Always Together. 1

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A loud sigh escaped her lips as her eyes shifted to the empty side of the bed. For some reason this had become her daily routine now. Waking up all alone without him beside her. It should have bothered her but now she does not feel anything. Emptiness has numbed her. Her every morning starts with the feeling of emptiness and like she cannot do anything. Like someone has drained her energy from her. Just then her stomach growled reminding her that she had to eat something. She was famished. Lats night the dinner was actually delicious, at least it did smell delicious but she did not eat because she hoped to have the dinner with her husband but he didn't come. A bitter laugh bubbled out of her at the thought. What was I thinking? He would never change. Why was I even hoping? She thought with a sad smile on her lips. It's not like she didn't try. At first she was rigid and stone cold at his attempts but now when she was willing to let him in he had build iron clad walls around him. One that were too difficult to break. One that she hated to the extent that she sometimes felt to get away. Letting out a yawn she stretched her arms, felt her limbs crack at that and then bent towards the night stand beside her bed. She unplugged her phone and unlocked it only to come face to face with tons of notifications from all the social media sites. The sites she was part of. She stifled a groan feeling the vibrations of the notifications as they were piling. This is so annoying. After few minutes of staring at her phone which was blazing with notifications she opened her mail to check the important mails. She was relieved to see that there were only few mails to answer. She then marked the important, her publishing company's and her management ones. She could read those while having breakfast. When she thought of becoming a writer she did not except this. Like her parents did not approve of that as her father was a well known surgeon and he wanted his only daughter to continue that profession but she rebelled against that. She was a sensitive child okay. The sight of blood always made her queasy and nauseous so taking biology was literally like walking into her death. Her mother approved of this, her decision of not being a surgeon but she did not like the idea of her daughter becoming some writer. But Natasha didn't give up. She started writing from very young age. She used to write short stories here and there and finally after gaining confidence she opened a blog of her own. She started writing series there, snippets and everything that that made her happy. Soon she got a offer from publication house for her mystery novel and her career sky rocketed. Her first novel instantly became a best selling, sold over a million copies and she was proud. Her mother and father stopped talking to her after that. She moved out of the house and continued writing. She didn't turn back once. She was doing something she loved. She was writing. After her second novel she got more fans, yeah not readers but like actual fans who were following her on various social networking sites. She gets excessive number of fan mails, some wants to meet her while some wants tips from her and some send her hate. It was all too much for her but soon she adjusted to that. This was her life now. You would think after eight years it would pipe down but it was exact opposite. She was now getting more hype than before. Maybe because her first book is being made into Hulu short film. Sometimes she wants to reply to her fan mails and stuff but she thinks it's her assistant that should do that job, right. Well her assistant was a lazy bum. She does not do any work with grace. She is loud and loves to create chaos. 'The response should be authentic and original' Were her exact words when Natasha asked her to reply to the fan mails. Yeah she is that lame with excuses. As she stepped on the floor, a light shudder racked through her and she flinched at the cold surface which greeted her bare feet. Struggling to walk few steps she exhaled a breath, she didn't know she was holding and soon slipped her feet in those fuzzy slip ons she received from one fan. It's crazy to think that they send her gifts. And sometimes the expensive ones. She never thought that she would be this big and renowned in industry. She started writing her first book with absolutely no reward in her mind. She was glad that her first book was now being made into a movie but she had a lot of hard work to do, especially sit with the scriptwriters and dialogue writers and editors for session. It was going to be hectic but she was kind of looking forward to it. She felt like she had everything. Yeah well everything except him. His time. It clenched her heart to even think about that. She shook her head at that painful thought and as she was about to head towards the bathroom she hear the rustling sound in the room. She moved her head towards the window and found that it was just branch of trees brushing against it and just then her eyes landed on the huge book shelf. A bittersweet smile lit her lips looking at my all her novels lined up neatly. It has been twelve years since she started writing and every time her book gets published, she retains a copy and stack them up in that shelf.It's a reminder of what she gained and also what she have lost along the way. After looking at them for a long time she then headed inside the bathroom. After completing her business in the washroom she paddled down the stairs. As she descended down the stairs her eyes fell on the photo frames lined up on the walls. She smiled looking at them. They were just the photographs now which reminded her of those memories. She let her palms linger on one of the photo frame and swiped her palm across the glass. She frowned looking at the dust particles that settled on her palm. Looks like the photographs have accumulated dust just like their relationship. She almost laughed at that. She has to ask Elisha to clean them. It was one of her favourite photo of them both. She was on his back like a piggy back ride with him smiling like a goof. It was taken nearly three years ago. Three years. That's a long time. Descending another step down she looked at another photo. As she was about to adjust the photo a voice interrupted her. "Buongiorno Signora." Startled she looked down only to find Elisa standing at the edge of stairs holding a mug in her hand. She was sure it was coffee. "Buongiorno Elisha. Is that coffee for him?" She asked pointing towards the mug she was carrying. She nodded. "Si." Elisha wiped her palm on her apron. Her other hand did not flinch by holding the hot cup. But then again she has been doing this for years. She felt bad for Natasha as she did not eat anything last night and she looked terrible now. Like her eyes dimmed and she had dark circles under them. "I made breakfast. Should I serve you?" Elisha offered while looking back in the kitchen and then back to her. "No. I'm good. I'll help myself." How ironic! She thought. "You just go and give him his coffee."Elisha nodded. She was so angry at Daniel. If only it was not his work. She would have killed him. She walked into the living room. Meanwhile, tightening her robe Natasha strolled towards the kitchen. The heavenly smell of toast and something akin to syrup, eggs and bacon greeted me. She scrunched her nose at that. She did not like bacon. "Good morning." She heard his deep voice. It snapped her out of the reverie and she turned towards him. He stood near the edge of the kitchen room while holding the coffee of his cup in one hand. His eyes had bags under him like he hadn't slept in a while. Well good. The five o clock shadow on him was haunting her. She ignored the thought of kissing him and biting his jaw while those tiny scrubs brushed against her chin. Her stomach clenched at the thought of doing sinful things. It had been so long.No! Don't go there! "Hmm. Morning." She hummed her voice caught up in throat all of a sudden. He noticed the change but didn't comment. "I'm sorry about yesterday. I didn't... I was stuck at work. We can get dinner tonight though. Celebrate it today?" He asked his voice almost whisper at end. Yeah right she thought. Her birthday was yesterday it's not today. She dumped the beans in her plate and was glad that eggs were scrambled and toast was already ready. As she saw that he was still waiting there she tilted her head to give him a look. Was he being serious? "There's no need for that Daniel. Besides I'm sure you'll be busy tonight." She huffed and focused back to her task. Seriously it's not like it would make a difference.If he would have come back yesterday on time then she would have thought something but now it was useless. Before he could retort with a reply, his phone started ringing. She rolled his eyes. He was always busy. "I'm not done with this." He said pointedly and took his call. He stalked out of the kitchen but not before giving her one last look. But I am she thought. She mumbled under my breath and slumped down on her chair. It was difficult to be happy in morning. It was difficult to be happy for her. Period. "Signora do you not like the beans?" Elisha asked in her thick voice albeit hesitant as she stood near the table and observing me butter the toast aggressively.Natasha offered her a forced smile. "I'm sure they are excellent." She smiled. Though the smile didn't reach her face Elisha didn't complain. Atleast she was smiling. That's what mattered. She picked her fork and dug in her beans. As she savoured the taste of the beans she felt nauseous but she swallowed. She can do it. She has to do it.But then again this already felt like a long morning for her and she was dreading to get through it. ***
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