Chapter 38

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in the land of Agori the king of Agori was beginning to get so uncomfortable with the whole development. He was not comfortable because for two days that they sent out the letter of invitation to Aboro they had not gotten a reply from him. This made the king to say the commanders with him, "You have all seen that I did not make the mistake when I decided to go on and attack Aboro. You all have seen that what he did he did because he wanted to do it not because he was busy to reply me. What this means is that even my Chief Adviser have no right to tell me to stop, not again, not after I had stopped more than three times for him. He will have to support me or stay out of my way. Having said this I want to ensure that all of you are ready now to face what is facing us? I hope that all of you are willing to face what is facing us because the one they call Aboro is a war beast and he kills. I want killers too with me not babies. So get the army ready for war!" The commanders did as their king had Instructed them and before long they were all gone to ensure that things worked out the way that they were supposed to work out. It was not long before it began to rain and the king having seen his wife preparing too as someone who wanted to accompany her husband to the war zone came out. The husband sighted her as she was approaching and wondered what she was trying to do. He walked up to her and said, "What are you doing in this armour? Do not tell me that you are preparing to follow me to the land of Zinu?" "Where else do you think that I am going to follow you to if not the land of Zinu? You have not actually decided to make things happen for me but you have actually showed me the way without knowing it. I want to go to that land of Zinu for the first time. Remember that I had never been to that land before and it is actually eating me up the way that it is going with us now. All I want you all to do for me is to enable me to have what it takes to make sense. Have me with you my king for once that I may set my feet in the land of Zinu" The king looked at his adviser but the adviser did not want to say anything for he did not know what else to say again and aggravate the king or he felt the king no longer trusted him enough to listen to whatever it was that he would say to him. At that moment the king said to the adviser, "I know that you think I no longer trust you enough to ask for your counsel but that is far from the truth because if truth must be told I still trust you enough and all I want to ask of you now is to tell me what you think concerning what my wife just said" The adviser looked at the wife and the wife gave him a signal and he said to the king, "Well if I am asked I can tell that the king is not to be mistaken for making a mistake. I think she knows what she is doing, I mean who would imagine that a woman would love her husband so much that she would prefer to let her life go for him. She is prepared to follow you to wherever it is that you are going to and she means to loose her life in the process if that is what it will take for to stand and stay by your side. What this means is that u support her for saying she wants to go with you to the land of Zinu. I will be going to that land of Zinu with you as well and I would like you to know that when we get there and we finally end up making Aboro powerless it will then be for us to decide what next to do to him and I will be standing before him to suggest that his head he served to the watchers of the land of Abah" The king then sighed and said to his wife, "You have heard what my adviser said. He is my Chief Adviser and I do nothing but listen to him. Since he has said this what else do you think that I will be doing if not to do what needs to be done. Let us go ahead then and enter the land of Zinu" This was how the king of Agori with his army and his wife with the adviser headed to the land of Zinu to war with Aboro and his men. When Aboro heard that they were coming to him he said to Rira, "I have said this; that if the king of Agori comes to me seeking to war with me there is nothing else that I will be able to do to him except to make things work out the way that they are going to work out. What this means is that I am not going to allow anyone to make me feel down already. Well having said this you already told me that you would want to speak to my men; that you would want to make them my core followers who are going to be following me not because I am powerful, not because they fear me but because they love me, but because they believe in my ideaology. This is what you said you want to do and I am not against you doing it but I pray that you succeed in what you are about to do" "The reason you sound this way is because your mind is telling you that you have encountered something that you have never been familiar with, well if this is what it means to be in the same category with you then so be it. You do not know this life and I am not going to say that since you know this life it is going to hurt you anything. You are entering a life where the only thing we know how to show is mercy. This mercy that you will be showing to your men even when they disagree with you. You will not have to abuse your power and have them hurt because they refused to have anything to do with your idea. I will be speaking with them or to them but if they choose that I speak with them then so be it. What do I mean by speaking to them and speaking with them; when you speak with someone you reach a point where it becomes a conversation, where both parties can talk and say their minds and the minds of each party is respected. But when you speak to someone it is usually out of the need to suppress them, you do not care to know what they want or what they think, so what you care about is what you are saying to them and all you want them to know is what you want them to know, you do not care of whatever they have in mind to say to you and so their opinion does not matter to you. What this means is that when I go there to speak to them there will be chances that some of them would want to speak with me and if that becomes the issue you are not going to be required to be angry with them, because i would not want them to think that nothing has changed. What you are going to do for me is to drop your sword in this house while we go to meet with them at the camp. Have you understood what I have said to you now?" Aboro looked at Rira for sometimes and then chuckled. Rira wondered what was making him to laugh. "I heard all that you said. I was never raised that way; to listen to people's opinions. All I was raised to do is to listen to the opinion of my king and his decisions I followed. So when you talk about these things I wonder how on Earth it would sound that I listen to other people's opinions. People should be listening to my own opinions and obeying my commands but just like you said we need a new phase of life, we need something new and we need a new life to life. I accept, but there is only problem that we are going to be having and that is the fact that I am not going to lower my sword. I may decide not to interfer when you are having your discussion with them but for to let go of my sword for anybody that is actually not going to be possible. What I am saying is that it would be necessary for you to have something in mind, do not begin to make it look like there are things that you need which I am not in need of as well but you must take this step by step and not rush it. Let us go ahead and do what is needed to be done before anything else. I am taking my sword with me" Rira did not want to interfer again in his decision and so she decided to allow him to go to the meeting with the army at the camp of Zinu land. When the got there they saw that actually the army was on training and they were eagerly focusing on their training. When it was time for them to notice that Aboro was in the camp they did not need anyone to alert them. They saw his hight, they saw his broad chest and they saw his mighty hands. He was walking and Rira was walking in his front side. When he stood the soldiers began to let go of their training sticks and began to gather to hear what he had to say to them. When they were all gathered Rira cleared her throat and climbed a big table where everyone could be able to see her face very well and then cleared her throat once again. After she had cleared her throat she looked at the face of Aboro and Aboro could tell that there was fear in her eyes. He nodded for her in assurance and Rira then began to speak, "Soldiers, brothers and sisters of the land of Agori, it is in my pleasure that I decided to come to you today because I know quite alright what needs to be done here. My aim of asking your leader to bring me to your midst today is not because I want to make fun of you for failing to be able to get him to have me killed but I come out of love in my heart. I do not know if you all understand my language but I know that most of you will be able to understand it. Firstly I am not here to mock you but I am here to bring you knowledge. There is this knowledge that I am so eager to bring you all and it might sound like there is nothing else for me to say if I do not make this truth known to you all now; there is no need for all of this, while we are fighting one another, killing one another there is another bigger threat in the world and we all know where this biggest threat is coming from and why it is coming from there.
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