Terms and Reactions

628 Words
Song Recommendation: Witchcraft by frank sinatra What lady filches garments from a gentleman? The type who is well versed in bardolatry of said husband! Her gaze shot to his eyes from wherever they had been, Dear God Artemis focus! She scolded herself. “Dear sir, your theory is unredeemably flawed” she snorted, meting his eyes, she had initially been distracted by the glorious expanse of his chest. His scent was like a d**g she craved more and more. If she could she would crawl into him. His redolence had slowly faded off his jacket that she held in her possession, it didn’t smell like him anymore, perhaps she could take another she thought absently as she looked longingly towards his closet, she shook herself she wasn’t here for his scent, and she had come to talk and not ogle his shirtless essence. He looked at her like she was a puzzle he couldn’t figure out. “If I am wrong then pray tell why are you here?” He asked then he followed her gaze to his array of jackets that lay in an open wardrobe in his closet “Ah I see, you have come to steal a clothing of mine, haven’t you?” He said with that sly smile of his. “What, No! Of course not” she flushed and then averted her gaze, splendid job Artemis you cannot even keep a straight face when you sprout lies. “I am truly here because of the give, I found it thoughtful and decided to thank you in person” she defended “ hmm. I don’t argue the fact that you say you have come to offer your gratitude, though you could have sent a note around for good measure” he walked over the side of the bed and sat “ I simply think that’s not the singular reason you are here” He looked to his closet and back at her “I am afraid I cannot grant your request lady wife” he said looking lazily up at her “That’s not why I’m here” she said seriously fighting the urge to stamp her feet in exasperation. and he had a feeling he would very much like what came next. He crossed his arms waiting, very patiently. Now how did one go about asking to be bedded by one’s own husband, and with a straight face to booth . Better to get this done and over with she thought. “I want to revise the terms” she said with a straight face, head held high, shoulders in perfect alignment. A brave front really. Considering she didn’t exactly feel bold but the very opposite, she initially thought she had thought things through before she came here, but it was easier said than done, or in this case easier thought than said. Facing him eye to eye in his well lit bedroom she felt like he had her at a disadvantage, she felt like in this battle of wills, she had surrounded and was left at his mercy, she had simply blurted it before she lost her nerve, and ran the way she had come “What terms?” He asked, lunged carelessly against his blue stripped pillows. That matched the stripped velvety thick curtains, pulled back to give light. He was a bit to nonchalant for her admiration, as if he didn’t know of what terms they spoke about “The terms regarding our marriage” she answered eying him as her irritation built, this wasn’t what she had expected. and what had she expected? That he would shout with joy and pick her up and twirl her and then he would kiss her. “Ah, I see”
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