
349 Words
Song Recommendation: Blank space by vitamin string quartet A man has his secrets, dig too deep. and You may not like what you find.. “Not everything is about you Orion” Cassandra said to him calmly no trace of anger or embarrassment on her face, this was the thing with her one never knew. With Artemis she was bubbling with emotions so strong they couldn’t be concealed. She would rage when angry, laugh when happy, but Cassie was a closed book he could never really understand her. She was dressed in one of her many dull colors. Plain . That was what came to mind when one thought of Cassie. Brown hair, brown clothes, brown eyes. Almost invisible. Yet she had been his longest mistress and he felt somewhat responsible for her. he was almost visibly seething, perhaps waylaying her in the middle of his wife’s ball with many eyes on them hadn’t been such a great idea but he had needed to be sure- sure of what exactly? That she wouldn’t say anything to Artemis? Half the room knew they were f*****g before Artemis came along, the other half didn’t believe their marriage was a love match and who was he fooling he knew Cassandra wouldn’t tell on him to Artemis. He sighed His voice was low when he spoke “I- I’m sorry” “It’s okay” she nodded and shrugged out of his grip he hadn’t realized he was holding on to her, he set his hands down “ how’s Grey?” He asked feeling nostalgic, asking the question he couldn’t bring himself around to asking when he had last seen her. “He misses you” she said with a shrug “he looks for you” she said looking at him and for a second a look of regret crossed her eyes before that hooded unreadable gaze was back. “I know” he replied her, his voice raw with an emotion he couldn’t discern He let her walk away from him remembering a little boy who called him Papa.
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