Chapter 67

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Where Aboro was lying down and Rira was kneeling beside him trying to revive him she was unable to know what next to say or do for him to recover. She felt tired of the world already and sat dejectedly on the ground..She could feel his heartbeat but to her she was not happy with the recent developments and this was not what she had prepared for. She remained there and almost crying a river. All of a sudden she heard a sound and she knew at once that some animal had found them. She sprang up immediately and got ready Incase of any surprises. *** Where Adere and Renu were standing before the little boy the boy had left them there and Adere was wondering what a boy that age would be doing in the forest. He did not know what else to say but one thing that he was aware of was to get it across that it was time that they continued with their journey. They were about to continue with their journey of getting to have to find the ones that were missing when all of a sudden the watchers approached them where they stood and Adere was shocked but not as shocked as Renu was. Renu did not know what to do at that moment but she knew that if the watchers of the land of Abah had come to them it meant something that they were not able to say. Adere tried to move back with Renu but then Renu held his hand and moved forward instead. "What a brave one" said one of the watchers before he continued, "Are you not brave and you have decided to come forward. Meanwhile we are the watchers of the land of Abah" "You do not need to tell us who you are. We have known who you are before now and we are not going to allow you to do to us what you did to us the last time we had an encounter" Said Adere and Renu. The watchers then decided that it would be a nice thing to have them notice what it meant to have a very big reason to do what they have done. At some point the one that was called to do what needed to be done said to Adere, "I have decided to do what needs to be done, nobody is going to blame us for doing what is right instead we will be made to have the very reason that we have always had. Having said this Adere we are glad to have found it because we have found your mother and she has told us that she is your mother. As we speak she is waiting to see you" When the watchers said this Adere could not believe his ears. He looked at Renu and could see that Renu was as shocked as he was and then he said to the watchers, "I have seen that you all are trying to pull my legs" "If we were trying to pull your legs maybe we could have used another thing to do what we did. Maybe we could have said something else but we did not, instead we spoke of what it is that you are suffering from now even though we did not know before. How then did we know? We knew because we were told by your mother who said, "Go, then and look for my son and for those with him and tell him that I am not missing but instead I gave gone to look for help and in so doing I have found the king of Abah who has decided to help us. My son I am waiting for you to come with the watchers with the rest to where I am and I would like to see you again because I have missed you so much" This utterance from the watcher did not go down well with Adere who still thought that the watchers could decide to do whatever it was that they could just to get at him" "You all are the watchers of Abah who listen to the spirits and can hear voices that normal humans do not hear. How am I sure that you are not making this story up just to lure me to something that I am not aware of?" "If we are here to have you killed Adere we would have done that long before now. We have not killed you, we have not decided to have you killed because our hearts and minds are with you. We want to help you because we listened at length what your mother had to say and we are only also acting under the influence of the king's orders, the king who is bent on ensuring that you return with us to the palace of Abah where your mother had had a dinner with him" Adere was shocked as he asked almost immediately, "Had had a dinner a with him? Are you saying that my mother had a dinner with the king of Abah?" his question needed no answer for him to understand that answer was yes and he looked at Renu once again but Renu was as shocked as he was and he did not know what else to do. Renu then decided that it was time for her to speak again and she said to the watchers, "What if you have decided to have us killed?" "If we wanted you both dead maybe we would have had this long conversation, instead we would have killed you and had returned to Abah but that is not why we are here. We are here for something entirely different. We are here to unite a son to his mother and a mother to his son and apart from that we have decided to offer a hand of friendship to you and to your people, the people of Zinu land having learnt from your mother that that is where you come from. We are friends, we are offering a hand of friendship" "No, I do not think you understand what it means to have something to do with someone but having been told one thing that we must learn to look out for is the reason that we are going to do what we are supposed to do. Let us go ahead then and embrace the truth and let the truth lead us. Let us not focus on the other things that should have gone beyond the reasons" one of the watchers spoke and Adere thought he has spoken without making any point. He said to Renu, " I do not trust these men but one thing I do know is that we do not have another alternative but to follow them to the palace of the king of Abah. This is what it is going to be. There is nothing that we are going to do about it. If we say that we are not going to look at it the way that it is supposed to be let it not affect us also that there are those that have what it takes. Let us go with them. Having been able to escape from the land of Zinu was a risk on its own and having been surviving all these while is also a thing of miracle. Now we are not going to shy away from something that could turn out to our Favour. If they say that my mother is there in the palace of the land of Abah then let us go there with them. You yourself said that you had no idea how we will have to be able to locate where my mother and Mori are in this big world. Now let us go ahead and do what needs to be done and that is it" Having said this there was nothing else that anyone is going to do about it. There is no one who is ready to do what they are ready to do but there are others despite their ability to locate their major plans let their guards down. The two of them; Adere and the lady Renu decided to go on with the watchers to the land of Abah to see the mother to Adere and Mori who were said to be there. In the land of Abah, the king of Abah was told that Mori and Adere's mother were getting on well in the chamber that was given to them. The rain was still fast falling and the king remained on the window and looking out from it. Inside the chamber where Adere's mother was with Mori she was also standing at the window of the room and was looking out from it. Mori noticed how are was staring at a distance and went closer to the window in order to see that which she was staring at but saw nothing, only rain. She touched Adere's mother by the shoulder and the woman looked at her and said, "What is it my dear?" "You are lost in thoughts. What is it you are looking at and you are so much engrossed with?" asked Mori. "My dear, the king of Abah told me a story and the story that he told me has refused to leave my mind especially now that the rain has refused to stop" Mori was confused on what the rain had to do with whatever it was that the king of Abah told her. "What are you saying?" she was forced to ask. "My daughter, when you talked about my son and the great things you see him becoming I did not doubt you because I have seen men lie and even when they tried to make it look like they were not lying I sensed that they were lying. I was able to detect their lies but when you spoke of the things that you saw I saw nothing wrong with it. I saw nothing wrong with what you have become and I did not doubt you a bit. You see my dear but there is something that bothers me. When I was with the king of Abah there were things that he was speaking to me about and when I listened to him I realised that he was trying to make me understand his past pains and the reason he hated rainy seasons. I had before then thought the king to be a liar, a man who would not have anything good or true come out of his mouth but that was not true, that was not so in the case of when I was with him in that dining table. You see my dear, he talked about the rain and he said that the ancient beast attacked only when the rain was much. What else would you have us do if not the fact that there are things that are supposed to be done? We have decided to listen to the truth and the truth has not been very far from us. Look at it this way, there is nothing that would make me to run from anything but the rain, this rain is becoming too much. The king talked about the rain and said that anytime the rain is falling this hard it means that the Ancient beasts will have his feel of over five hundred people. I am not surprised that he said this and I am not doubting him. I saw in his eyes a man who is telling the truth. There is nothing else that will have something to do with them. Let us look forward to what this rain will bring forth. I am not going to allow my son to come here and meet what is here. What else can a mother do for her son if not to protect his interest. My son is my pride and I will always protect him"
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