Lady Prude

386 Words
Song Recommendation: old town road by vitamin string quartet I think thou prudish my lady..and I think thou art an a*s my Lord! He had some balls, and she meant it quite literally He was in her room when she woke. After the mortifying rejection her annoyingly shirtless husband had given her just the day before. He sat right in her room near the hearth watching her. How long had he been there? Had he watched her sleep? of all the creepy absurd things for a Duke to do, why was he even here! She sat up and c****d her head at him “Are you quite done snoring?” He asked still lunged in a chair, that damned arch brow wound high up. She parted her hair consciously “ I do not snore” she hissed at him “How would you know? Never fear, You snore quite prettily” He said throwing her a smile as if all in the world was well and he hadn’t just yesterday turned her flat down. “I - do - not - snore” she said again through gritted teeth. And flung the covers aside, throwing her legs from the bed, she sat facing him. “And why are even here” she raised the pitch up earning a confused glance from him “Fear not, Today I won’t be playing lady’s maid” he told her referring to the night of the ball, making her cheeks heat up as she recalled the evening. His eyes moved to the pretty shade of pink cleavage and she wrapped her hands around herself feeling extremely aware that she stood talking to him in her night rail. The damned thing was near transparent. She picked up his jacket— now hers, from the night stand and pulled it on for good measure. He smiled. “Oh don’t be such a prude lady wife” he said earning a shocked gasped from her “I’m not—” How dare he call her a prude, he might have as well called her a old lady’s companion. “Gird up we are going riding” he said standing up abruptly and striding out from his room, leaving her to catch up on the conversation. Riding? Now that should be fun.
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