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Song Recommendation: Fire for you by cannons Precisely how does one go about requesting to be bedded! And to bear the mortifying stink of rejection! He was smiling and she narrowed her eyes at him, what exactly did he see, she waited for him to clarify and when he didn’t, but rather stood up from the bed and took a stance with hands akimbo on each side of his waist. She spoke hating the silence “you said you wouldn’t touch me, till I asked for it” she said putting her embarrassment aside “Not precisely the term I used” was his reply. At this point she was through with the conversation she shook her head “On second thought, forget it, forget I said anything regarding this” she picked up her dress to match from the room and just as she opened the door to leave, he was by her side before she realized he was walking towards her. He slammed the door back in place, all trace of humor previously lurking in his eyes were history “A little too late for that don’t you think?” “Let me out this very minute” she said, looking at him, she wasn’t scared, she just felt every bit a fool for coming in here in the first place “No” he said simply “Your grace” she said in that warning tone of hers , her brows shooting almost into her hairline “ Artemis” he retorted “you don’t actually want to walk out this door, do you Artemis?” Why was he reiterating her name like that. She attempted stepping around him but he caught her back and she yelped “Why do you keep running” he asked with a serious expression on “And why do you keep poking a nest you are not ready for” she asked him poking at his chest whit her second finger. “Not ready? You’re the one denying us both what you so obviously want” he half laughed at the irony of their situation. He wanted her so much it ached and here she stood telling him he wasn’t ready for it. “No, you are the one who tempts me beyond reason, you dangle the fruit before my very eyes and just when I reach for it you snatch it away, you push me away, like now” he loomed over her and she pushing at him, the emotions, cursing through her were too raw for her to handle “Admit it?” She chided “And I am to admit to what exactly” he asked her feeling genuinely puzzled “ admit that Perhaps my inexperience in the matter vexes you greatly, repulses you even.” She didn’t meet his eyes. Couldn’t bear to see what lay within. He looked at her truly baffled “ surely you jest” he said and then as if realizing she actually believed such nonsense “Repulsed by you? Artemis I burn for you” he cried out loudly He wanted to take her arms in his arms and shame her till she didn’t have a choice, till she believed and saw and felt all that he felt, he took her face in his both hands and she looked at him now, he wanted her to never doubt what he felt for her “Don’t you ever Artemis , Ever, doubt that I want you, experienced or no, my every waken moments are fueled by l**t for you, you are the bane of my existence and the very core of my essence, you’re the goddess I long to worship” he finished, panting and holding on to her face, he scent of strawberries and lemon strong in the air. The under of her stays, soaked through with wetness. She looked at him wide eyed “Then prove it” she said softly. Daring him to kiss her, to hold her, to take his pleasure from her body, Oh but he didn’t need to, she believed him with every fiber of her being she believed him, but being this close to him and knowing first hand the pleasure he could bring her. she wanted. No, needed him to kiss her, to fondle her as he had done in the past. She wanted to imprint him on her body forever, she wanted offer herself to him like a sacrifice for his ravishing. “No, I’m not going to do it just to prove a point” “when I do show you how much I want you , you are going to be well and truly ready” he said and she looked at him wanting to scream and stamp her foot and rage at him but she did none of that, she kept her expression neutral and spoke to him “Very well then, as you seem to be well versed in the art of sentimental speeches , and since you’re so good at lying through your teeth, I would save you the energy of cooking up any more lies” head held high she walked out of his room and down the stairs and he fought the urge to run after and give her what she wanted, what he wanted, but what would that make him if he gave in to his basal primal urges. He wouldn’t
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