rest. What is happening might come for your head and that is not what I want, instead what I am looking out for is your own safety, your safety is what will assure me and nothing else" "But mother there is a question that I would like to ask you now, I know that you will be able to answer me this question very well; you yourself just said not long ago that the lady with us by name Mori was saying something about me before she fell sick. You know that during the time that you were you talking I was listening to everything that you were saying but I decided to keep quite because I did not want you to stop talking about it so as to be able to learn what it was that you were trying to make me to understand. Now that I understood where you are heading to what I want to know is to know deeper about Mori, that way I will be able to know if truly I am meant for something, something that I am required to accomplish. What else am I going to say if not what I am saying now; let me get to know her before you pray for me" Adere smiled but his mother was not pleased with those utterances of his because actually if she had known that telling her son the things Mori said about him was going to make him start seeking to know more about himself she would not have dreamed to even reveal a pin to him. Now that the whole thing had been revealed it was left for her to correct her mistakes. She was not going to allow her only son to start seeking to know more about himself, she was not going to sit back and watch him make a terrible mistake that his father made. "You know my son there is something that I am not comfortable with and that is the fact that you like to make it look like I am a fool, your father made me look like that too and that did not end well. Look at it this way, just look at it this way, is this what it is supposed to be? Can you not see that things are spoiling more than they should? You have not stood for a second to ask yourself questions concerning your father? Was he not doing what he felt was going to make him a name when he died? ofcouse he was and that was not any good to him, he died just like that and now you want to tell me that you are not going to run away from what killed your father? Your father who thought he was going to be a hero refused to escape the land of Zinu with us and stayed back to protect some people. I am not saying that what he did was wrong but I am saying that I have lost a lot of people who came out of me and thought that they were actually living for others. I have never had anyone who came through me and stayed for me and gave me the loving that I felt that I deserved instead what I have always gotten was a pitiful situation, a situation that has always deprived me of things that I should enjoy. My son the reason that I am raising this alarm is not because I do not know just how much it means to you all these years. I know that despite the fact that you would not want anything to be your downfall it is not going to be in my case. You are going to stay alive for me and you are not going to raise my heartbeat and then let it kill me. Stop trying to find out whatever it is that you are already preparing to find out from Mori. Mori has nothing that I should allow her to tell you instead what Mori should focus on is to tell me what he needs to tell me. Your duty is to make sure that two of us doesn't leave each other's side and that is it. Do you understand me now my son or do you still need me to explain more to you?" Just then Mori stepped up to them and stood before them, sighing heavily she said, "Running away from the land of Zinu was not the right idea but who does not run when the one protecting him has been killed? We chose to escape because that was our last hope. What this means is that we will soon start thinking of how to get back there. I mean is it not what it is supposed to be? If we stop going from here to there it will stop us from living. Staying back here in this forest will end us all and so I am just going to suggest that it would be better for us to return to the land of Zinu" "Zinu?" both Adere and Adere's mother said almost at once. Adere then spoke, "Zinu is our homeland no doubt but saying that we have to go back there is something that needs to be checked. Do you know of what you are talking about? That land has now been occupied by the soldiers of Agori and you and I know for sure who is incharge of those soldiers. He was the one that killed my father and he is serving that wicked king of Agori. Is he the man that you are saying we should go on and do what to? If we must leave this forest which I know that we must we must either go back to Akuzu or we find another place" "Akuzu, that land that is occupied by people that hate people? I do not think so" said Adere's mother. Just then Edu walked up to them with Renu and Edu who overhead them say the last words said, "It might look like Akuzu is the worst land ever but if truth must be told the worst land ever is not Akuzu but Agori" "The worst land ever is not Agori but Abah land, that land, is the worst land on earth" when Mori said this one everyone chuckled and then it was Renu's turn to ask, "The what do we do or are we going to remain here and either get eaten by the ancient beast that is in pursuit of any being he lays his eyes on or are we to go to where exactly?" "If I am asked I would say we should return to my land, the land of Akuzu, I know a place where we can hide, a place near the mountains and there the king of the land of Akuzu and the likes of my father will not be able to find us out there. Let us go there" The rest looked at one another and Adere spoke. "If you knew a place like that in the past why then did you not introduce it to us? I begin to wonder if actually you are going to do anything about this but having said this in the ways that it has lasted let us go back to the land of Akuzu but when we are there we are not going to rest until we are sure that the land of Zinu is no longer ours" The rest agreed and just as Mori was about to move Adere's mother held her by the hand and said, "Remember that you have not finished telling me that story. I am so eager to hear it to the last and so as we make our way to the land of Akuzu you will be telling me everything that I need to know. Do you understand what I am saying?" The young lady continued with the story of her experience with the man that her father took her to so that she could learn how to master her powers in his hands; That very day after Mori's father was sure that there was no way he would be able to be allowed to see with his daughter he then said to the diviner before he left the compound, "I am delighted with the way you have been taking good care of her. I can understand why you do not want me to meet with her now, she must be very busy with her studies I can understand that so I will be waiting" The diviner had decided that next the man returned he would be no where to be found. He planned to take Mori with him to a long journey, a journey that would take him to a distant land, a land where he planned to settle in and then build his life there. When he was sure that Mori was not ready to do what he had been begging her all those while to do he angrily walked into the inner room and returned almost at the same time with a knife in the hand. He pointed the knife at her and threatened her with it. "Are you going to accept to do what I have been asking of you all these while or you are ready to taste the sharpness of my blade? Mind you that I am not with empty threats, if I say something I mean it and now that I am saying this I mean it. Just tell me exactly what you would want me to do and when I must have seen just how far you have gone to convince me that you are with I can now rest this blade, aside that I am sure going to make sure that you suffer for this. I am going to have to kill you. What have I asked you now, are you going to willingly give me what I want or are you ready to face the dance now, are you ready to embrace the blade in my hand?" At that point what Mori did not know was his mind; she did not know if he meant his words and would stab her with the knife of if he was just joking.
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